Chapter 1 ~

Always and Forever

The world is such a blurry place, isn't it? You see a clear sky,

but suddenly the clouds cover it with its sorrowful hue.

You see the sunset with a beautiful horizon, but surely it

is covered by a spacious nape of darkness. This is life,

you find hope but can lose it if you don't take care of it.

Will there ever be a clear ray of hope? My head felt so dizzy,

my arms felt like they were being held down. I woke up

quickly to see these huge men all over me, ready to me.

Tears poured from my eyes as I begged for mercy. I had to plan

an escape somehow. I wasn't going to let these men do anything

to me. I used my long nails to advantage, because they were sharp

as a knife. I clawed through the men's arms and ran as fast as I could

out the door. The men brought me into a hotel room, a fancy one. The

men quickly ran after me, but I was already out the door. I looked

right and left searching to see if anyone could help me. A tall Korean

man was walking my way, so I quickly ran to him and asked him if he

could help me. His face looked so familiar, but my eyes were tearing

so much that my vision was blurry. He quickly grabbed my hand

and pushed me into his hotel room. He walked out his room door

and scanned for the men. The men spotted the Korean and asked him

if he saw me. The Korean man spoke Hangul so they would

think he doesn't understand them. The men were American, and we

were in New York City. The men ran the opposite way to search

for me down in the lobby. The Korean quickly ran back to his hotel

room and locked his door. I was sitting on his bed, in tears. He slowly

walked towards me and bent down to see my face. Woww, he said

softly and backed away. He grabbed a box of tissues and gave

them to me. Are you okay? He asked me. Neh gwenchanaeyo, I told

him softly. Wait, you speak hangul?!, he asked with concern. I'm

actually a fan of Koreans and Kpop, so I have learned the language,

I said to him. He took a tissue and wiped my tears. My eyes weren't

blurry anymore, and I knew exactly who he was. He was Chanyeol

from Exo! My heart was racing just a bit, but then it went back

to normal because I was still in a trance from the incident that just

happened. I told myself once that if I see a Kpop star in person,

I would scream my head off. But this time, I didn't scream or

fangirl at all. I just smiled softly and said, I'm a big fan of exo.

He looked at me and wiped another tear from my eye. Oh really?

He said. That's great to hear. Who's your favorite from Exo? I smiled

and said, Xiumin..... And you. He smiled big, and said thank you.

He sat next to me and asked, how all of this happened. I hesitated

to say, but I started anyways. I was shopping in the market down

below this hotel, and those men came out of nowhere and grabbed me.

I screamed for help, but no one cared. I didn't expect you to help me

either, but you did, and I will forever be grateful for that. He looked

at me with genuine eyes and grinned. Then I continued and said,

but I don't understand something. What is that? Chanyeol asked me.

The market I was shopping in had many girls, and some were even

dressed in rich attire. Why did they kidnap me then? I asked. Chanyeol

lifted his hand and pushed my hair behind my ear. Because, ... You're

beautiful, he told me. I don't think anyone could resist you, he smiled

and whispered. There was a silent moment between us. Chanyeol

broke the silence when he got up and said, let me get you something. He

went into his closet and brought out a pair of clothes. He handed them

to me and said, I noticed that your shirt is ripped from the back, you

can wear my clothes. Aren't these expensive?, it's okay I'll just go home

and change, I told him. I started walking towards the door and said, I

should get going. As I opened the door Chanyeol dropped the clothes

and grabbed my hand. Don't leave, the men are still searching for you,

stay here for a few more hours. He pulled me back inside his room with

pressure, and I ended up in his arms. My heart started beating fast,

and I could hear his heart beat the same way. His hands were

accidentally touching the rip on the back of my shirt. His hands were

touching my . I could feel the heat in his hands. We stood there,

not knowing what to do. I quickly backed away from him and we both

smiled. His cheeks were blushing like strawberries. He picked his clothes

up and gave them to me. Here, go change, he said with his blushing

cheeks. I couldn't refuse now, since the moment was so awkward. So I

took the clothes and ran into his closet room. When I came out, I saw

Chanyeol talking on the phone. As he looked at me, he quickly said on the

phone, I'll call you later hyung gotta go! He put his phone in his pocket

and walked towards me. They fit you nicely, he smiled and scratched the

back of his head. Can I um, Chanyeol pointed to my hair and smiled.

