
In Constant Stars

In Constant Stars
20 -- m e a n


Nana: Okay.

Nana: Heeyoung, I’ve made up my mind.

Heeyoung: ?

Heeyoung: about what?

Nana: I’m going to take some distance from Daehyun.

Nana: I really need to.

Heeyoung: well, duh.

Heeyoung: you swoon every freaking time you see him.

Nana: Wait, you knew?

Heeyoung: again, duuuuh.

Heeyoung: i must be godawful blind not to see that you go googoo-gaga over him.

Nana: Wait!

Nana: Waaait!

Nana: Do you think he knows then?

Heeyoung: nah.

Heeyoung: he’s been too caught up making peace with everything that lives and breathes. i doubt it.

Nana: Hmm.

Heeyoung: more importantly, nana.

Heeyoung: your taste in men .

Nana: What?

Heeyoung: i mean, suuuure, daehyun is good-looking, whatever, but he’s sooo…

Heeyoung: i dunno.

Heeyoung: at least minhyuk was a gentleman.

Heeyoung: except for that time when he accidentally farted in front of your parents and said that it was you.

Heeyoung: hello?

Heeyoung: helloooooo?

Heeyoung: okay, why do all of you always ignore me when i actually say something sensible?


Kang Heeyoung changed this conversation’s subject to ‘MAFIA!’

Choi Junhong was added to this conversation

Heeyoung: wow, i forgot to add kiddo to this convo this whole time until now.

Junhong: ?

Junhong: whats this?

Junhong: why are you still calling me kiddo??

Daehyun: are we really still doing this chat group thing??

Nana: How could you forget about Zelo?

Youngjae: Why is this called ‘Mafia’?

Junhong: why are there so many questions?

Jongup: who is junhong?????

Youngjae: …

Junhong: …

Heeyoung: …

Jongup: …

Junhong: Jongup wth?

Jongup: yo I was just kidding

Jongup: I’m not that clueless

Jongup: I think

Junhong: jongup, sometimes I worry about you

Junhong: how do I change the settings so it says Zelo instead of Junhong anyway

Kang Heeyoung changed her name to Kang Goddess

Goddess: settings > display name.

Choi Junhong changed his name to Choi Zelo

Zelo: thnx

Goddess: i like my display name like this.

Goddess: you’re welcome.

Goddess: now bow down to me.

Youngjae: … Heeyoung?

Goddess: no.

Youngjae: What?

Goddess: you shall address me as your goddess.

Zelo: …

Zelo: noona you keep telling me my friends are weird but your best friend is a weirdo herself too

Nana: I know, Zelo.

Nana: I know.

Goddess: oh, nana, i didn’t know you were online.

Goddess: i mean, we’re still in class after all.

Nana: The reason I came online was actually to tell you to STOP SPAMMING ME DURING CLASS.

Nana: Why is there no mute option for this chat?

Youngjae: My sentiments exactly

Daehyun: ‘sentiments’

Daehyun: dude wth, were in a chat group so use proper chat speak man

Nana: …

Youngjae: I think I just threw up a little inside my mouth

Goddess: why don’t you just ignore it?

Goddess: yongguk accepts and ignores our spam all the time.

Bang Yongguk left this conversation

Goddess: …

Nana: Actually, I think Yongguk is coping just fine.

Nana: So fine I might copy his ways.

Nana: Ciao.

Choi Nana left this conversation

Goddess: NOOOO.

Oops! You cannot add Bang Yongguk to this conversation. Seems like someone’s blocked you…
Oops! You cannot add Choi Nana to this conversation. Seems like someone’s blocked you…

Goddess: you can block people?!

Goddess: what is this stupid chat thing even?

Himchan: I don’t know. You were the one who started it, woman.


Goddess: nana, don’t be like this.

Goddess: pleaaase?

Goddess: classes are over too. i promise i won’t bother you during classes anymore in the future, okay?

Goddess: oookaaay, fine. i know what you want me to do.

Kang Goddess changed her name to Kang Heeyoung

Heeyoung: there.

Heeyoung: i promise that i won’t let my arrogance decide my chat display name in the future anymore.

Heeyoung: nanaaaaa?

Heeyoung: oh, i know.

Heeyoung: i shot this picture of zelo sleeping on my couch the other day when all of you came over.

Heeyoung: i’ll send it to you if you unblock me.

Heeyoung: kiddo looks super cute on this picture. you know you don’t want to miss it, nana dear.

Nana: Fine.

Nana: Just don’t spam me anymore.


Goddess: gukkie!

Goddess: are you angry?

Kang Goddess changed her name to Kang Heeyoung

Heeyoung: aww, come on! even nana’s unblocked me already.

Heeyoung: even if it’s because i kind of bribed her into it.

