Chapter 2~

Always and Forever

 Everyone woke up nice and fresh, except Chanyeol. He was

waiting all night for a call from me. His eyes automatically shut at 8am,

and then BEEP BEEP BEEP, his alarm rung. (The classic.) time to wake up

Chanyeol, Xiumin shouted cutely. Aishh hyung chaebal, andwaeeeee,

Chanyeol wined. The boys spent the whole day filming their music video.

Many scenes Chanyeol were cut off because of his tired eyes. Even circle

lenses couldn't hide the fact that he was dying to sleep. Hyung you should

go get some sleep, sehun told Chanyeol. Huh? Mm yeah, Chanyeol said

already falling asleep while walking. The boys went back to their hotel

after the mv was filmed and Chanyeol was dead asleep. He finally woke up

around 10pm and the boys went out to eat dinner. They dressed up in

tuxes because they were eating fancy tonight. The boys walked in the

restaurant and sat at two connected tables.(since the group was huge)

the boys ordered their food and Kris yelled, why isn't there any music

here? Suddenly, the soft sound of a piano started playing from a distance.

The boys turned their heads to the piano. I was playing the piano. I didn't

realize exo was coming here, so I played their song, Miracles in

December. The boys looked at me shocked. Chanyeol got up from his seat,

and ran towards me. I stopped playing and he dragged me into an empty

room at the back of the restaurant. Where were you, I've been

waiting for your call all night! Chanyeol said while holding both of my

hands. I was, busy, I told him. I missed you though, he told me. Both of

us just stood there, and stared into each other's eyes. Chanyeol pulled me

into a deep hug. When he let go, he simply looked into my eyes. Then he

said, be my girlfriend, please. His eyes widened and sparkled as he asked

me this. I couldn't stop staring into his eyes. Chanyeol continued and

said, You like me right?, because I like you. I want to show Exo I found

the most beautiful foreign Hangul speaking girl in the world. It's rare that

a girl like you would show up in my life, and I'm not gonna lose you now.

Please, will you go out with me? Chanyeol told me. I bit my lip, because I

wasn't sure what to do, but, I ended up nodding. Chanyeol smiled big. He

moved closer to me and gave me a kiss on my lips. He let go and hugged

me once again. Thankyou again, for coming into my life, Chanyeol told

me. He held my hand and walked me towards the exo members.

All of them were blankly staring at me, until Luhan shouted, OHHH she's

so pretty!! Xiumin then shouted, MHO YAHHH, YOU LIED TO US

CHANYEOL. Kris simply stared at me and didn't say anything. Everyone

meet my new girlfriend, Chanyeol told the members. Annyeonghaseyo, I

bowed and greeted the members. You made her you're girlfriend in 10

minutes? Chen asked. You guys were asking why I didn't show up

yesterday, it was because I was getting to know her, Chanyeol said.


covered Xiumin's mouth before he could say anything else. No hyung, she

needed help, she was kidnapped by some random men, I helped her out

and gave her some of my clothes to wear. I'm sorry I couldn't tell u all of

this earlier, Chanyeol told Xiumin. Xiumin made an O shape with his

mouth, and said, ohhhh. Baekhyun got up from the his seat (which was

next to Chanyeol's) and pointed his hands like a gentlemen

to the seat. He looked at me while blushing and said, have a seat

beautiful. I smiled and sat down next to Chanyeol. Baekhyun pulled

another chair and sat next to me.  The first few minutes were pretty

awkward, because all the boys did was stare at me. Excuse me, but you

are just so pretty!, Xiumin yelled to me. Kris was blank as usual, being a

cold guy. The dinner finally came to the table. The waiter was my close

friend and she just stared at me. Umm, what are you doing here, not

playing the piano? (My job was basically playing the piano at this

restuarant.) The waiter knew about my love for kpop, but didn't really

know who Exo was. So she wasn't really freaking out fangirling when

serving them. I ummm, Chanyeol cut me off and told the waiter, she's

taking the day off. The waiter stared at Chanyeol like he was stupid, but

then told me, you finally found the loves of your life, but I'm not letting u

have a day off unless I get one too! Chanyeol got up like a cool man and

said, where's your manager, I'll pay for the both of you guys to get a

break for today. The waiter gazed at him and said, you're so handsome

and tall! Thankyou, I'm your friend's new boyfriend. My friend stared at

me with wide open and then said, YOU SCORED GOOOOOD

GURLLL! I palm slapped my forehead from the embarrassment. Chanyeol

settled everything with the boss and the both of us got the whole day off.

I sat back down with the boys, but my friend just drooled from a far. The

boys bought dinner and dessert for me. Chanyeol ordered a big bowl of  

ice cream for the two of us. Oh there's only one spoon, I'll go get another

one, I told Chanyeol. No!, I mean, I was thinking, we could um, eat from

the same spoon? Chanyeol asked sweetly. Chen and Tao yelled,

awwwwwwh! This time I was blushing. Chanyeol fed me, and I fed him.

