Chapter 7 PS I'm back!

Saving Superman

Kris POV

If Chanyeol hadn’t grabbed me I wouldn’t have noticed that I was falling. He awkwardly helped me onto the couch and my face fell in my hands.

“Why would she do this?” I croaked, my throat felt dry and my mind blank, “There’s no telling what Mama will do to her.”

“W-what do you mean?” Sehun spoke up.

I looked up at him and shook my head, “There are a lot of things you don’t know about our “omnipotent” leader.”

He nervously wet his lips, “Things…I don’t know?”

I laughed sourly leaning my head back against the couch, “If she doesn’t find someone favorable she will torture and kill them. If someone defies her, she kills them… She killed my parents.”

“What?!” Suho practically yelled, “You never told us!”

I rubbed my eyes hoping that if I kept them covered long enough that everyone would disappear.

“It’s not something I like to talk about.” I groaned, “But they rubbed her the wrong way and she eliminated them.”

My parents didn't like the whole system on EXO. The fact that we were Mama's pawns and that when we were of age she did whatever she wanted with us. They were part of a union that looked to overthrow the whole system. They had constructed an elaborate plan and were ready to implement it, but little did they know that one of the men in the union was a spy for Mama. The day they were planning on acting my mom and my father said their good byes as they did everyday.

"Be good ok?" my mother hugged me tightly, my dad hanging behind.

I pulled back so I could look her in the eyes, "But mommy." I whined, "I'm eight I can take care of myself just fine. I don't need a babysitter"

She laughed but I could her eyes becoming glassy, "Your daddy and I are going to be gone for a few days, ok?"

I nodded as I played with her necklace. It was a small jewel that hung on a worn leather cord. 

She noticed and set me down played with the latch, "Would you like to wear this, honey?"

I jumped around excitedly, "Of course!"

She smiled and pulled it over my head. I giggled and held it to the light the jewel glinting in the sun's rays.

"Be good for daddy, ok son." my dad lifted me up in the air and held me, "Don't let the women make you soft."
I nodded, "I won't daddy."

He set me down and grabbed my mother's hand. Then they left. I never saw them again.

“We’ve got to get to EXO and find Tao and _______.” Chanyeol shot up from the couch, distracting me from my thoughts.

I laughed again but it sounded more like I was being strangled, “How the hell are we going to get there? Tao was our only option.”

Chanyeol slumped in defeat plopping back onto the couch.

“Well…” Sehun shuffled his feet, “I wouldn’t say only…”

I flew off the couch, “You have a way to get there?” I pulled Sehun by his collar yet again.

“Yeah.” He slipped out my grip and pulled a long chain from his pocket. On the end was a pendant. I grabbed it from him and held it in the light. It flashed from blue to red to green and through the whole spectrum.

“I’m going to kill you for having this.” Suho shook his head, “But first we’ve got to go.”


Your POV

“Tao,” he instinctively pulled me closer to him, “Where are they taking us?”

“Would it be bad if I said that I don’t know.” He chuckled trying to lighten to mood.

I punched him in the gut and he let out a low groan, “You idiot! What did you tell them?”
He grumbled, “I told them I needed to see Mama and that it was an emergency and then they told me I was trespassing and that they would have to take us in…”

“Are you kidding?” I sighed rubbing my temples, “I swear you’ve messed up quite a few times but its another thing to mess up on another planet!”

He looked down at me and pursed his lips, “Look-“
Just then one of the guards yelled at us, probably to be quiet, and Tao shut his mouth.

“I’m going to kill you if we make it out of here.” I grumbled.

We finally arrived at the castle. It glittered and glowed reflecting off of our clothes creating something like an artificial sunlight. It seemed like the castle sat on an island that was stuck in an eternal daylight. We walked inside and I gasped. It was the most beautiful place I had ever seen. The marble floors gleamed and they were so clean that you could see your reflection. Everything was a pristine white. White curtains lined the windows that extended the height of the walls. Beautiful lavender colored flowers sat in glass vases lined with diamonds. Maids walked along the side of the hall peeking at us through their lashes. They too were dressed in white. Long white robs that dragged on the floor and swished as they walked.

The guards led us downstairs place that contrasted greatly with the heaven that was upstairs. Grey dirty brick walls lined the stairs and dim lights floated above us.

“Tao,” I began to panic, “Where are they taking us?”

We walked through a large door that opened to dozens of what looked like jail cells. Tao stiffened and said something to the guards but they remained stoic. One of the guards stopped us in front of a cell and took out his keys. I cowered behind Tao trying to remain calm. We were then pushed into a cell the bars closing promptly in our faces.

Tao began yelling at the guards in his native tongue but they walked away ignoring his protests.

“Tao,” I croaked but he continued yelling. I could here is voice beginning to crack and his shoulders were starting to heave.

“Tao!” I yelled throwing myself onto him. He stopped yelling and brought me into his arms.

“I’m so sorry.” He kept saying. He buried his face in my shoulder. I could feel his hot tears staining my shirt and I held him tighter trying to keep myself in check.

“I promise that everything will be ok.” I tried to take a deep breath to calm myself but I was beginning to find it a little difficult.

I sat down and Tao pulled me into his chest. We sat in silence the only sound were the distant animals of the night their chorus drifting from the small barred window in our cell.

“How is your breathing?” I could feel Tao’s chest rumble as he spoke.

“It’s fine.” I lied, “I can breath just fine.”

I felt him rest his chin on my head, “I’m going to get you out of here and back to earth before anything can happen to you.”

I sat up a thought coming to my mind, “Why can’t we just use the necklace?” I pulled it out of his pocket.

He shook his head dejectedly, “I wish it were that simple. Mama has this whole castle wired. No one gets in or out without her consent.”

I slumped in defeat and Tao pulled me back against his chest, “Someone is going to have to come eventually.”

I sighed, “I hope you’re right.”

I laid my head against his chest and stared out into the two moons in the night sky. I heard his breathing even out and soon he was snoring his arms loosening on my sides.

I focused on my breathing, trying hard to steady my breaths. I wasn’t choking for air but it felt like there was a crowd of people smoking all around me and every breath I took felt like I was breathing in second hand smoke.

“Please find me, Kris.”  I finally let the tears I had been holding him flow freely.


Hey, guys!! I'm back! I'm so sorry for abandoning this story...but I promise I will finish it! I hope you enjoy this update! Sorry it's a little short... Xl

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Chapter 8: YEEEEEESSSS !!
been waiting for so long for this update :3
love the update <3
Chapter 6: is this on haitus? D:
octa82_ichigo #3
Chapter 6: Awww can't wait for next chapter ;)
Chapter 6: Please update again soon!!! I really really like this story!! :D
Chapter 4: Welcome back *grin*
Short but interesting chapter.. I think this Kara is up to something!!

I love how Tao is a sensitive sweet heart -3-

Update soon ^0^
Chapter 3: Since I knew about this fanfic only yesterday, I had to read the first part on the story then this one
I really love it ♥ (kris is my UB)
waiting for the next chapter
Good luck :)
Chapter 2: i re - read this fanfic from the beginning and and love it!!
but hopefully the couple gets back together soon authornim!