A Day at the Beach!

Just Let Me Love You (HIATUS)



----Your POV----

"~~~~~-ah wake up~" I turned my head to the other side

"I'm gonna poor water on you."


"Look Jesus!"


"I'm gonna say it."


"You're having my babies!"

"Really?" You asked with an anticipated smile

"No, but it'd be nice~" Zico gave you a quick peck on the lips

"We should go to the beach! It's too hot to stay inside!" You stated, and Zico nodded in agreement

"Do we have to bring the rest of the boys to?" Zico whined, and you playfully smacked his head

"You have six guys in your house and two fans, their probably fighting to the death in there!" Zico slowly got off the bed and you followed him

"Fine~" You wrapped your arms around him and walked behind him.

"But in return your making breakfast and lunch~" He gave you another kiss that lasted longer and he headed out the door

"I love you ~~~~-ah! See you in like 10 or 20 minutes!" He waved and made a heart with his hands, which made you giggle

"I love you more Oppa!" You yelled before you saw him disappear into his own apartment, and a small from was put on your face as you watched him leave.

"Better get ready~"

----Zico's POV----

I walked into my apartment only to see that ~~~~~'s was sadly correct. Everyone was fighting over who got to you the fan first.

"YAH!" I yelled causing everyone to stop fighting and stare at me.

"We are going to the beach. You have 10 minutes to get ready." I ordered everyone, and everyone stared to cheer. Before I interrupted them.

"NOW! AND HURRY UP!" I didn't like to keep his lovely girlfriend waiting that was just rude! I walked back into the messy bedroom and pushed past everyone to get my stuff ready. Which was a pair of clean boxers, swim trunks, a clean shirt, extra pants, and that gift I made just for you.

"I hope she likes it!" I ran out the room beating everyone to the bathroom to change and quickly rushed out to get back to ~~~~~'s apartment

----Your POV----

I got changed actually pretty quickly, and I had started making lunch for everyone. When Zico came in

"Your back quickly!" I said as he walked into the kitchen and pecked me on the forehead

"Well I missed you too much!" I had to restrain myself from showing a smile that would probably go from ear to ear.

"Wow~ You made us Kimchi pancakes!" Zico started to jump up and down in excitement

"Yes! Now calm down and eat, I'm almost done with the sandwiches for everyone." I said finishing one of the last three sandwiches

"Noooo let them starve!" Zico said with a mouth full of pancakes, this made laugh

"Well I'm almost done now!" You said now finished with the last sandwich, and walked over to join Zico in eating the pancakes and we finished quickly, and headed out to the beach with the rest of the boys

----At the Beach----

It was sunny and water looked nice and cool! The boys threw there stuff on the sand and ran into the ocean.

"Thank God for oceans!" Kyung shouted, and you laughed and began to take off the clothes cover your bathing suit. It was a bikini that was black with pink polka dots, the bottoms had a ruffle all around it and the top had many layers of ruffles.  ( http://www.yesstyle.com/en/kkongss-girl-polka-dot-layered-halter-bikini-pink-one-size/info.html/pid.1024753822 )

Everyone's eyes were on you now and before you knew it P.O. had his arm around your shoulder,

"Hey we just met, you got a boyfriend? 'Cause girl you lookin' fiiiiiine!" Zico took you away from P.O.'s grasp and shot him a quick glare.

"You said you didn't have a boyfriend! Lies!" P.O. ran away pretending to cry

"We should've left them at home." Zico stated, and pecked you on the lips

"You look adorable and cute! Oh and I have a present for you~" Zico happily said

"Jiho~ You didn't have to get me anything." You said modestly, then he pulled out two pairs of couple shirts

"They are so cute!" Zico's had a puzzle piece with half a heart on it and yours had the piece to complete the heart. The other shirt had spider man shooting a spider web with a heart on it, and yours had a girl trapped in the web. You embraced Jiho

(Shirt 1. http://boldloft.com/osc/complete-my-heart-couple-tshirts-black-p-521.html

Shirt 2. http://boldloft.com/osc/captured-by-your-love-couple-tshirts-p-534.html)

"They are so cute! Thank you Jiho~" And kissed he turned his head deepening the kiss, he slipped his tongue into your mouth and fought for dominance.

"Public beach!" Jaehyo shouted at you and yo broke away from the kiss,

"Are you going to read?" You nodded your head,

"Okay I'm gonna go swim so you can look at my y body!" Zico said jokingly while taking off his shirt to reveal a very well toned chest, and ran off into the ocean while you sat and read your fashion magazine. When you came across quiz it was labeled 'Are you and your boyfriend compatible?' you quickly finished it and your answer read.

"Oh no! Your gonna come across some big bumps in your relationship that's gonna affect you BIG TIME! But in the end your love should come through....hopefully."

You closed the magazine,

"That's stup- What are you doing?" U-Kwon and B-Bomb were carrying to the dock where you were about to be tossed off of.

"Wait! ST-" You were cut off by the water entering your lungs.

----Zico's POV----

I saw them toss ~~~~~ into the water and I quickly ran towards the dock to jump in and swim after her! The salt was burning my eyes a little but I spotted ~~~~, she panicking, I grabbed her hand and quickly swam back to shore. I walked her back to her spot and wrapped her in her towel. I felt anger suddenly build up in me and decided to aim it all at the ones responsible.

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T-O-P-oppa #1
Please update this is really good!
IBTeeeh_ #2
I just started reading this yeaterday (I know I'm late...)
But the doctor ing killed me bro! But I can't wait till this is active again ^^
omgikwangmin #3
omfg. stupid doctor, stupid u-kwon and b-bomb.
I just started reading and I died from chapter one. That Doctor……… I would have pinched him square in the face if I was ZICO. Joking around like that… ~____~ LMFAO Hilarious, though. C:
iloveleeteuk #5
shkkrw #6
lalalalalallalalallalaalallalaallalalallooooovvveeee ♥
Kianna #7
she cant swim!!!!
I did the polls! :D Please update soon!
siloxanefire #9
heeyy! August 2nd is my birthday, too! Except im a year older. Nonetheless, I feel like I can already relate to the character :D
naomi777 #10
awwww that was sooo cute !!!!!!!!!!