구 Amazing

Day By Day

Amazing - B1A4


    When Taeyeon made her exclamation in joy, Jessica regretted her response. Now there was not way she was getting out of the tight hug in which Taeyeon had bound her, and the red tinge on her cheeks seemed permanent.

    But she felt like she could fly to the edges of the universe and back, like she had seen the celestial beauties of the stars and cosmos, not with her eyes, but rather with her soul and her body.  She slowly, cautiously wrapped her arms limply around Taeyeon’s waist, moving in closer, and resting her chin on the hair that lay over her shoulder, and she could feel Taeyeon smiling against her neck, as well as the little short breaths of elated but silent laughs. 

    It was a while before they pulled out of the hug, but to Taeyeon, it felt like mere seconds. She had finally felt a small ray of warmth from the rigid ice block which was Jessica. They stared at each other. Jessica still blushed, her eyes shifting to random sections of the walls and every but the person standing before her. Her gaze dropped to the floor, and as she slowly lifted her head in an effort to meet Taeyeon’s eyes, she saw the way Taeyeon’s legs were shaped; how the leggings clung to every curve of her thighs and calves, and how the baggy blue sweater she had lent her hung loosely off her petite frame, the sleeves just that little bit longer than her arms, hiding most of Taeyeon’s hands. The dainty little fingers that poked out from the hole looked so inviting to touch, and before she could stop herself, Jessica had laced her own fingers within the gaps of Taeyeon’s hand. 

    It was like Taeyeon was meant to be a part of her; like they were a two piece puzzle. Jessica was the piece with a little section missing — she felt incomplete, she was incomplete. Taeyeon, on the other hand, was the piece with and extra part — she was made to give. So every time they touched, Jessica felt whole — every time they parted, she yearned for the wonderful feeling she was so deprived of. And whenever she had to let go of the hands that fit so perfectly in hers (twice so far, she counted), she felt strange and hollow.

    Taeyeon made her feel complete.

    Jessica finally managed to look at her straight in the face, not without blushing though, and saw that Taeyeon was grinning from ear to year, the happiness literally beaming off her body, and Jessica couldn’t help but smile too.
“You look very pretty when you smile,” said Taeyeon, tilting her head to the side and gripping Jessica’s hands securely. Jessica blushed and looked away.
“No I’m not,” she croaked.
“Mmm, well, I’ll keep telling you that until you agree with me.” Jessica remained silent.

    Taeyeon lifted her arms up, making it so that their arms were flat against each other, and so their noses were touching. There was nowhere else for Jessica to look but into Taeyeon’s eyes, and she felt herself slowly drifting away from all the world’s problems. Taeyeon pressed their foreheads together and closed her eyes, all the while still smiling.
“I love you,” she said. Every confession felt like the first. It made the butterflies in her stomach soar like stars in the sky which came out of as words, trickling pleasantly, as the streams do in spring, into Jessica’s ears. Jessica’s eyes widened and she trembled slightly.
“Can I…kiss you?” Taeyeon asked.

    Jessica felt her heart stop.

    But she nodded, briskly, so quickly and gently that Taeyeon could barely register it.

    And so they both closed theirs eyes, their breathing still and with one deep breath, Taeyeon turned her head slightly and tenderly pressed her lips to Jessica’s. Jessica felt a chill run down her spine, and her grip on Taeyeon’s hands loosened as the feeling coursed throughout every cell of her body. They did not part, instead, Jessica’s lips began to move in correspondence to Taeyeon. Their arms fell to their sides and Jessica ended up taking steps backward until the back of her knees hit the edge of the sofa, causing the both of them to fall, with Taeyeon on top of Jessica.
“I’m s-sorry,” Taeyeon stammered as she ran her fingers through her hair, and scrambled to her feet quickly, still holding Jessica’s hand. Jessica stood up and coughed.
“It’s okay,” Jessica assured her. Taeyeon smiled again.

    And then her whole world stopped.
“You..you k-kissed me! Twice!” Her heart pounded relentlessly in her chest and she lit up the room with her smile. Jessica felt giddy. While the room was spinning, her eyes only focused on the figure of Taeyeon, and she felt the corners of her lips turn upwards.

