Always There

Just Let Me Love You (HIATUS)

I shuffled the soft white blankets that kept me warm at night, yet buried me under their puffiness. I tried to reach for my phone that kept shuffling around on my wooden side-desk, it seemed to take an eternity before I could actually grab it. The good thing is that the person I really wanted to talk to was the first on speed dial. I pressed the 1 button and before I could hear the the line ring three times a familiar voice answered.


"Ziiiiiiiiiico~" I said lazily

"Will you admit that you were wrong?" Zico answered in a triumphant tone

"Never! But I'm gonna go to the doctor, so will you-"

"Yes, I'll go with you to the doctor's office." He answered before I could even complete my sentence

"Now hang up, go take a shower, and get dressed! I'll be there in ten minutes." You could hear the smile in his voice as he answered

"Fine~ I'll see you soon." You quickly hung up, you felt your cheeks to see if you were blushing or not. Then you remembered that you were meeting Zico and your heart just fluttered.

"Why must you always make me feel like this..." You muttered under your breath, you then went to the bathroom to get ready to go to the doctors office.


Across the hall Zico already knew you were going to go to the doctors office. He hated it when you didn't feel well, you were never yourself when you were sick.

"Yah! Do I look okay?" He asked P.O.. who was tiredly sitting on the floor looking through his clothes

"Of course. Why are you going on a hot date?" P.O.. yawned

"Nope even better, going with ~~~~~ to the doctors office!" Zico said with glee in his voice

"Hyung has a crush on a girl he'll never have!" P.O. yelled, and Zico kicked him lightly enough so that he'd roll over

"Shut up. Being by her side is enough for me, and when she needs me I'll always be there for her! But when they time comes when she realizes my feeling for her....well I have no idea what she'll do." Zico stated, and a round of applause was heard from the door way of the room. It was Jaehyo and U-Kwon clapping and pretending to cry.

"That was beautiful!" Jaehyo yelled

"Oh I'm crying!" U-Kwon wiped his fake tears

Zico quickly grabbed a pillow and threw it at the two and hit them square in their faces.

"Yah! You two are my Hyungs you should be supportive!" Zico pretended to pout, while his Hyungs waved him off

"We know we know, it's just fun picking on you!" The easily replied, "Oh and aren't you gonna be late?" Zico looked at the clock only to realize that they were right

"! Gotta go see you guys later!" And the boy quickly rushed out of the apartment

"Poor kid, he's so love sick it's a little bit scary. I just pray he doesn't get his heart broken." a concerned Jaehyo stated.

Zico ran across the hall to your apartment, fixed his clothes, and knocked. He waited a little while to see if you would come to the door, but no one came. He checked to see if the door was unlocked, but to his disappointment it wasn't.

"That didn't even come home last night." Zico thought, quickly he grabbed the hidden spare key and opened the door slowly.

"~~~~-ah?" Zico looked around to see if you were anywhere to be seen, and noticed that the door to your room was closed

"She's probably still changing, I'll watch her TV for now." He thought, and sat down on your soft couch and watched television, not too long after you came out of the room. Wearing a pink shirt with a small pink flower attached to it, and knee length skirt that was beige with a light floral pattern. Zico looked at you for a while.

"Well  do I look okay?" You asked

"Yeah, you look beautiful." Zico replied, you were praying that you weren't visibly blushing.

"T-thank you!" You replied, "Are you hungry?" You asked

"No, I ate while I was at my house." Quickly you threw an apple in his direction

"Eat it, you probley ate but didn't eat enough." You smiled and grabbed an apple for yourself.

"Thank you Mom~ now let's go!" Zico yelled and ate his apple, he yelled and held out his are for you to hook on to. You gladly accepted and began to walk out the door.

"I wish we could stay like this." Both of you thought as you were walking to the doctors office.

----About 20 minutes later----

The doctor came in with a serious look on his face, making both you and Zico worried.

"I have some bad news..." He stated

"What is it!" You yelled

"Well your going to die in two days." He seriously stated, causing you to almost faint and for Zico to catch you

"Just kidding! You're pregnant!" Making you even more worried

"What are you talking about! I'm a ! I haven't even had my first real kiss yet!" You yelled

"Okay just kidding again!" Zico was close to tackling the doctor

"You just had really bad cramps they should go away in a couple of hours just drink plenty of water." The doctor said this time with no joke.

"Thank God! Well doctor you have a good day!" You said standing up getting ready to leave

"Wait! Ms. Choi one more thing!" The doctor yelled

"This better not be another joke...."

"You're going to need your flu shot. You should down the hall to the left to the shot room."

"Okay thank you Ahjussi!" Zico bowed while you stood there in shock

"Come one ~~~~~ let's go get your shot." Zico grabbed your hand and led you there, while you fought back. Then you decided to stand there and pout,

"I don't wanna." You said sternly

"I'll buy you ice cream~" He taunted, then you began happily skipping towards the shot room

"Ms. Choi? Are you ready?" You saw the big needle, and ran back to Zico and hid in his jacket. His tiny eyes widened

"Y-yah! Just look at me while your getting it! Don't think about it, and don't forget I'll be right here the whole time." he said coolly and pulled you out of his jacket. He sat you down on the soft bed and help both your hands. You felt the lady disinfect-infect the area where the needle was placed.

"Look at me, remember I'm right here and always will be." Zico flashed a warm smile at you, and you smiled back

"All done!" The nurse said

"See that wasn't so bad huh?" Zico said giving you a sideways hug, while you nodded your head no

"Matter of fact, hold on." Zico pulled out a black sharpie and drew a smiley face with his signature on your Band-Aid. Which made you giggle,

"Thank you Zico~" You smiled "You really are always there for me~" You said quietly but loud enough for him to hear

"And always will be!" He shouted


Done! For now! This is what the outfit looked like

Now I'm gonna right the second chapter thank you subscribers and supporters!

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T-O-P-oppa #1
Please update this is really good!
IBTeeeh_ #2
I just started reading this yeaterday (I know I'm late...)
But the doctor ing killed me bro! But I can't wait till this is active again ^^
omgikwangmin #3
omfg. stupid doctor, stupid u-kwon and b-bomb.
I just started reading and I died from chapter one. That Doctor……… I would have pinched him square in the face if I was ZICO. Joking around like that… ~____~ LMFAO Hilarious, though. C:
iloveleeteuk #5
shkkrw #6
lalalalalallalalallalaalallalaallalalallooooovvveeee ♥
Kianna #7
she cant swim!!!!
I did the polls! :D Please update soon!
siloxanefire #9
heeyy! August 2nd is my birthday, too! Except im a year older. Nonetheless, I feel like I can already relate to the character :D
naomi777 #10
awwww that was sooo cute !!!!!!!!!!