A stranger
(2 YEARS LATER KEY POV) After passing the high school, I took admission in colldge with my frnds. We were very glad because in my opinion, it's a dream of mostly teenager. As usual, Taemin, Jonghyun and I went to cafe and sat on chairs. We were enjoying our chatting. A guy came near our tabke and asked Guy : May I take this extra chair? I turned back to see him. I was shocked to see him in front of me. He was also looking shocked. I got up from my chair Kibum : Hey. Onew : Hey. Kibum : What a surprise. How are you here? I know it's a stupid question, what is anyone do in college? Onew : *Smirk* I'm also a student of this college. How are you? Kibum : I'm fine and you? Onew : Fine. Kibum : Do you not attend regularly lecturers? I never saw you. Onew : No, i attend regularly but I also never saw you. Can I borrow this chais from you? My friends are waiting for me. I only nodded and he left. I turned to my friends and sat. My friends were looking at me shocked. Jonghyun : Do you know him? Who is he? Taemin : How do you know him? He is your friend. But you never told us about him. Kibum : Hold, one by one. If you'll only ask how can I give you answer? Jonghyun : Then tell us. What are you waiting for? I told them what happened 2 years ago. Taemin : What? You are telling us NOW. Jonghyun : And you didn't ask him his name. Kibum : No, I didn't knew that he'll meet me here. Morever, It was not matter I know him or not. After finishing our lunch we left. I didn't see towards him. My friends told me where he was. According to them, his back towards us. I didn't want to think about him, why was I thinking about him? He had no matter in my life. I was very confused. After some days, I sat under the tree alone and reading. My friends didn't came that day. I heard a voice. Onew : Hi. I lifted my head up and saw him again. Kibum : Hi. Onew : Can I sit here? He pointed next to me. I nodded, he sat there. Onew : Where are your friends today? Kibum : They didn't come. Onew : What are reading. Kibum : Business finance. Onew : Commerce? Kibum : Yeah... And you? Onew : Science. It means our departments are different. So we didn't see each other. Did you come that day to the stop? Kibum : No I didn't come because of rain. Onew : I also didn't come because of rain. Thank God! He didn't come. We talked about college, professors, students, current country's problem etc. After 1 hour I saw toward my watch. Kibum : Sorry, I've to go because it's time of my lecturer. Onew : It's ok! I stood up. As I took a step and turnd. Kibum : If you don't mind, can you tell me your name? Onew : Lee Jinki, friends call me Onew. We said bye to each other and I left.
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