Talking With You

Just Let Me Love You (HIATUS)  


Zico and I had gotten the promised ice cream, you had triple chocolate while he got strawberry swirl.

"How have you and Shiwon been?" It hurt Zico to ask the question but he did whatever it took to make you happy

"The normal, except now he barely ever comes home, he didn't come home last night." You said

"I know that's why he's an ." Zico thought to himself

"Really? Well have you two been going on dates lately?" He asked already knowing the answer

"Of course not he's always been too busy with work." You sadly stated

"Hey you have me I can be the rebound guy!" Zico jokingly said

"Rebound? Boy you are my first choice! I already know I'm gonna be rejected by him so I always ask you first!" You immediately said, Zico felt his heart warm up.

"Aw aren't you sweet~" Zico said

"I wish you were my boyfriend..." You said quietly

"Huh?" Zico said "Did she say what I think she said?" He saw a bright red blush crawl up on your face

"Oh uh nothing! So how are the boys?" You asked as a quick comeback

"Oh Buddha! They kill me a little bit day by day! But recently we started making up songs and it's been interesting." Zico stated

"Oh how's that shop going?" You asked, Zico and the boys ran a clothing shop that you had to admit sold some amazing clothes! They make the designs themselves which is a little breath taking.

"Business is good! Sales have been sky rocketing! Are you still gonna be our model?" He asked

"Psh! Of course! How could I pass up an offer to see my bestest friend ever every day!" You yelled and Zico laughed

"Yah, don't take this the wrong way but, why don't you break up with your boyfriend?" Zico asked seriously, and you let out a long sigh

"To be honest I don't know how to do it, I've been thinking about that for a while now to. He treats me like crap, barely comes home, and I pay the whole entire rent, don't forget ditches me on dates." You stopped walking for a moment, and Zico heard a sniffle. Zico saw a tear slip out of your eye

"What's wrong?" Zico wiped away the tear and hugged you

"O-one night he came home with this perfume on, and it wasn't even mine. He also had a smudge of lipstick on his collar." You began to grip on to Zico's jacket as he embraced you

"That ! How dare he break my baby's heart!" Zico thought

"Come on ~~~~~-ah let's go to my apartment. We can talk there." He wiped away the remaining tears that you shed and led you to his apartment. You walked in only to see magazines scattered around and lots of different types of clothes. Zico quickly cleaned it all up.

"Sorry it's the boys', here you can sit down." Zico guided you to the couch and you started bawling

"I'm sorry for making you take me here." You sniffed, Zico hugged you and began to rock you back and forth

"It's fine, you can keep talking." Zico softly said

"I'm just really hurt I never really expected it to hurt this much, plus your the only one I really trust and can actually count on." You sat up and wiped your tears away

"I shouldn't be crying psh I should be happy. It'll be easier to dump his ." You said happily

"That's my girl! Always make a positive out of a negative!" You stood up feeling weirdly powerful

"Zico come here." You held out your hands wanting a hug, whenever Zico hugged you it felt real, special, and warm.

"You also deserve this." You gave him a peck on the cheek, he looked shocked

"You've always been there for me whenever I've needed someone and your the first person I've cried in front of." Zico felt his heart melt

"I'm glad that I could be there," He smiled, "And aren't you glad you didn't kiss that ?!" You laughed

"Of course, he always tried to rush me to thank God i didn't budge!" You stated

"I'm glad you didn't either." Zico thought

"I'm so proud of you~" Zico said warmly, suddenly an idea popped into your head

"Zico come to my apartment now!" You grabbed his hand and ran all the way back to your apartment

"Help me put all off his crap into these boxes! I'll pay him back tenfold for what he's done to me!"

Zico loved this side of you, when you were mad no one could stop you. But this was only your first level of being mad. The third level scared the crap out of Zico, when you're that mad you take crap from no one. You're like a totally different person! You tend to cuss a lot and you can be violent! But he loved you anyway.

"If you start with the closet, I'll get all of his watches and stuff." You stated and left the closet

----10 minutes late----

"Done! I doubt he's coming back home though." All of a sudden you heard a small vibration and checked your cell phone

"Look who it is, Mr. 'I-won't-make-it-home-because-of-a-meeting!' it's fine go cheat on me with your cheap little at least I can keep my legs closed!" You yelled, but gasped as you felt a pair of arms hug you from behind. It was no one besides the almighty Zico.

"Calm down, ~~~~-ah your scaring me." Zico said

"Fine~ But let's go watch a movie." You said leading him to the couch, you had both agreed to Thirst (I don't own but do recommend)

As you were watching it you had noticed something weird

"Yah Zico don't you think it's weird, they probley knew they shouldn't have been together. But they keep attracting each other somewhat like magnets." You stated

"Maybe they know that even though they come from different backgrounds, they can still learn to love each other." Zico replied (The Thirst couple is somewhat like this story couple except the chick isn't crazy).

Slowly not soon after you had drifted asleep, but instead of on a pillow, on Zico's shoulder.

"I wish we could be like this forever..." Zico muttered, you began to mutter something also

"Please tell me she didn't hear that." Zico thought

"Zico...don't go." You muttered, Zico smiled and laid his head on yours

"Don't worry, I won't." Zico said drifting into sleep

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T-O-P-oppa #1
Please update this is really good!
IBTeeeh_ #2
I just started reading this yeaterday (I know I'm late...)
But the doctor ing killed me bro! But I can't wait till this is active again ^^
omgikwangmin #3
omfg. stupid doctor, stupid u-kwon and b-bomb.
I just started reading and I died from chapter one. That Doctor……… I would have pinched him square in the face if I was ZICO. Joking around like that… ~____~ LMFAO Hilarious, though. C:
iloveleeteuk #5
shkkrw #6
lalalalalallalalallalaalallalaallalalallooooovvveeee ♥
Kianna #7
she cant swim!!!!
I did the polls! :D Please update soon!
siloxanefire #9
heeyy! August 2nd is my birthday, too! Except im a year older. Nonetheless, I feel like I can already relate to the character :D
naomi777 #10
awwww that was sooo cute !!!!!!!!!!