Step 4 : Be subtle, resist his temptation

Operation Love






Step 4 : Be subtle, resist his temptation



I’m so sorry for the super late update. I get distracted by my MyungYeol feels for a while. And I’m kind of lack of ideas. So, this came a bit late (too late actually) and crappy. Sorry for the wait.. Thanks for patiently waiting. Enjoy,!!!!


Nam Woohyun keeps on glaring dagger towards Myungsoo. The raven has been interrupting the most nerve wrecking confession that will ever occur - for the second time..!!!!!!


He still remember that, firstly, when he was ready to answer Sungyeol question (refer to step 2) with confession of his undying love towards Sungyeol. And Myungsoo just happen to come back,?? Happen to,?? Myungsoo never greet others when he get home and THAT DAY he suddenly have manner and even say ‘I’m back,..’ Myungsoo had his infamous smirk while he entered the house, much to Woohyun dismays.


Yeah,.  Ok, it might happen a month ago but still, Woohyun can’t bear the disappointment. And yesterday, again Myungsoo suddenly become the person with most PERFECT timing ever (note the sarcasm). As if he know what Woohyun want to do and he try to stop it.



Woohyun already had Sungyeol in his room – perfectly sit on his bed. Sungyeol obviously had been avoiding Woohyun for a few days (Woohyun don’t know that he had indirectly seduce Sungyeol before remember?? So Sungyeol is actually avoiding Woohyun because he freak out) and Woohyun want to confront him at first. But seeing the glint of nervousness on Sungyeol beautiful eyes, he gets the idea to just confess his love. Courtesy to Sungyeol blush to his touch of course.


For Nam Woohyun, action speaks louder than words. So, instead of just make a cliché confession, he just wanted to kiss the daylight out of Sungyeol (as if it’s not THAT cliché). Of course, he scooted closer..


Closer………………. [Drum rolll]


Closer…………………………. [More drum rolllll]













And the insanely handsome Myungsoo run into the room and STEAL Sungyeol that was in Woohyun grasp leaving the poor soul dumbfounded – Woohyun curse himself for not locking the door.



And sometimes Woohyun really think that he needed to give up on Sungyeol. But when he saw the cute gummy smile and glint of happiness in Sungyeol, he just wants to make Sungyeol as his and HIS only,..






Lately, Woohyun hadn’t gets any idea to stole Sungyeol heart. So, he kind of stressed out. Messed up with the group dynamic (Sunggyu says that) and something like that. So he tried – more to being forced - to seek/accept the advice from the self-called The Mighty GyuJong since they threaten to spill the secret to Sungyeol. He doesn’t even know how the two conceited person know his feelings towards Sungyeol (they say that’s because they’re clever).


But heoll,. Their idea was the worst. They want him to seduce Sungyeol in ual way (not like he never do it,. He just don’t realise it,. Face palm). He can even imagine Sungyeol freak out the way he do when Woohyun flirting with the pick-up lines or even worse. So, Woohyun want to go all natural. He attempts to be himself for the time being. After all he wants Sungyeol to like him for who he was – not for what he was. Excuse Nam Woohyun and his love metaphor…







Sungyeol has been harassed. That what everyone can see. Someone even spiked his coffee. Sungyeol was a coffee addict for cry out loud. Even someone give him coffee with the smell of detergent, he will drink it for sure. So the other members give him extra precaution. He cannot be leave alone, they will take turns to always look for him.



No matter how cautious they had been, it happens again. This time it’s laxative that has been put in his drinks- coffee of course.(“You really have to stop accepting coffee from others” as Sunggyu says. But Sungyeol reply about how impolite it’ll be if it’s their CEO or director are offering and Sunggyu has to agree with him and patted his head sympathetically “Sorry that you had to suffer” with his I–don’t–actually–that-care face).


Sungyeol did awake - luckily (as last time his coffee was spiked with sleeping pills- causing Sungyeol to sleep for two days. “Lucky bastard” – as Sungjong said). But he is in a very poor condition. He merely wakes up and the bathroom is apparently belonged to him for the time being.



The manager had to send him to hospital for a check-up. But he cannot be hospitalized as they didn’t want to create rumour much to Woohyun dismay. He kind of had an argument with Sunggyu. Myungsoo and Sungjong (Sungjong don’t want to be the one who will be forced to take care of Sungyeol, so he’s) in Woohyun side while Hoya and their manager on Sunggyu side. Dongwoo being himself only focused on massaging Sungyeol- not even care about the insignificant argument.