Heeyoung: with a picture of zelo sleeping even hahahaha! can you believe it?

Heeyoung: awwwww, gukkie, don’t be like this.

Heeyoung: you know you can’t ignore me for too long


Heeyoung: okay it’s been four hours and you still won’t respond.

Heeyoung: so you leave me no choice.

Heeyoung: bang yongguk, if you don’t unblock me right this instant, i will tell himchan about that time you snuggled up against him when you both fell asleep after his fifteenth birthday.

Heeyoung: and if you think i don’t have pictures of that on my computer then you are wrong.

Heeyoung: you can see for yourself whether you can endure everyone’s teasing if this gets leaked.

Heeyoung: now unblock me.


Choi Nana was added to this conversation
Bang Yongguk was added to this conversation


Zelo: soooo….

Zelo: is this conversation always dead ?

Yongguk: it kind of happens when people threaten you to be in it

Nana: What Yongguk said.

Heeyoung: stop being such babies.

Heeyoung: it’s more fun if all of us are in this chat.

Daehyun: Guys

Daehyun: Anyone up for eating out with me tonight?

Youngjae: Why? Aren’t you going to eat at home?

Daehyun: Mom is cooking tonight

Heeyoung: wow, ruuude.

Daehyun: No, you don’t understand

Daehyun: I love my mom

Daehyun: But she cant cook to save her life

Heeyoung: …

Youngjae: #daeproblems #protectdaehyun2014

Nana: RT if you cried.

Youngjae: Hahaha

Youngjae: *high fives Nana*

Heeyoung: honestly though, is food really all daehyun talks about?

Nana: *high fives back*

Jongup: yup

Daehyun: Whatever

Daehyun: So, anyone up for burritos or fried chicken?

Heeyoung: how about i kick daehyun out?

Heeyoung: we have zelo now to take his place anyway! c:

Daehyun: Wow

Daehyun: RUDE

Jongup: can I take your place at your dinner ttable tonight hyung?

Jongup: ur moms cuesadillas are really good

Daehyun: You know what?

Daehyun: I’ll just eat at home

Daehyun: You guys are really no help

Nana: Your struggles in life are just oh-so tough, big boy.

Nana: I cannot figure out for the life of me why we wouldn’t sympathise with your traumatic life experiences caused by *dramatic gasp* your mother’s cooking.

Daehyun: Jeez

Daehyun: Fine I get it

Daehyun: No need to get alll sarcastic and sassy with me

Heeyoung: no but really, what do all of you say if i kick daehyun out?

Yongguk: wait

Nana: He gets to be kicked out?

Yongguk: why does he get special treatment

Nana: While Yongguk and I are forced to stay?

Nana: How is that fair?

Daehyun: Now look whos beigng whiny

Nana: Shut up.

Yongguk: shut up daehyun

Youngjae: Yeah, shut up, Daehyun

Heeyoung: okay, fine. daehyun gets to stay.

Daehyun: Im honestly feeling so attacked right now

Heeyoung: sheesh, you guys are hard to please.

Zelo: wow

Zelo: 50 new messages in the span of 3 minutes

Heeyoung: yeah. imagine if himchan had joined in.

Youngjae: Let’s not give him any ideas

Jongup: no but seriously though

Jongup: I really liked those qessadillas

Zelo: quesadillas Jongup

Zelo: quesadillas

Heeyoung: you know what i don’t understand?

Heeyoung: why do we always have to be so mean to each other?

Youngjae: Do you really want me to give you an answer to that?

Heeyoung: like how nana’s always so cold to me.

Heeyoung: and yongguk too.

Heeyoung: and zelo called me weird.

Zelo: but you wanted me to call you a goddess!

Heeyoung: and daehyun is always so annoying.

Daehyun: okay now who’s being mean??

Heeyoung: THE goddess, kiddo. THE goddess. i'm not just any goddess!

Himchan: I’m pretty sure that that’s just human nature.

Himchan: By the way, hi guys, you just made my date run off because she thought my non-existent girlfriend was the one texting me and making my phone buzz so furiously.

Himchan: Way to me.

Youngjae: For someone so generally abhorred in this chat group

Youngjae: You seem to be quite accepting of the situation

Youngjae: Glad to see I can keep insulting you and you’ll just wave it off as human nature

Himchan: …

Daehyun: guys wth

Daehyun: ‘non-exostent’, ‘abhorred’

Daehyun: what is with your word choices man?

Youngjae: Daehyun, we’ve been over this

Heeyoung: exo!

Heeyoung: daehyun said exo!

Heeyoung: who do you stan in exo, dae?

Heeyoung: maybe you’re not the stupid, vocabulary-less jerk i thought you were?

