First Meeting

We Got Married~Where Will It Lead

Suzy walked onto a balcony to see a nice circular table with plates arranged on it. Next to the table was a huge grill, and on the side of the grill was a huge container. On top of the container had a note that stated it could not be opened until both people arrived. Suzy sighed at the note and was dissapointed because she knew it was probably something delicious. She looked over the balcony and thought how pretty the scene looked. It was a nice day, not too hot and not too cold. It was a bit windy though.


* Kai's Point Of View *

Kai walked up some stairs and opened a door to walk onto a balcony. He saw a girl looking over the balcony, she's even pretty from the back he thought. He nervously shut the door and saw the girl turn around.


* Both Suzy And Kai's Point of View *

Suzy heard the door shut and turned around to see Exo's Kai. She quickly bowed and said her greeting.

Suzy: " Hello, Im Bae Suji nice to meet you! "

Kai saw the girl turn around and was quite shocked to see Miss A's Suzy. He could'nt believe his eyes.

Kai: " Hello, nice to meet you as well! I'm Kim Jongin, also known as Kai. "

Both embarressed they quickly sat down at the table. They both couldn't look at eachother, they were so nervous.

Suzy: " Ah Kai-ssi, it seems your my.. husband."

Kai couldn't believe that Suzy just called him her husband, he couldn't help but smile cutely.

Kai: " Yes, and it seems like your my wife."

Suzy looked at Kai and smiled.

Suzy: " I'm actually quite a fan of Exo, I always find my self dancing along to your song Wolf haha.Your such a great dancer! "

Kai: " Thank you! I really am a fan of Miss A as well, I can't believe your sitting in front of me right now. you look very beautiful today by the way. "

Suzy chuckled and look at Kai who was smiling back.

Suzy: " Thank you Kai-ssi, you look very handsome today as well! "

Kai: " Thank you Suzy-ssi! Actually Suzy-ssi, I was wondering if you would like to start talking more comfortably. It might make things less awkward haha. "

Suzy: " Oh uh sure.. Kai oppa. "

Kai stared at Suzy in surprise and showed a huge smile. Every guy's dream just called me oppa! he thought.

Suzy smiled at how cute Kai was.

Suzy: " Kai oppa, what was you hint for me on the mission card haha? Your hint makes since to me now, it was " Rawr ", it must be because of your song Growl! "

Kai: " Oh you hint was " The prettiest of them all ", Suzy- yah. "

Suzy: " What ? Thats nonsense, why would they put that, I'm not even close to that."

Kai: " Your hint makes sense to me too, I think the hint fit perfertly."

Suzy smiled at Kai's kindness. He's so cute she thought.

Suzy suddenly looked over and saw the grill again.

Suzy: " Oppa, I think there is food for us to eat! Lets open it! "

Kai: " Haha alright, lets see ! "

Suzy and Kai got up from the table, walked up to the grill. Kai opened up the lid too see alot of different types of meat. Crab, Steak, Beef strips and alot more.

Suzy: " Waah ! It looks great, look at all this meat! "

Kai chuckled at how cute it was for Suzy to get so excited about food.

Kai: " It looks like we have to grill it though! Lets get started!"

Suzy watched as Kai grilled all the meat, she offered to help but he insisted it was alright. She stared at Kai and thought how manly he looked. But she was also staring at the delicious meat! Kai finally finished grilling all the meat and sat a giant plate of everything on the table.

Suzy: " Wow Kai, you are great, it looks fantastic!"

Kai happily looked at Suzy grab some meat and start stuffing it down, he liked how she didnt care how she looked, she was being herself.

This is what makes her so beautiful he thought.

Kai was also eating very deliciously when Suzy called him.

Suzy: " Oppa, Here ! "

Kai looked up to see Suzy holding a fork towards his mouth.

Kai: " You want me to eat it?"

Suzy: " Yes haha, I want to feed you at least once for your hard work! "

Kai couldnt believe that Suzy was about to feed him. He slightly blushed with happiness, and opened his mouth wide. Suzy put the fork in his mouth and fed him happily.

Kai: " From today onwards you are my wife, so you shouldnt feed anyine else but me. "

Kai was surprised at his own confidence. Suzy smiled and chuckled.

Suzy: " Alright Oppa, I promise. "

Kai smiled softly, embaressed by his own words. Suzy, The Nations First love is my We Got Married Partner, I must have saved a town in my past life he thought.




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jaaayrawr #1
Chapter 5: Annyeong ! New subscriber ! I love this story. Hope you can update soon :)
gazizova #2
Chapter 5: woooooooow daebak
i love kaizy couple
kimjobae #3
Really excited kaizy got married
More kaizy moment please ^^
Update soon please :)
Hwaiting ^^
nicolebins #4
update please:-) i love your story
itsmemaan #5
Chapter 5: hi please update soon :) kaizy
unniesya #6
Chapter 5: update please....really love this..!! <3
Precious421 #7
Chapter 5: Ahhhh please updat ASAP! I love this!!!
ratu_Karin #8
Chapter 5: hope you can update more and quickly
i love it ExoZy
and i'm ExoZy shipper :D
princess1807 #9
i like it ... i'm exoZy shipper <3

but kai is hyung isn't he is the 2nd youngest in the group ??
Chapter 5: hope u can update more
i love kaizy moment <3<3