The next day after the bloody argument which Sunggyu win with his power as leader, everyone is busy. Myungsoo have a filming of his new drama. Sungjong have to go for variety show filming (“thank God” as he said). Dongwoo and Hoya had practice for their Infinite H comeback and Sunggyu and Woohyun had their vocal practice (“I don’t want to leave Sungyeol” – Woohyun wept before he is dragged mercilessly by the ever so scary Sunggyu).


It was usually Sungyeol’s rest day as he waits for the evening when he’ll have their dance practice. He usually enjoys his time to be alone but the day he feels equally boring. It’s kind of his weakness. Whenever he’s unwell, he’ll be y and clingy,. Even worse than Sungjong iness and Myungsoo clinginess added together.


He’s sick for God sake. But everyone seems to not care enough.… So he wait.. For someone to come back take cares of him.. Seems that he don’t have to wait that long when he heard the sound of front door being open and the ever-so-familiar voice calling for him. And he don’t care even he had been avoiding the owner of the soothing voice. He just needs someone…







Woohyun called as he can’t sense any presence of living things in the dorm. He’s worried as crazy. He had begged their manager to let him go home and take care of Sungyeol. In which he get the permission instantly. Courtesy to Sungyeol for all his weird antics he had ever done whenever he was left alone when sick (example: rolling from the dorm to the first floor – using emergency exit, calling every number that he save on his phone including the gravestone shop – nobody knows how he got the number, leaving the dorm and roam around in his Yeolna disguise in freaking winter – thank God they able to track him before he got by someone *cough*Woohyun*cough* ).He skipped happily exiting Woolim company – not before sending his dead glare with addition of mehrong towards Sunggyu.


Woohyun search around the dorm. Hall, bathroom and kitchen but still there’s no sight of adorableness (at least in Woohyun eyes) that is Lee Sungyeol. So, he determined to look for him in his room. Who know maybe that boy had died of boredom since he had been warned to not leave the dorm or there will be no coffee for his entire life (typical Sungyeol who will do everything for coffee). And when he enters, he feels as if he had been pour with a bucket of ice water.


Sungyeol is cocoon in his thick blanket, lying weakly on his bed. Glassy eyes locked on Woohyun warm ones. His lips pouted and trembled pitifully.



Woohyun literally died. Sungyeol hadn’t talk to him for ages (in Woohyun opinion) and calling him as Hyunnie is a pure bliss for him. Sungyeol even open his arms widely as if he’s inviting into his embrace. Woohyun is stupid if he let it go.


So, he jumps on the bed - of course (no matter how much he want to jump on Sungyeol, he just can’t). His body perfectly lied beside Sungyeol. Sungyeol put an arm around him and the surprised boy had to calm himself before asking


“Why,? Are you hurting,.??”

“No,. I’m just boring,. And cold..”

The boy pout the most adorable pout Woohyun swear he ever saw. He mentally squeals like a rabid fangirl.


“Should I turn on the heater,??”


Sungyeol tighten his hug around Woohyun. And said

“You’re warm.. Let’s cuddle,..”

And Woohyun faint. That times for real. But Sungyeol doesn’t know – because he’s oblivious. He just thought that Woohyun had sleep on him.






Three hours later


“Hyunnie,. Woohyunnie,. Wake up,..”

A rather harsh tug woke Woohyun up. His chest felt heavy. He rubbed his eyes with his fist in hope to make the drowsiness disappear. He opened his eyes and the first scene he saw makes his heart swell. Sungyeol head lie on his chest.


Either he realise the creepy stare directed to him or the sudden rapid heartbeat of Woohyun that he heard, Sungyeol lift his head. Folding his arms, there is no more sight of cute and fluffy Sungyeol. He frowns deeply.


“How dare you sleep on me.? I’ve been nice enough to let you sleep for three hours. Now wake up and make me some food. Sunggyu hyung said we don’t have to go to the practice and they will be back late. So, it’s just you and me. And I’m sick,. You cook,. Now,….”

Despite the giant ranting about everything, Woohyun just heard the line ‘it’s just you and me’. His messy brain that full filled with Sungyeol start working and create come imagination of them (ie : watching movie, sharing kisses, cooking together, playing with their child, and up to their first night??)


“Did you hear me Hyunnie,??”

The y Sungyeol (even in mode he still calling Woohyun with his pet name) slap the said man cheek repeatedly. Yet, the dumb man just smile. Still drown in his dream.


“Yeah,. Call my name baby,…”

Sungyeol frowned deeper. Was that moan,? Should he feel insulted.?

‘Whatever,…’ he whisper. Putting his palm near his mouth, he blow his breath on it before placing it at a decent distant from Woohyun and




That’s hurt and rather effective since Woohyun recover from his dreamy state immediately.



