육 Let Her Go/ Say Something

Day By Day

Let Her Go - Cover by Paola Bennet
Say Something - Cover by Eric Nam & Kim Boa



It had been a long time since Jessica last played an acoustic guitar. It wasn’t that different from an electric, but it felt nice to be plucking the strings instead of strumming. For a while, she played random passages, not actually songs, just little tunes so she could get used to the feeling.

    She looked around; there was no one else in the park, or anywhere near it. Taking in a deep breath, she opened .
Well you only need the light when it’s burning low, only miss the sun when it starts to snow. Only know you’ve been high when you’re feeling low, only hate the road when you’re missing home, only know you love her when you let her go.”
She shut her eyes, focusing only on the music and the movements of her hands, drowning herself in the lyrics and the melody.

    Taeyeon had been wandering the streets mindlessly, and soon she found herself in the park where she and Jessica first spoke. The cold air cut at her exposed cheeks, making them feel. Seemingly out of nowhere, she heard the sound of a guitar. Singing. A voice she would never let herself forget. Jessica. She was singing, it sounded sad, familiar. As she edged closer to the source, as Jessica was hidden from her view, she began to hear the lyrics clearer.
Staring at the ceiling in the dark, same old empty feeling in your heart, ‘cause love comes slow, and it goes so fast.”
Taeyeon recognised those lyrics, though she wasn’t fluent in English she knew a few songs and the meanings behind them, and this was one of those songs. The way Jessica was singing it, the way the words conveyed every emotion she was currently feeling made her feel a pang in her chest. A flurry of emotions befell her; hope, doubt, happiness, sadness, confusion. 

    Hope, because she was hoping that Jessica was singing about her, about them.

    Doubt, because with the way things had been going, it was highly unlikely.

    Happiness, because Jessica cared.

    Sadness, because she wasn’t sure if this was how it was supposed to turn out.

    Confused, because, how was it supposed to turn out, anyway?

    “You see her when you fall asleep, but never to touch, never to keep, cause you loved her too much and you dive too deep,” Jessica strained to keep her voice from breaking, because she felt like she would cry although she didn’t understand why.

    Taeyeon heard it very clearly, the clear voice breaking, the words choking up , and that was when she decided to make her presence known. She stood directly in front of Jessica, and looked straight at her, waiting to be noticed.

    Jessica looked up, stilling playing, only stopping when the gravity of the situation occurred to her; Taeyeon was right in front of her. Her eyes widened, mouth slightly open, unsure of what to say and what to do.

    Every time Taeyeon laid her eyes on Jessica, every sad love song she had ever heard made sense. She gently removed Jessica’s limp hands from the guitar, slinging the strap over her own shoulder, and played the only song she had ever bothered to learn. She looked at, Jessica who only stared back, with tired eyes and a weary heart, and took a breath with eyes closed as she exhaled the first words.
Say something, I’m giving up on you,” in all honesty the reason Taeyeon kept her eyes closed was so the tears wouldn’t fall and so she could at least have the satisfaction of pretending that Jessica would be there when she was done. 

    Another deep breath. “I’ll be the one, if you want me to.”

    Tears threatened to fall. “Anywhere I would’ve followed you.”

    The first tear fell and her voice wavered momentarily, “Say something, I’m giving up on you.”

    Still playing, she opened her eyes, and a wave of relief crashed into her like a tsunami and made her feel weak in the knees; Jessica was still there. There was no denying the fact that she too was about to cry, her eyes were red and watery. A few moments passed with neither of them saying anything, with only the sound of Taeyeon’s soft strumming.
And I am feeling so small; it was over my head, I know nothing at all,” came Jessica's soft voice, a little hoarse, but nonetheless audible and was beautiful in every way possible. Jessica looked straight into Taeyeon’s eyes, she was no longer afraid to let the tears fall and to be broken down.
This time, with more confidence, she sang louder, “And I will stumble, and fall; I’m still learning to love, just starting to crawl.”

    And that was the moment in which Taeyeon came to realise many things, what those things were, however, were unknown to her, but the thing she had come to realise almost instantaneously was that Jessica was learning to love her. She stopped playing and sat down on the grass, her gaze never leaving Jessica. The tears running down both of their faces were beginning to freeze in the cold winter night but neither of the were willing—no, unsure of how to move, because everything was just so overwhelmingly confusing and everything made sense but it didn’t.

    When one of them finally checked the time, it was already three in the morning. It was late, it was cold, and the only thing missing from this sad, sad equation was a bottle of soju.
“Do you want to come over?” Jessica whispered, staring straight ahead, because she felt that if she were to so much as look at the person next to her, she might spontaneously combust.

    Taeyeon reached for Jessica's hand, fitting her fingers in the gaps and replied as a smile graced her tear-stained face, “yes, I would like that.”




This took longer than expected

I'm sorry for the wait.

I'll try to update during the weekend :)

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anatawowasurenai #1
Woaaah. Thanks for making this available again.
Chapter 33: Henlo thought u said youve never heard of taengsic
It's me. Your biggest fan. Henlo senpai
Chapter 33: This is not trash, it's truly an art. From all the fanfics I've read this is my 1 favorite. All the moment you wrote its amazing . Thank you for writing this amazing story. I hope you in good health always
Chapter 32: This is very sweet indeed. I love Taeyeon calmness, just perfect for Jessica
SwoonedbyJess #6
Chapter 33: Thanks for writing this even though you said its a piece of crap. I'll never be able to write like this. It makes me smile reading it one whole shot. <3
Chapter 33: yea, well, many fans matured after 930 so...it really depends where you're looking at. i can't go well with the 3rd gen so i'm one of those few people who will be staying at our safe place: 2nd gen. i accept that sooner or later, they'll marry someone or suddenly plan to live a private life but my time with 2nd gen is and will always be precious to me. they gave my life a reason to actually live, instead of just staying alive. they coloured my once grey world. good luck on whatever you'll do in the future tho.
choco-munchkin #8
Chapter 33: Awww this is sad this is one of my fave taengsic fics...
Chapter 33: it's been so long till i forget what the story is about..