Daehyun: …

Daehyun: *non-existent

Daehyun: Im flattered you think so highly of me

Nana: I forgot how entertaining this chat can be at times.

Youngjae: I especially like it whenever Daehyun gets offended

Youngjae: And even more so when it’s not done on purpose

Jongup: I learnt the word for that in english today!!

Jongup: shodenfrede

Youngjae: Yeah

Youngjae: Except it’s Schadenfreude and it’s actually German

Jongup: Oh

Jongup: :(

Nana: Gosh, Youngjae, you don’t have to be such a jerk!

Nana: It’s okay, Jongup.

Nana: Schadenfreude is acknowledged as a proper English word now.

Jongup: :)

Daehyun: notice how this becomes nerdy every tim e youngjae and nana get involved?

Heeyoung: so?

Heeyoung: doesn’t mean you have to get as juvenile as youngjae and nana are nerdy every time.

Daehyun: …

Nana: …

Youngjae: …

Himchan: You know what I like?

Himchan: That Heeyoung somehow managed to insult three people simultaneously with just one line.

Heeyoung: i did?

Yongguk: you guys talk too much

Zelo: all I know is that this conversation became a lot meaner when Heeyoung noona mentioned how were all so mean

Nana: Yeah. So maybe Heeyoung is the one who should shut up.

Heeyoung: :(

Kang Heeyoung left this conversation

Youngjae: …?

Zelo: Oh

Nana: Oh my god.

Nana: That was NOT my intention.

Zelo: neither was it mine

Zelo: you think she’s genuinely upset?

Nana: I don’t know?

Zelo: Crap

Zelo: but ive never really made her upset

Zelo: or seen her upset actually

Youngjae: Don’t worry so much, guys

Youngjae: Knowing Heeyoung, she probably clicked the wrong button and left this conversation

Youngjae: Or accidentally dropped her mobile phone in the toilet or something

Nana: She won’t reply to my direct messages to her.

Daehyun: I changed my mindd

Daehyun: my moms cooking and IT DOES NOT SMELL OKAY

Daehyun: oh wait

Daehyun: lemme guess

Daehyun: this is not the time for my problems?

Himchan: You’re an idiot.

Youngjae: You say that almost as if it isn’t widely known information that Jung Daehyun is an idiot extraordinaire

Himchan: Good point.

Daehyun: extraordinaire?????

Nana: Guys!

Nana: I’m worried about Heeyoung.

Nana: She won’t pick up my calls either.

Nana: What if she’s really hurt?

Jongup: Heeyoung noona hurt???

Himchan: Probably not.

Daehyun: pfff

Yongguk: nah

Youngjae: Lol, I can’t imagine Heeyoung being hurt over this.

Nana: GUYS.

Nana: But what if she is?!

Zelo: yeah

Zelo: I mean

Zelo: no offense noona

Zelo: but heeyoung noona IS a girl and we all know how girls can get…

Himchan: Ugh, don’t remind me.

Himchan: I’m the one who almost got a milkshake dumped over himself by a girl just now.

Himchan: Who got angry at me over you guys, by the way!

Youngjae: Oh, boo-hoo, you big baby

Himchan: And none of you have apologised to me yet!


Himchan: I’m your senior! Have a little respect!

Nana: I should go to Heeyoung’s place.

Nana: I have to apologise.

Zelo: yeah, Ill come with you

Nana: I crossed the line.

Nana: We might have really hurt her this time.

Zelo: yeah my thoughts exactly

Zelo: but how are we going to her place?

Zelo: Its too dark to go walking

Nana: Maybe you can board?

Nana: And I’ll take mother’s bike.

Youngjae: Just a curious question in between.

Youngjae: The two of you wouldn’t happen to be having this conversation while being in the same house, right?

Nana: Uh.

Youngjae: …

Zelo: we were actually sitting next to each other on the sofa

Nana: Oops?

Youngjae: I’m surrounded by idiots


Heeyoung: nana, can you add me back into the group chat again please?

Heeyoung: i accidentally dropped my phone in the toilet, so i’m using my mother’s backup one.

Heeyoung: nana?

Heeyoung: nanaaaaaaaaa?


You have (1) missed phone call from Kang Heeyoung


Heeyoung: huh, i thought i heard your ringtone from outside my house.


Heeyoung: and you don’t look happy?

Heeyoung: wait, why are you holding up your middle finger?

Heeyoung: nooooo, come back! don't be angry!


Nana: I can’t believe it.

Nana: She really did drop her phone in her toilet.

Youngjae: Hate to say this

Youngjae: But I told you so

Daehyun: *snorts*

Daehyun: as if youd hate pointing out that youre right

Youngjae: Stay jealous, Daehyun

Himchan: So, who’s going to add Heeyoung back in?

