이십칠 Lay Me Down

Day By Day

Lay Me Down - Sam Smith


    It was another one of those nights where Jessica felt that the bed was too big for just one person. But it was already late, and she didn’t want to bother Taeyeon. It was impossible for her to fall asleep. She had spent the last few hours tossing and turning in the dark, but she just couldn’t sleep. There was a feeling of strange absence around her body and all she could think about was Taeyeon. She looked at her phone on the empty pillow beside her. She stared at it. The urge to hear Taeyeon’s voice was unbearable. Grabbing it and turning it on, she saw that the time was 2:59 a.m. It was too late to call anyone. Taeyeon was probably sleeping anyway. And then it rang. As it vibrated in her hand, she dropped in surprised and fumbled around, trying to find it in the darkness.
“I’m guessing you can’t sleep either?” Taeyeon’s voice asked through the earpiece.
“Am I disturbing you?"
“I was actually thinking about calling you but I thought you’d be asleep by now.”
There was a short silence.
“You’re actually so sweet,” Taeyeon giggled.
“Shut up.”
“So do you want me to go over, or do you want to come over?”
“I don’t know.”
Taeyeon sighed, “I’ll go over.”
“Are you sure? Do you want me to go over? Because I can if you want to, I mean if you don’t want to get out of bed I can run over, you don’t have to walk over if you don’t want to—”
“Calm down, I’ll go over. I’m like halfway there anyway.”
“Then why did you ask?”
“I don’t know. I just wanted to know what your reaction would be.”
Jessica didn’t reply.
“Hello? Are you still there?” Taeyeon asked.
“Come quickly,” Jessica whispered.

    Jessica sat with her knees to her chest, staring at the screen of her phone, watching the numbers change as she waited for the sound of the doorknob turning. When she heard it, she scrambled out of bed and ran to the door.
“Well, for someone who didn’t want to get out of bed you seem pretty energetic,” Taeyeon smirked.
“Let’s just go to bed, I want to cuddle.”
Following her like a puppy Jessica locked the front door and went back into her room. Taeyeon lay on the bed, arms stretched out like a child.
“Come here.”
With a smile Jessica slid into her embrace and closed her eyes.
“You’re so beautiful,” Taeyeon whispered as she placed her hand on Jessica’s cheek.
Jessica opened her found herself leaning into it, “I’m really not.”
Taeyeon pressed her lips to Jessica’s in a slow kiss.
“Yes you are,” she whispered against her lips.
“Sometimes you make me believe that,” sighed Jessica as she pulled away and buried her face in Taeyeon’s neck.
“Only sometimes? What can I do to make that always?” asked Taeyeon as she drew circles and patterns on Jessica’s back
“I don’t know, but that doesn’t matter, I don’t need to feel beautiful, I just need you here with me,” Jessica yawned.
Taeyeon smiled a little, “well I think you’re beautiful, and it’d be my pleasure to stay with you.”
Jessica hummed in content. The two of them lay in each other’s embrace, and they felt themselves drift off into sleep.
And then Taeyeon spoke up, “hey Sica?”
“Yeah?” Jessica mumbled.
“What would you do if I…asked you to marry me?” Taeyeon asked shyly.
Jessica’s eyes shot open in surprise. All feelings of fatigue were overridden by shock.
Seeing Jessica’s expression, Taeyeon panicked, “I’m sorry am I rushing things? I didn’t mean to scare you or anything, you can just forget I even asked that I’m so sorry—”
The last of her panicked apology dissipated in and on the tip of her tongue as Jessica kissed her with a smile on her face.
Taeyeon was very confused.
“I would say yes,” Jessica laughed.
“I—you—really?!” Taeyeon sputtered.
“Yes, you loser, yes a hundred times,” Jessica rolled her eyes.
“I—what? Is this real?”
“You can stop now.”
“I don’t know why I asked that question I don’t even have a ring for you oh god I was not prepared for this at all I’m so sorry.”
“And you think I was prepared for this?”
“Well no but wow okay. So you would marry me? For real?”
“Oh god.”

    Jessica woke up before Taeyeon. The sun had barely risen and she only had about four hours of sleep before she woke up, but she was strangely alright with that. Despite her short resting time, she felt awake and alive. Maybe it was because of Taeyeon’s impromptu proposal. She smiled. Taeyeon lay asleep next to her, hair slightly dishevelled, eyes closed in peaceful reverie. She sat up and pulled her knees to her chest. Her hand move towards Taeyeon’s face, hovering over it as she decided whether or not to touch it.
She pulled her hand away and sighed, “you have no idea how much I miss you when you aren’t around.”
Taeyeon simply shifted in her sleep.
“I love you so much,” Jessica whispered, “if I could lay here with you forever, I would.”




this is a filler chapter?

I guess

I'm totally in love with sam smith's voice

and this was totally inspired by lay me down ngl

hope yall had a good valentines day or w/e

I went to tuition on vday

but eh who care not me

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anatawowasurenai #1
Woaaah. Thanks for making this available again.
Chapter 33: Henlo thought u said youve never heard of taengsic
It's me. Your biggest fan. Henlo senpai
Chapter 33: This is not trash, it's truly an art. From all the fanfics I've read this is my 1 favorite. All the moment you wrote its amazing . Thank you for writing this amazing story. I hope you in good health always
Chapter 32: This is very sweet indeed. I love Taeyeon calmness, just perfect for Jessica
SwoonedbyJess #6
Chapter 33: Thanks for writing this even though you said its a piece of crap. I'll never be able to write like this. It makes me smile reading it one whole shot. <3
Chapter 33: yea, well, many fans matured after 930 so...it really depends where you're looking at. i can't go well with the 3rd gen so i'm one of those few people who will be staying at our safe place: 2nd gen. i accept that sooner or later, they'll marry someone or suddenly plan to live a private life but my time with 2nd gen is and will always be precious to me. they gave my life a reason to actually live, instead of just staying alive. they coloured my once grey world. good luck on whatever you'll do in the future tho.
choco-munchkin #8
Chapter 33: Awww this is sad this is one of my fave taengsic fics...
Chapter 33: it's been so long till i forget what the story is about..