Chapter 5

Saving Superman

Your POV

We opened to door in the dorm to see the guys sprawled on the floor studying or not studying. Chanyeol had is earphones in and would begin rapping every few minutes. Kai was “reading” or more like texting with his phone in the book.

“Hey, guys.” I kicked off my shoes. I knew Kris would be gone and I planned to leave well before he decided to show up again.

There were assorted hellos and heys from every point of the room. Kyungsoo stuck out his head from the kitchen waving his spatula.

“Yah, ______-ah.”

I looked over to see Sehun look up from his Chemistry book.

“Could you help me with something.” He pouted poking his bottom lip with his pen.

I looked at the time and sighed. I hadn’t planned on staying long.

“Sure.” I smiled plopping down next to Sehun on the floor.

Before I knew it I had been at the dorm over an hour.

“I should probably get going.” I stood stretching my sore limbs.

“I can drive you home.” Tao grabbed his jacket and helped me into mine.

Suddenly the door flew open and Kris stumbled through. Tao and I froze his hands still on my arms.

Kris looked at us and rage grew on his face, “Why are you here?”

“I was just-“ I stuttered looking down.

“Get out!” Kris yelled.

I shut my mouth and grabbed my bag quickly bowing to the guys. I turned around to leave when a hand gripped my wrist.

“What is going on here?” Suho said sternly, “Why are you yelling at your girlfriend?”

Kris laughed bitterly, “She is not my girlfriend anymore.”

I slipped out of Suho’s grip my eyes trained on the ground.

“What are you talking about?” Lay looked at us confused.

Kris scoffed grabbing my arm and pulling me out. He shut the front door and dragged me down the steps and outside. He let go and turned around shoving his hand in his pockets.

“Don’t ever come back here again.” He said softly.

My head shot up, “But-“

“If you know what is good for you, don’t come back.” He finally turned around.

I only stared at him tears threatening to fall. Who was he? Why was she acting like this?

“Kris,” I practically begged.

His face hardened and he walked closer his face only inches from mine, “I don’t want you anymore.”

My eyes practically fell out of their sockets, “Y-you don’t want me.” I choked out.

He took a deep breath standing up straight. He began to walk back to the building, “Go home, ___.”

Somehow my feet began to work and I slowly walked down the sidewalk the sound of the slamming door resounding in the night air. That’s all it took for me to start crying. Tears fell from my eyes and sobs broke from my chest. I crouched down on the sidewalk letting out all the pain. I wasn’t sure how long I sat there but finally I stood up wiping my eyes, which were, no doubt, red and puffy and walked down the street towards my house. I slipped inside muttering a quiet hello to my parents and shutting myself in my room.

The next day I slowly walked to school alone my earbuds blasting music in my ears to drown out the world.

I was deep in thought when I felt someone tap my shoulder. I turned to see Tao’s shy smile. My eyes widened in surprise and I dragged him in an alleyway.

“Yah!” I pulled out my earbuds, “If Kris sees us-“
”I’m not ignoring you!” he stubbornly crossed his arms.

I sighed dropping my hands, “I can’t stop you.”

He patted my head, “You’re my best friend and I’m not leaving.”

I smiled up at Tao, “You’re crazy.”

He laughed pulling us back on the sidewalk, “I may be crazy but I am good looking.” He winked.

“Let’s go before I decide punch you.” I laughed pushing Tao down the street.

We walked into class only to see Kris on the other side of the room. I gulped and Tao patted my shoulder reassuringly. I slowly made my way to my seat and sat down while Kris’ eyes burned a hole in my back.

Finally class started and I shook my head trying to focus on the teacher. Tao elbowed me pushing his notebook to my side of the desk. I discreetly looked down trying to decipher his chicken scratch.

Are we still on for Friday?

I nodded and he nodded in reply shifting his notebook further onto his desk. I couldn’t even think of a reason to help Kris anymore but somewhere, not too far from the surface, I still cared about Kris.


Class ended and I packed up making my way to homeroom when I was grabbed by the collar and dragged into the boys’ bathroom.

“Yah!” I yanked myself from the person’s hold only to see Kris standing in front of me.

“Why are you always with_____-ah?!” He yelled.

I scoffed, rolling my eyes, “Now you care? What is wrong with you hyung?”

“Stay away from her!” He stepped closer.

“Why should I?” even though he was taller than me I stared straight into his eyes, “I’m not staying away from my best friend.”

He sighed turning away. He leaned against one of the stall doors, “I saw Kara the other day.”

My jaw dropped. Kara was no good. She was a spy for Mama so I knew that the woman was hot on our trail. We must be in for trouble.

“Why is she here?” my mind was spinning as I searched for answers.

Kris turned around. I finally looked at him, really looked at him. He looked like he hadn’t really slept in ages. He had dark circles under his eyes and his skin was pale and lined with purple veins.

“Mama wants to punish us.” Kris spoke slowly, “And I think she’s trying to hurt _____.”

“So you think the best way to help ____ is to ignore her?” I raised my voice.

Kris ran his hands through his hair violently, “What am I supposed to do, Tao? She probably hates me by now and I just don’t know how to protect her without my powers.” His voice began to crack.

I walked over to Kris and threw my arms around him. He laid his head on my shoulder.

“I promise you that I will do whatever I can to help make this right.” I whispered.


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Chapter 8: YEEEEEESSSS !!
been waiting for so long for this update :3
love the update <3
Chapter 6: is this on haitus? D:
octa82_ichigo #3
Chapter 6: Awww can't wait for next chapter ;)
Chapter 6: Please update again soon!!! I really really like this story!! :D
Chapter 4: Welcome back *grin*
Short but interesting chapter.. I think this Kara is up to something!!

I love how Tao is a sensitive sweet heart -3-

Update soon ^0^
Chapter 3: Since I knew about this fanfic only yesterday, I had to read the first part on the story then this one
I really love it ♥ (kris is my UB)
waiting for the next chapter
Good luck :)
Chapter 2: i re - read this fanfic from the beginning and and love it!!
but hopefully the couple gets back together soon authornim!