Picked For We Got Married

We Got Married~Where Will It Lead

Exo was in the middle of practice when a couple camera men came walking into their practice room.

All Exo members quickly bowed and said hello. One of the camera men came up with a card and handed it to Chanyeol. On the card read " First Mission Card, We Got Married ".

All of the memebers quickly started oo-ing and awe-ing.

Chanyeol: "One of us has gotten picked for We Got Married! I'm so excited!"

Sehun: " Mabye its me! "

Lay:" Yeah right haha, your just the maknae! "

Sehun: " Yah ! You never know."

Kris: " Well go ahead and open it already so we can know! "

Chanyeol: " Alright, alright! "

Chanyeol pulled off the seal and opened up the card.

" We are very happy to welcome you to the We Got Married family, Congratulations Kai ! "


Suho: " Awe man! How did Kai get it? It should have been me!"

Kai: " I cant believe I got it! Im so excited! Im already curious as to who my wife could be. "

Tao: " Unbelievable it should be my turn already! "

D.O.: " Congrats Hyung ! I Cant wait to meet your wife! "

Baehyun, Chen, and Luhan : " Ayeee, this is nothing exciting! It should have been me! "

Kai: " Yah !! You should be happy for your hyung! "

All of the other members of Exo pouted at not being chosen but congratulated their hyung anyways. Kai looked at the card and saw that it said the place where he would meet his soon to be on-screen wife. Not only that, but a hint as well.

" The prettiest of them all "

Kai: " What kind of hint is that ! Its to Vague."

The members of Exo laughed at their Hyung's frustration. They all laughed and joked about who it could be. All of them were nervous and excited for what awaits them.

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jaaayrawr #1
Chapter 5: Annyeong ! New subscriber ! I love this story. Hope you can update soon :)
gazizova #2
Chapter 5: woooooooow daebak
i love kaizy couple
kimjobae #3
Really excited kaizy got married
More kaizy moment please ^^
Update soon please :)
Hwaiting ^^
nicolebins #4
update please:-) i love your story
itsmemaan #5
Chapter 5: hi please update soon :) kaizy
unniesya #6
Chapter 5: update please....really love this..!! <3
Precious421 #7
Chapter 5: Ahhhh please updat ASAP! I love this!!!
ratu_Karin #8
Chapter 5: hope you can update more and quickly
i love it ExoZy
and i'm ExoZy shipper :D
princess1807 #9
i like it ... i'm exoZy shipper <3

but kai is hyung isn't he is the 2nd youngest in the group ??
Chapter 5: hope u can update more
i love kaizy moment <3<3