Secret Place Cont.


When I opened my eyes there they appeared. There were three guys that appeared in front of me. Let's just say I expected something different from what I saw. One of them was chubby wearing a darth vadar mask, and a long black silk cape. The one behind him was scrawny, and wore a black cape. Then there was the guy in the back. He didn't even seem to fit in with the other two. This one has styled hair, and styled clothing.
Vadar,"You guys check this out!"*Points to the river bed*
Scrawny,"Whoa! This is epic!"
Styled,"This place is gorgeous."*Looks out to the river bed*"You guys, I think someone else is here."*Points out to the middle of the water*
I swear my heart stopped. I wish I could just merge with the water, and just flow down stream.
Vadar,"What are you talking about?"*Looks around*
Scrawny,"Sir dorkius take off your mask."
Vadar,"*Gasp* How could you ever say that?! Vadar is never exposed!"
Styled,"Yes he is. We already know he turns to the dark side."

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