I Cant Believe I Got Picked

We Got Married~Where Will It Lead

Miss A were sitting in their dorms preparing dinner when they heard a knock on the door.

Jia: " I'll get it ! "

Jia opened the door to find a few camera men with a card in their hands. She let them in confused as to whats going on. One of the camera men handed her the card and said to open it.

Min: " Who was it Jia? "

Jia: " Oh my goodness! Our maknae is joining We Got Married!"

Min: " What?"

Min walked toward the living room to see the camera men, and Jia hopping up and down in joy. Min quickly bowed and then walked over to Jia to look at the mission card.

Min: " Suzy and Fei get in here! "

Fei: " Just a sec, were coming. Let us finish putting the ingreidients in the pot! "

Fei and Suzy put the top on the pot and began walking to the living room. They walked in to find Min and Jia giggling with joy. They also quickly bowed and said hello to the camera men standing in the room.

Jia: " Suzy you got picked to be on We Got Married! "

Suzy: " Really?! "

Suzy had always wanted to be on We Got Married ever since Kwanghee told her that she was a canditate to be on the show.

Suzy took the the card that Jia was handing her and looked down. Fei walked over to look at it as well.

" Welcome to the We Got Married family. Congratulations Suzy! You will meet your soon to be husband at an anonymous place, tomorrow at 1:00 pm. Hint : Rawr . "

Suzy: " Who could my husband be? "

Fei: " Look at her saying husband already haha ! "

Min: " This is so exciting we have to pick out what your going to wear ! "

Suzy and her members gushed with laughter and curiousity. They couldn't wait to see who the husband will be.


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jaaayrawr #1
Chapter 5: Annyeong ! New subscriber ! I love this story. Hope you can update soon :)
gazizova #2
Chapter 5: woooooooow daebak
i love kaizy couple
kimjobae #3
Really excited kaizy got married
More kaizy moment please ^^
Update soon please :)
Hwaiting ^^
nicolebins #4
update please:-) i love your story
itsmemaan #5
Chapter 5: hi please update soon :) kaizy
unniesya #6
Chapter 5: update please....really love this..!! <3
Precious421 #7
Chapter 5: Ahhhh please updat ASAP! I love this!!!
ratu_Karin #8
Chapter 5: hope you can update more and quickly
i love it ExoZy
and i'm ExoZy shipper :D
princess1807 #9
i like it ... i'm exoZy shipper <3

but kai is hyung isn't he is the 2nd youngest in the group ??
Chapter 5: hope u can update more
i love kaizy moment <3<3