Zelo: it sure as hell aint gonna be me

Nana: Or me.

Yongguk: oh wait

Bang Yongguk left this conversation

Nana: Oh!

Choi Nana left this conversation

Himchan: Wait, what?

Youngjae: Well, that’s nice

Youngjae: Might as well leave

Yoo Youngjae left this conversation
Kim Himchan left this conversation

Daehyun: ????

Daehyun: by the way, Jongup do you want to take my place at dinner??

Daehyun: my moms stew smells awful

Jongup: i only want cessadilas

Moon Jongup left this conversation

Daehyun: guess not

Jung Daehyun left this conversation

Zelo: wait huh what

Zelo: Oh great

Zelo: aallll by myyyyseeeeelf

Zelo: don’t wanna be

Zelo: all by myseeeeelf

Zelo: ooooh wait :D I know somethiiiiing

Kang Heeyoung was added to this conversation

Heeyoung: FINALLY!

Choi Zelo left this conversation

Heeyoung: why were you so angry, nana?

Heeyoung: wait.

Heeyoung: nana?

Heeyoung: zelo?

Heeyoung: why am i the only one here?

Heeyoung: nooooooooooooo.


Heeyoung: DON’T WANNA BE



Heeyoung: …

Heeyoung: wait…


Jung Daehyun was added to this conversation
Kim Himchan was added to this conversation
Moon Jongup was added to this conversation
Choi Nana was added to this conversation
Bang Yongguk was added to this conversation
Yoo Youngjae was added to this conversation
Choi Zelo was added to this conversation

Heeyoung: hello, my lovelies.

Heeyoung sent image yongguk_himchan_snuggling.jpg

Heeyoung: i warned you, bang yongguk, but you did not listen to me.

Heeyoung: this is an example of how i can ruin every single one of you guys.

Heeyoung: i have embarrassing material of all of you and i won’t hesitate spreading it like i did with yongguk’s.

Heeyoung: so be good and do. not. contravene. my. rules.

Heeyoung: stay in this chat and let’s have a good time together! ☺

Youngjae: …

Youngjae: Oh, Jesus

Youngjae: But wow, you look really cute there, Yongguk hyung

Yongguk: …

Youngjae: …

Youngjae: That was not the right thing to say, was it?

Yongguk: youngjae if you dont want to get hurt youll put away your phone now

Daehyun: OK guys

Daehyun: I know I was being annoying earlier

Daehyun: but seriously

Daehyun: ‘CONTRAVENE’?????

Heeyoung sent image daehyun_ripped_pants.jpg

Daehyun: ok fine Ill shut up




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jmayo81 #1
Chapter 27: Heeyoung, I just adore her. She can read Nana so well, and in the case of her father and Daehyun, I’m glad that she’s around. I wonder what their dad will say, or even do w/ the money he took, will he give it back, apologize or just act like nothing happened. But her & Daehyun.... she needs to get Jinae out of her head, she’s keeping it from owning up to her feelings. But in regards to Heeyoung, I have this feeling that her 1 love was Himchan. They’ve got a dynamic that I can’t shake, and I always thought there was something, even I’m the earlier chapters. I could be wrong though.... either way, loved the chapter p, thank you for updating!
frenetic #2
Chapter 3: wow! thanks for the new chapter. i've largely forgotten the story so now i'm having a fun time re-reading it. this brings back good memories of high school BAP fics back when there were still many BAP fanfics around.
purplecupcakes #3
Chapter 26: I love the story!! I hope u update!!
Chapter 26: Update juseyo ? loving it
ShinSeoRae #5
Chapter 26: This is such a beautiful and very eventful fic <3
Looking forward to next chappies ^^
KPopnGranny #6
Chapter 13: Ch 13 Intermezzo
funniest chapter I've ever read. ???
I really liked this fic, but after such a long time without an update I ended up forgeting the story, I was going to read it all over again, but I don't have time, and I'm kind of against being a ghost follower :/

Keep writing, I do think your writing is great!
jmayo81 #8
Chapter 26: I was so happy for an update, I truthfully started back from the beginning to remember all that had gone on. Of course Heeyoung & her superwoman complex couldn’t let her go on being this way w/Zelo....thankfully! But seeing Zelo be so grownup with how he handled Nana, just mad me smile, he’s more aware than she thinks. But Daehyun, he takes the cake, I’m still trying to figure out what he’s doing or feeling. Just a single comment about Jinae can evoke a strong emotion, but that’s natural to an extent. I didn’t see him calling her out about avoiding him the way he did! Loved this chapter, look forward for more! Thank you for updating.
Chapter 26: This story has got me so hooked up. I really hope you'll update this even if it takes time.