Do You Love Me ?
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Sorry sebab HIATUS. Saya akan sambung cerita ni lepas balik sekolah :D *budak sklh katakn ~ *
Saya terpaksa habiskan cerita ni dengan secepat mungkin and maybe this story will be end at Chapter 6. Thank you sebab masih setia baca cerita yang tak seberapa ni. KAMSAHAMNIDA.. *bow*  
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MaKnAeLiNeS #1
Chapter 8: dah tamat ke??
izatizatixoxo88 #2
Chapter 8: Tamat dah ker?Sebab citer best sangat!
xkesah #3
Chapter 8: Update soon..palliwa
baekhyung9295 #4
Chapter 8: end ??? chapter 8 here !!! palli !!
Chapter 8: Please please please update soon jebal author-nim
sha13101999 #6
Chapter 8: Waaaaaaaa! Ppali Update T_T
Chapter 7: Ahhhh !!!!! I'm going crazy !!!! Update 1 more chapter now !!!''
kariss #8
Chapter 6: Yah ! paliwa update ! >3< heheh your story so ing deabak ! ^.^
Hello !!!! where the next chapter ?? Please update soon !!! -_-