Chapter 21

Two Less Lonely People
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As soon as Jiyong to Bom’s street, his stomach dropped and his mouth went dry. He gripped the steering wheel with white knuckles as he accelerated.

The entire world was ablaze with flashing lights. Police cars, ambulances, fire trucks.

The smell of smoke was heavy, and the sky was colored orange with the glow of flames.

He screeched to a halt in front of a police barricade and he was out of his SUV like a shot, running toward Bom’s apartment. The entire row of buildings was ablaze and fire-men directed a steady stream of water from multiple directions.

“Hey! You can’t go in there!”

He ignored the shout, his only thought to get to Bom.

Oh, God. Not again. Anything but this. He couldn’t lose her! A sob tore from his throat.

He’d just reached the front line of fire trucks and ambulances when he was hit by a flying tackle. He hit the ground hard and came up swinging. A police officer hovered over him, shouting something Jiyong couldn’t hear or understand.

Another officer joined in, helping wrestle Jiyong to the ground.

“Get off me!” he yelled hoarsely. “I have to get to her. Bom! She’s pregnant! I have to save her.”

“You aren’t going anywhere,” the officer growled as he exerted more pressure over Jiyong’s neck. “Get it together, son. The entire block is on fire. You'll just get yourself killed.”

“Don’t make us arrest you,” the other officer threatened. “I get that you’re worried, but they’re doing everything they can to make sure everyone gets out. Let them do their job. The last thing they need is to have to go in to save your stupid .”

“Let me up,” Jiyong demanded. “I have to know if she’s okay. Did they get her out?”

Slowly the first officer eased up on the arm across Jiyong’s throat. He glanced warily at Jiyong as he and the other officer hauled Jiyong to his feet.

“Don’t make any sudden moves,” the officer warned.

Jiyong put his hands up, his heart pounding with dread as he eyed the carnage around him. This was his worst nightmare playing out in real time.

Fate was dealing him yet another blow, one he may never recover from. But no, this wasn’t fate. He could have prevented this. If only he’d reached out as she had done. If he’d only been willing to take the chance that she had taken by coming to him.

He alone was at fault. If something happened to Bom and their child, his life was over.

“Bom,” he said hoarsely. “Park Bom. She lived there.” He pointed at her apartment, his hand shaking, his voice cracking under the weight of his terror. “She would have just gotten home not so long ago. She was tired and upset. Please, can you just tell me if they found her?”

The officer pointed at Jiyong, his expression stern. “You stay here. I'll go see what I can find out.” He gestured for the other officer to stay with Jiyong.

He watched the officer wade through the firefighters and other EMS workers. It was all he could do to stand there while his heart was dying with each breath. The officer standing beside him eyed him with sympathy.

“They got several out already,” he said in a low voice.

“Many have already been taken to the hospital. I’m sure if she was in there that they got her.”

A few moments later, the first officer returned, a grim expression on his face. Jiyong lunged forward, getting so close he was almost pressing up against the policeman’s chest.

“They took her away in an ambulance maybe a half hour ago. She was one of the first they got out. I don’t have any further details. It’s crazy right now, but they said she was conscious and appeared to be unharmed.”

Jiyong’s knees buckled and he nearly went down. All his breath rushed out in a violent explosion of relief.

“Whoa, steady there. Maybe you should take a seat.”

Jiyong shook his head. “No. I have to go. Where did they take her?”

He was already turning to run to his SUV when the officer called after him with the name of the hospital. Jiyong sprinted from the scene, got into his truck and pulled away from the chaos.

He had to force himself not to drive recklessly when all he could think was to get to Bom as fast as he could.

He had to see her.

Had to kn

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Teyga648 #1
Chapter 25: Thank you very much for writing this. Love the angst. It was an amazing read. Love it from the beginning til the end.
CKings27 #2
Chapter 25: This was so good I really enjoyed your story. It's a shame I just found it wish I had earlier then again like I always say it's better late than never. Hope you'll be able to write more GBOM stories.
Chapter 25: i really like your story... keep writing gbom story authornim
pilyangsweet #4
Sorry press the wrong button...

Back to reading this again...I misssssd this story so much ...
Chapter 25: The ending still make me smile even though the middle chapter hurts so bad... Grace..write again..
shella13 #6
Chapter 25: Oh my god!!! I'm so ing love it!!! This One of the best gbom fanfic I've ever read!!! I'm so damn love with jiyong's here, and I'm so damn love bom's here. And I'm so damn love GBOM!!! Oh how i wish they can be together for real.

I really love how you write every detail of this story. Oh I forget to mention that how I love bom's friends especially taeyon, she's really kind ;)
Oh i just love all about this story, thank you for making such a great story authornim.
Chapter 25: I love it! waiting for another great story from you ^_^
pilyangsweet #8
I Love Love Love Love it....!!!!....very nicely written...good story plot and its a gbom story!

I enjoy the drama/delima between bom & Bom is such a strong woman & eventhough jiyong is a jerk at some his issues are totally understandable....I really like this kind of plot....

Its worth the sleepless night. I keep saying one more chapter then i will sleep but i was so hooked ended up finishing it..

Thanks for the wonderful story...i hope u could writte more...AFF needs more story from talented author like u!
Chapter 25: I'm going to read this story and seems really promising and good can't wait ☺️
miszleexiahjoonsu #10
Chapter 25: Love this story so much!!!!!!!!