    The two of them sat in silence on the floor, leaning against the sofa. The TV was , but only Jessica was paying attention to it. Taeyeon was looking at her, studying her features and drawing her over and over again in her mind as the weather report flashed across the screen.
“Now, a snow storm has been predicted for today, and we suggest it’s for the best that everyone at home stays inside until it subsides,” the weather man reported, “an estimated 2 feet of snow has been forecasted, and wind speeds may reach up to 80 km/h. Please stay safe and warm.”
“Well it looks like you’re stuck with me for the rest of this storm,” Taeyeon said as she looked towards Jessica for a reaction. Jessica simply nodded, all the while staring straight at the screen. Despite her calm outward appearance, she was panicking on the inside.
Taeyeon?! In my house?! For a whole day????
“But…” she began.
“Nuh uh uh. You heard what the weather man said. We can use this time to get to know each other, how about that?” Jessica remained silent. Taeyeon reached over and held her hand.
“…Or I could just tell you about myself if that makes you uncomfortable,” she suggested.
Jessica turned the TV off. She then stood up and walk into her bedroom.

    A few moments later, Jessica returned, hauling with her a big pile of blankets and pillows, which she then dumped on the floor.
Taeyeon was confused. She cocked an eyebrow.
“I’m cold,” Jessica clarified. Taeyeon only nodded, and arranged the pillows and blankets into a little nest in which they sank into comfortably. 

    They sat for a moment in awkward silence before Taeyeon broke it.
“So…do you do anything other than sing?”
“You know the bar? I own it. Well, Yuri and I are partners so…yeah.”
“I was wondering how you were able to afford this place,” Taeyeon chuckled. When Jessica didn’t continue the conversation, Taeyeon decided that she would have to be the one making things move.
“I work with kids. At that kindergarten near Sunny’s café.”
Jessica frowned, “I don’t like kids.”
“What? Why? They’re so innocent and lovely and cute.”
“They cry too easily.” Of course, Taeyeon knew that there would have been some other reasons as to why Jessica disliked children, but she chose not to pry any further.
“I wish I could play an instrument,” she started a new topic.
“I thought you played the guitar?”
“I only learnt one song, and a few other chords,” she chuckled. “What else can you play?”
“Um, piano, guitar, some violin, and I did flute at school, but I don’t really play anymore.”
“The fact that you are so musically talented is unfair. How old are you anyway?”
“I’m 25.”
“Oooh we’re the same age!” Taeyeon grinned. “Are you in uni now?”
“Yeah, I’m a music major. You?”
“I did psychology. I’m a registered psychologist,” she smiled, “although I’m not sure how that helps with being a teacher.”
“Wait, what? We’re the same age!”
Taeyeon tapped her head with her finger, “let’s just say I’m a smart cookie.”
They conversation reached a halt, and Jessica snuggled deeper into the blankets.

    “Can I hug you?” Taeyeon asked.
Jessica contemplated this, debating with her inner self whether or not to let her pride cave in.
“Please.” she replied. Taeyeon shifted closer towards her, grabbing one of the larger blankets and wrapping the both of them in warmth. Jessica adjusted herself and closed her eyes, appreciating the comfort and the feeling of being protected. Taeyeon was about to ask another question, but seeing as Jessica might have preferred not to be disturbed, she just stared adoringly at the treasure in her arms.

    Within moments, Jessica was asleep.

    Taeyeon brushed aside the strands of hair which had fallen over her face as she rested herself against Taeyeon’s shoulder. She laughed softly.

    And the day slowly turned into night as the Taeyeon planted a soft kiss on Jessica’s forehead, falling asleep herself, amidst the nest they built. 

    Maybe winter nights didn’t have to be so cold anymore. For both of them.






they're progessing much quicker than I had planned

I managed to do this in three days.

It's longer than usual :D





i have a tumblr. 

recently there was an overload of snsd gifs and things like that.

here http://muljjangi.tumblr.com/

you could follow me



its kay

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anatawowasurenai #1
Woaaah. Thanks for making this available again.
Chapter 33: Henlo thought u said youve never heard of taengsic
It's me. Your biggest fan. Henlo senpai
Chapter 33: This is not trash, it's truly an art. From all the fanfics I've read this is my 1 favorite. All the moment you wrote its amazing . Thank you for writing this amazing story. I hope you in good health always
Chapter 32: This is very sweet indeed. I love Taeyeon calmness, just perfect for Jessica
SwoonedbyJess #6
Chapter 33: Thanks for writing this even though you said its a piece of crap. I'll never be able to write like this. It makes me smile reading it one whole shot. <3
Chapter 33: yea, well, many fans matured after 930 so...it really depends where you're looking at. i can't go well with the 3rd gen so i'm one of those few people who will be staying at our safe place: 2nd gen. i accept that sooner or later, they'll marry someone or suddenly plan to live a private life but my time with 2nd gen is and will always be precious to me. they gave my life a reason to actually live, instead of just staying alive. they coloured my once grey world. good luck on whatever you'll do in the future tho.
choco-munchkin #8
Chapter 33: Awww this is sad this is one of my fave taengsic fics...
Chapter 33: it's been so long till i forget what the story is about..