“Cook now,. I’m hungry,..”

“You slap me and now you expect me to cook for you,? I’m not doing it. And your pout is not that cute.. No,!! It doesn’t mean bad. I mean,..”


“Ok fine,. I’m going to cook now. Happy,??”

“Very,..” – and Sungyeol starts beaming again. Woohyun just shook his head. Yeah,. That’s his Sungyeol. A minute he is y, then acts pity and he’ll always end up to his happy self.






Woohyun was busy cooking kimchi stew when he felt a pair of arms wrapped around him. And Sungyeol had Woohyun head under his chin.

 “Is it done,??”

“No,. Not yet,. You had to wait a little. Go and rest and I’ll call you later,.” – Woohyun tried to push the taller but to no avail. Sungyeol just tighten his hug.


Woohyun feel completed. His imagine them in a whole different situation. He, cooking food for his wife (Sungyeol of course) as his wife is weak after their strenuous activity. Oh,. How perfect is that,? Just as his imagination want to run to other things, he heard a rather ual?? whispers.


“I’m hungry,…”


And Woohyun had to slap his own face hard. Because or else it’ll be Woohyun who will feed on Sungyeol.






“Now I’m feeling hot,…”

It’s after their late lunch, when Sungyeol is lying in his bed with Woohyun literally being crushed by him. His pout become prominent. Woohyun mentally remind himself not to take care of Sungyeol next time he is sick. Sick Sungyeol is a cutie pie and it’s not good for Woohyun heart. Even when he is being y, he seems cute in Woohyun eyes.


“Let go of me then,.”

“I don’t want,..”




Woohyun tried to let go of Sungyeol hug.


“No,.. You’re smell nice,. I like it,..” – and Woohyun couldn’t help but blush.


They remain silent. They just enjoying each other presence. Until Sungyeol start moving. Woohyun just eyed him curiously.


“What are you – ohh,..”


Sungyeol is currently stripping himself until he is only in his boxers.


“It’s so hot, I couldn’t,.. You do it too Hyunnie,..”

“No,.. I don’t,…”


Sick Sungyeol is just as stubborn as Normal Sungyeol. So, he don’t give any damn of the flustered boy word instead he tried to strip Woohyun by his own. The poor boy had to struggle the shockingly strong Sungyeol.

“No,.. I said no,!!”

“Umphh,. Let go,.. No,. Not my jeans,…”






‘I would be the one stripping him when he is the normal Yeollie,. Ughh,. Someone save me before I this boy,..’


Woohyun mumble slowly despite his condition. He’s unable to breathe properly because Sungyeol is hugging the daylight out of him. And to add in his misery, both of them were only in boxers. God save him from committing any crime because Sungyeol look so tempting at the time


“Someone,… Save me please,……”



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Chapter 6: I'm going crazy with this... Omg woohyun you're so greasy... Claiming yeollie's as his!
I like ure writing style authornim... Pls continue....

Wierd I'm laughing so hard in my room! Thnx!
Chapter 6: Myungsoo and Woohyun fighting over Sungyeol is just too funny xD and I love how possessive and clingy Namu is. That grease ball <3 I'm looking forward to reading the next chapter :D
Chapter 6: LOL Woohyun & Myungsoo please maintain kkk~

Haahhh that was so good !!! Me likey~
Nayama #4
Chapter 5: ahahahahahahahah this is hilarious, i enjoy it sooooo much! when woohyun will succed in confessing?? hahahahaha... and yes myungsoo, prevent it forever and ever, hahahahaha...
Chapter 5: It's really entertain me xDD why Yeollie must be so cute ?? aww

Haha poor Namu xDD
This is good!
claraoktarina #7
Chapter 4: Sungyeol like woohyun already?
I feel bad for myungsoo :'((
But but....i love wooyeol too
Chapter 4: So...Yeollie fall for Namu already ?? “Did you by any means
attracted to me ??” that Myungsoo part please...
claraoktarina #9
Chapter 3: “Hyung,..If I could rearrange the keyboard, I’ll put U and I next to each other..”
“It’s already there.. ..”
“It is ,??”
OMG STUPID SUNGYEOL. I cant stop laughing XD

Greasy couple. Love it! But i love myungyeol too *woohyun kick me* lol

Please update soon authornim :3
Chapter 3: Cliff-hanger~
Some the pick-up lines remind me of PenJae Couple of BTOB my another OTP kkk~

Cheesy WooYeol oh my...anyway last part it's Myungsoo ??