Strategic Plan

Destiny in Autumn


I looked up when my ears heard a familiar voice. An angel's voice. 



Kim Jaejoong's voice!!  



'Okay, so why  is he here?' I asked myself.



"Wow, that's rare! Ji is talking to a girl!" he said like it's so amusing for Jiyong to talk to a girl.



While she on the other hand , still in shock of what's happening. 



'Wait so . . Ji is Jiyong - ssi??!! and he is also friends with Jaejoong?!!' she thought.



"Shut up, Jae!" he said looking a bit shy.



"Who is she? Introduce me!" he asked instead.



Ba - thump! Ba- thump! Ba - thump!



Her heart suddenly beat faster and her face is getting sweaty, after hearing what he said.



'Omo! He's asking him to introduce me!! What if Jiyong - ssi say that 'She is very rude,just ignore her' because of what I did earlier and then Jaejoong - ssi will say 'Oh, Okay!' my gadddh! But even if he say that I will just keep quiet.' she thought.



'I can't watch.' she closed her eyes tightly not wanting to see what will happen next.



"This person is . . ." she waited for his next words still with eyes close.



"Park Sandara - ssi, we just became friends.That's all to it" she opened her eyes widely surprised from what he said.



"Amazing!Wow! You're friends with Ji?!" she saw him now looking at her. Her cheeks turned red and then she panicked.



"Ye- Yes, but umm," she gasped. "I became friends with Sohee - ssi too! umm Sohee - ssi, ummm Sohee - ssi."



"Mandu." the two boys look at her.



'Eh?' she looked at them curiously.



"Actually, the three of us has been together since nursery school, like childhood friends.We used to call her Mandu because she likes eating dumplings. hehe" Jaejoong explained.



"Sohee and I are neighbors." Jiyong said.



'Eh?!' she thought again.



"Anyway,it was a pleasure to meet you, Sandara - ssi" Jaejoong said while smiling at her, and with what he did she blushed deeper.



"Oh me-  me too! You can call me Dara, that's what they call me" she said to him.



"Oh, okay!"



Next Morning . .



Dara's POV



As I arrived in school, I saw Jiyong getting his things from his locker.



'I think I should thank him from what he did yesterday' I thought.



"Go - Good Morning Jiyong- ssi!"he then turned around . 'Omo! did I scared him?'



"Well, I want to talk to you for a bit." I said.






"Yesterday, you said , "she's my friend" Thank you very much!" I thanked him.



" . . .Don't mention it."he smiled.



"Also, . . to tell you the truth, I - " but he cut me.



"Oh, you like Jaejoong, right?" my eyes widen after hearing his words.






"What do you mean by "wahh?!! Isn't it true?" he asked.


"Yes, it's true." I sighed. 'Gosh he scared me'



"umm . .ummm. . ,then, . .if it's okay, .  .can you help me out with . .Jaejoong?" I hesitantly asked him.


We stood there for awhile waiting for his answer.


" .. Sorry. I can't" he answered looking at my eyes.I look away from him.


"umm . .Even if I helped, you do know the chances won't increase,right?" he said seriously.


"- But, If I just graduate like this, I think I will regret it." I reasoned.


"I understand how you feel but -" I felt lonely and sad cause I thought he's gonna help me but -


"alright, I'll help you." I heard him said. I suddenly had the urge to look at him.


"Really?" I asked.


"Yeah" I smiled at him. And he did the same.


On our way to our classroom I asked him if he wants to have strategic meeting , but he said that it will just be troublesome.


"Hey! Come early in the morning!" I said to him.


While talking to him I noticed that Sohee is walking behind us , so I greeted her.


"Good Morning! Sohee - ssi!Aigoo~ why are you not calling us! Let's go to the classroom together!"








"Wow!Your penmanship is really good" I praised him while he was answering his answer sheet.



"I wish I can write like you" I said.



"Wait since we're friends can I call you Ji too?" I asked


"No." he answered focusing only on what he's doing.




"Just don't, I forbid you to call me with that name"


I frowned "But, Jaejoong calls you Ji, and he's your friend and I'm your friend now right?" 


"That's because he's special." he excused.


I leaned to his ear and whisper something to . " . . .Is it love?"


"NO!" he just look at me in disbelief.


"Well, does Jiyong - ssi have somebody he likes?" I asked waiting for his answer excitedly.


He stared at me. "Dara, . . "


" .. why did you come here so early?!" he looks pissed off.


"Oh yeah, we have to have a strategic meeting." I said as I pull out a notebook inside my bag with :


                             HSL (High School Love) Big Strategic Plan

                                                          Dara and Jiyong's 

                                      LOVE BIG STRATEGIC PLAN


written in the cover of it.


"WHAT THE HELL!?? IT'S ME!! THAT'S MY NAME!!" he said lifting his body off the chair then sitting again, as he looked on the notebook. that I made.



'He can't back out now *evil laugh*' I thought.


He cool down for a bit and asked. " . .so, what do you want to do first?"


"First, why don't we go first somewhere with everyone." I suggest, smiling widely.





"Wow!It's been a year since I've been to an amusement park!"  heard Jaejoong said.


I smiled then agreed by saying "Me too!"


"But is it okay for a student preparing for an exam-" he worriedly said.


"It's okay!" I assured him, but in my mind I thought 'Maybe'


"Sohee, where do you want to start?" I asked her then we walk our way to the rides.



Jiyong's POV


"Those two became really friendly" I heard Jaejoong said.


"Yeah,that's true" I agreed.


"By the way Ji, your participation in this kind of things is unusual." he stated.


"I don't think so."I disagree.


He then stared at me like I'm hiding something. 


"What? You're creeping me out."


"Nothing!" he ran towards Dara and Sohee's direction leaving me alone.


'Why am I doing this?' I thought to myself.


It's just that when I saw her sad eyes, I can't say no to her. I don't want to see her sad or crying. Aissht!


I was brought back to present when Dara called me.


"Hey! Jiyong! Hurry up!" 



weee chap 3 later~ thanks for all the views and subscribers!! :)) and I'll appreciate your comments (:


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peppiwelsh1 #1
Chapter 13: Definitely yes to the update
Choco_choco #2
Chapter 13: Wow... Its been a years... Thats long but... U should still update this ok..
Hope you'll update soon! :D
pinkkiwinky #4
Omo complicated.... :(
chabeetaloca #5
Thank you very much guys!
beastlyvip21 #6
im really sad , i mean all these emotions and tears are going to waste because of some unconventional situation. if your truly love someone you could stand anything what fate has thrown to you. love isnt simple as abc but its something to be work hard on so i hope they bothe realize that if their feelings are pure in the end they would end up together. maybe its just the wrong moment to fall, and time will take its course and their destiny is up to them whether they will let their path cross again. <br />
<br />
ps i really cried .
die sohee, die!!!!!!!!!!!!!
argggggggg<br />
i hate sohee<br />
pinkkiwinky #9
Aigoooooo hope update again soon! Thanks!
i want to kill sohee, she's psycho for real, haist