I nodded and responded to his hand gesture. He wanted to fix my

hair. I had my hair clipped in the back to look like I had short

hair, but in reality my hair was so long it reached to my thighs. I

pulled the clips out of my hair and swished it back to its regular length. hair, is so long, Chanyeol stuttered and stared at me

with amazement. And I thought you couldn't get any more perfect, he

whispered to himself. He ran his fingers through my hair, and paused as

the scent of my shampoo bursted into the air. Can I hug you? He asked  

me. Umm, sure? I said. I was starting to get nervous. He pulled my hair

to one side, revealing my bare neck. He gave me a back hug, and he

wrapped his arms around my waist. He put his chin on my shoulder and

closed his eyes. Your hair smells so nice, he whispered in my ear. I could

feel his breathing on my bare neck. I didn't know how to react, so I just

pulled away and made the moment awkward again. I was so shy. Umm

thankyou, Chanyeol. Oh wait, I never asked your name, may I know it?

Chanyeol asked me. Oh, my name.. Is ____________. Your name

is so unique, It suits you, he smiled and told me. Thankyou, may I ask

who you were talking to on the phone earlier? I said. Kris hyung, he was

asking where I was, Chanyeol told me. I was actually on my way to meet

exo for lunch. Three of us are staying in one room each. I was running a

little late because I slept in. The others left without me and I was actually

on my way there, but then you came along the way and my plans

changed. (Exo was in Newyork city shooting a new music video.) I'm so

sorry, I shouldn't have disturbed you, I said guiltily. What are you saying,

meeting you was the best thing that ever happened to me, Chanyeol said

as he blushed. I smiled and said thankyou. Maybe I should get going, I

think I'll be safe now, I told Chanyeol. Chanyeol hesitated, but knew it

was time for me to go. He walked me to the door, and as I opened it, I

found that the handle of the door was being twisted from the other side.

Chanyeol pushed me to the side and opened the door. The men who

harassed me were outside, waiting for the door to open the whole time.

Chanyeol peeked his head through the door and said, neh, chincha

moragaeso! The men pushed Chanyeol and entered his room to look for

me. Chanyeol hid me behind his tall back. He whispered to me, on the

count of three, we run for our lives. I held his shoulder as a yes respond,

one, two,.... three go!! Chanyeol yelled. Both of us dashed out of the room

and ran to the elevator. The men ran fast too, but couldn't catch up to us.

Chanyeol was freaking out in the elevator. He pressed every button a

million times and well, ended up getting the elevator stuck. Boom! We

heard the elevator malfunction and the lights turned off. Omo omo what

happened?! I whispered. Umm I think it's just the electricity hehe,

Chanyeol said. Chanyeol, paboyah u know what u did, this is so scary!

I said. Chanyeol the light in his phone. Sit down, I'll call for

help, Chanyeol said. He called the hotel, and they picked up right

away. Once Chanyeol was done with the call he put his phone on the floor

and sat next to me. They said they're gonna come as soon as they can,

Chanyeol told me. The moment was silent. Chanyeol stared at me. He put

his hand on mines. Sorry about about everything, you don't deserve any

of this. No it's not your fault! I owe you big time, I told Chanyeol. Is there

anything I can do in return for you? I asked him. Chanyeol was quite for a

moment but then said, ...'ve already done so much. You

came into my life, what better could I ask for. He gripped harder onto my

hand and stared ahead of him. Thankyou for coming into my life, he told

me. I was speechless. We just sat there, and bared the beautiful moment.

The moment was ruined when the elevator mechanics fixed  the elevator

and opened the door for us. The brightness of the light through the

opened elevator doors blinded us. We got up (still holding hands) and left

the elevator. We realized the men searching for me most likely gave up. I

bid my farewell to Chanyeol and went home. I didn't want to get

connected to him, or have memories with him. And this is simply because

I knew I could never compare to a kpop star. I went home and while I

was reaching in my pockets, I felt a piece of paper hidden in it. Chanyeol

left his number in it. I wanted to throw it away, but I ended up keeping in

a safe place. Meanwhile at Chanyeol's place, the exo members finally

came home to check on him. (That played off nicely, the girl left and then

the members came hehe.) Xiumin and Kris were staying in Chanyeol's

room. Where were you Chanyeol?! Kris shouted. I was helping someone

out, that's all, Chanyeol told him. AHHH, MHO YAHH?! Xiumin shouted.

Kris and Chanyeol ran to check on Xiumin. WHAT ARE THESE CLOTHES


forgot to give the girl her clothes, aigoo.) ohh ummm, those, Chanyeol

said while stuttering. AND THE CLOTHES ARE RIPPED?!! WHAT HAVE U

BEEN DOING?!! Xiumin yelled cutely, but furiously. Those clothes are

mines, umm I was trying a new style hyung hehe, Chanyeol said.

.............. The two boys were blank, just staring at Chanyeol like he was  

an idiot. You shouldn't be lying to your hyungs, you're too young to be

doing all this!! Kris yelled. Hey I'm not that young....wait no, thats not my

point, you guys are thinking wrong. I would tell you for sure if something

like that happened, Chanyeol told them. The two boys still didn't believe

Chanyeol and just went to bed.



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