Could life get any better? All of us were done with our meals

and the boys paid for their food. Chanyeol was pretty much screwed

because he spent all his money on my friend and I to get a break from

work. (This is what happens when you try to pull off being cool.) Kris was

the cool one, and paid for Chanyeol's food. Come to our hotel for a little

while, we can get to know you better, Suho told me. I nodded and we all

went to Chanyeol's room. The boys got to know me very well, and at the

end, they approved me to be Chanyeol's girlfriend, not even thinking

about the consequences of the future. Chanyeol led me to hotel's exit and

said, I wish you could stay longer. He made a cute pouty face and held my

shoulders. I smiled and reached to kiss him on the cheek. He quickly

changed his lip's position, and I ended up kissing his lips. Ahh Chanyeol, I

fangirled in my heart and playfully punched him on the shoulder.

He pulled me into a hug and said, goodnight love. The next day, I got a

call from Suho. How did you get my number?, I asked him. I sneaked

your phone while you were all lovey dovey with Chanyeol. Ohh hehe, I

said while smiling on the phone. Come meet us at our Photoshoot location

today, i bet it would be a dream of any fangirl to see us take pictures,

Suho told me. I smiled big and said, okay~! I hung up the phone and ran

to my closet to see what I could wear. I had the day off from work, so I

took advantage of this moment. I was being a little princess, dancing

around my room with a pink dress I was going to wear. I got

ready and hung out with exo the whole day. I ended coming to Chanyeol's

hotel room at 10pm once again. Chanyeol and Xiumin told me that they

had to talk to their manager about something, so I was stuck in the room

with Kris, the cold guy. It was the most awkward moment for both of us. I

took Chanyeol's laptop and sat on the floor, sideways of the queen size

bed. Kris didn't even try to communicate with me, and just got on the bed

and went to sleep. I just spent my time doing school work on the

computer. (I was in high school, but I was homeschooled.) why haven't

these guys come back yet?, I thought to myself. The moment was silent,

and suddenly I heard from behind me, you're so focused. I turned around

to find Kris laying of the side of the bed, watching me on my laptop the

whole time. Kris was never this close to me, I jumped as I turned

because it was so scary. When did u get here?, I said to Kris. I made a

bunch of noise so you would move to another location, but u were so  

focused in school work you didn't even notice me, Kris told me. This is

where I always sleep, he said. Ohh, I'm so sorry, I'll just move, I told him.

I picked the laptop up and was grabbed by Kris before I could even move.

No, it's okay, you can stay here, he told me. I changed my position to

where I was sitting next to Kris, but on the floor. He couldn't really see

my laptop anymore, but he pulled his blanket right below his eyes and

stared at me the whole time. I didn't think he noticed that I actually knew

he was staring at me. You know, you stare at me a lot, I told Kris. He

quickly changed the position of his eyes and said, Ohh umm , I was

just, there was umm, something in your hair . (Really there wasn't

anything but he picked his hand at my hair pretending there was

something there.) ohh thank you, I told him. Can you sing me a lullaby?

Kris asked me. Me? Oh no, I don't know many lullabies, I told him. Just

sing me anything, he said. I'm not that good of a singer, but... Okay, I

said. I started to sing a lullaby my omma sung to me when I was little.

This time, Kris laid his eyesight on me, even though he knew that I was

aware of his staring. Once I was done, Kris reached his hand and tucked

my hair behind my ear. That was beautiful, ... Like you, he told me. You're

such an amazing singer, you can play the piano, you’re a foreigner that

can speak Hangul, and you’re so beautiful. I think I would've dated you if

Chanyeol didn't, Kris said. I just stared at him without saying anything.

The moment was ruined when we heard a knock on the door. I opened the

door and Chanyeol along with Xiumin smiled big. What took you guys so

long? I told them. We were out shopping for you. Chanyeol handed me a

white box. I opened it and gasped. A beautiful silver dress was in it.

There's a party tomorrow, we went to get this dress for you so you can

look the most beautiful there, Xiumin told me. But you know, you're

beautiful without this dress anyways, Chanyeol said to me while winking.

Sorry we lied about saying we were talking to our manager, Xiumin said.

Oh no, it's fine, you guys shouldn't have! I said sweetly. You should get

good sleep for tomorrow, Chanyeol said to me. Call me when you're home,

okay? Do you want me to drive you? Chanyeol asked me. No it's okay, I'll

go by myself, I smiled and said. Chanyeol gave me a kiss, and dropped me

off at the exit of the hotel. Were you sleeping the whole time? Xiumin

asked Kris. Umm yeah, but you guys woke me up, Kris said. Ohh biene, go

back to sleep! Xiumin said while cuddling into the bed as well. Chanyeol

later joined the boys and they all went to sleep.

Subscribe if you would like me to write the rest of the story! Thanks~!

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