Chapter 2

Saving Superman

After our date we returned to the dorm. The date was a total disaster. Kris seemed distant the whole time.

He muttered a curt goodbye and bee-lined for his room.

“Good bye to you too...” I sighed. I decided to join the others so I went into the living room and plopped on the couch next to Sehun.

“Someone seems angry.” He chuckled.

I sighed again, “Yeah, I guess so.”

“Yah, what’s wrong?” Jongin nudged my leg.

“It’s Kris.” I wrung my hands nervously, “I don’t think he wants me anymore.”

All the guys looked at each other knowingly.

“It’s not you,” Chen shifted uncomfortably, “He’s been like this for awhile.”

“Well what’s wrong?!” I practically yelled. All the boys knew something I didn’t and I wanted in, now.

Suho turned off the TV and stodd up, “As much as Kris loves you, he misses the way he used to be.”

“Oh…” I mumbled, “How could I be so selfish?”

“It’s not your fault.” Chanyeol sighed.

I sighed for the umpteenth time, “It’s all my fault that he doesn’t have his powers. I wish there was something I can do for him.”

“Well there is-“ Sehun began but Chen kicked him hard.

“What?” Sehun rubbed his red shin.

“What are you talking about? ‘I eyed the boys suspiciously.

“Nothing.” Chen glared at Sehun.

I started to get angry, “If there’s a way I could-“

“There’s not.” Suho said sternly. I glared at him but I remained silent.

“Look,” Suho shut his eyes and rubbed his temples, “It’s late. Tao take her home.”
Tao nodded and stood up.

“Bye guys.” I bowed and quickly followed Tao.

We sat in an awkward silence as Tao navigated his car through the dark streets. Finally, after what seemed like years, we arrived at my house. Tao idled his car in front of my house, neither of us moving.

He finally turned to me and sighed, “Look, I want to help you but-“

“But nothing.” I mumbled, “It’s fine.”  I looked out the window, everywhere except for him.

I heard him left out an exasperated breath. I couldn’t take it anymore and I opened my door, “Thanks for the ride.” I gave him a weak smile as I stepped out the car.

I knew what I was doing. I knew he was feeling guilty. I felt horrible for purposely making him feel bad, but the only way I could get it out of him was to make him feel guilty.

The next morning I woke up to the sound of my alarm and to something touching my face.

“Lucky.” I groaned. She always decided to take up half of my pillow. I try to swat her away my hand landing on…skin?

My eyes flew open a cry flew out my throat. I realized that I was face to face with Kris.

My cheeks turned crimson from embarrassment and from how close we were.

“Kris!” I sat up and smacked him, “How did you get in my house?”

“Chill out, jagi.” He smiled melting my heart, “That doesn’t matter but what does matter at the moment is school. So get up.”

“Yah!” I fell down upon my pillow and pulled the covers over my face, “I’m going to kill you.”

I felt lips press my forehead. Good thing my face was covered because I swear I resembled a tomato.

“If you’re not up in five minutes I will personally drag your out of this house and into school in your pajamas.” The animosity in Kris’ threat was heavily muted by the way his lips distractedly brushed across my forehead.

I groaned and pulled down the covers only to find that he had left. I quickly dressed and ran downstairs to be greeted by the smell of something good. I saw my parents stuffing their faces with food as Kris set more bacon on the table. I padded over to the table and sat beside Kris.

“Did you guys let this pabo in?” I stole a piece of bacon from Kris’ plate ignoring his angry noises.

“He offered to make breakfast.” I could barely understand my dad’s response because of the whole pancake he basically stuffed in his mouth, “How could we say no.”

“First you scare me to death, then you bribe my parents.” I rolled m eyes, “You’ve got a lot going for you, Kris.”

“Hurry up and eat, jagi.” Kris stood up taking his plate, “You don’t want to be late for school.”

“He’s a keeper.” My mom winked at me.

“Mom.” I slumped down in my seat throwing my face in my hands.

I could hear Kris laughing his off behind me. I got up and threw my plate in the sink. Kris was still laughing as I pulled him out of the kitchen.

“By mom.” I yelled, “By dad. You guys are great…no really.” I grumbled when we got to the door.

“You’re just jealous.” Kris grabbed my hand, “You’re parents like me better.”


We were almost at school and I swear it was like Kris was floating or something.

“You’re in a good mood today, mister.” I poked his side.

He pulled me closer smiling down at me, “I’ve got my little pabo so everything alright.”

Suddenly I remembered his bad mood the other day. They say curiosity killed the cat and cats don’t exactly have a good relationship with tongues.

“What were you so mad about the other day?” there is was. The word vomit.

“Nothing.” Crap. His mood took a total 360 and I knew I struck a cord. But I had already started and I couldn’t go back.

I dislodged myself from his grip crossing my arms, “Why won’t you just talk to me?”

He stopped suddenly turning to me, “I told you to drop it.” He growled. He couldn’t quite meet my eyes.

“Nothing is ever going to get better it you hold it in.” I was getting really fed up with his attitude.

“I told you I don’t want to talk about it.” He raised his voice, “Can’t you respect my privacy.”
”God, Kris you’re so stubborn!” I threw my hands in the air, “This isn’t just effecting you,  you know!”

He chuckled darkly, “I’m stubborn? You’re the one nagging me. Maybe that’s why we’ve been so strained!”

I gasped, “Me? We’ll you need to get off your high horse superman.”

“Shut up.” He said sternly.

The word vomit. It was creeping back up again. I tried to force it down but it all spilled out as I yelled at him, “Are you angry that you’re not special anymore?!”

He stepped closer, “Shut up!”

“Poor Kris.” I smiled sarcastically, “It being normal, huh?!” I saw the hurt flash across his face, but I couldn’t stop.

“Maybe I shouldn’t have come back for you.” He spoke softly. It was breaking my heart but I was too angry to care.

I lowered my voice as well, “Maybe you shouldn’t have.”

His face fell even more before he rearranged his features into a hard, blank stare, “If that’s how you feel I guess we’re done here.”

“I guess we are.” I replied.

He stood there for a second before he quickly turned and walked down the street. I just stood there watching his figure disappear down the street.

My phone vibrating in my pocket brought me out of my stupor. It was a text from Tao.

I can help you get Kris’ powers back. Don’t tell anyone! Meet me after school.

I groaned. He wouldn’t even care if I tried to do something now.

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Chapter 8: YEEEEEESSSS !!
been waiting for so long for this update :3
love the update <3
Chapter 6: is this on haitus? D:
octa82_ichigo #3
Chapter 6: Awww can't wait for next chapter ;)
Chapter 6: Please update again soon!!! I really really like this story!! :D
Chapter 4: Welcome back *grin*
Short but interesting chapter.. I think this Kara is up to something!!

I love how Tao is a sensitive sweet heart -3-

Update soon ^0^
Chapter 3: Since I knew about this fanfic only yesterday, I had to read the first part on the story then this one
I really love it ♥ (kris is my UB)
waiting for the next chapter
Good luck :)
Chapter 2: i re - read this fanfic from the beginning and and love it!!
but hopefully the couple gets back together soon authornim!