How It All Started

Force to love

How It All Started





Sungyeol was running towards the lake. After getting the calls, he is practically storming out from his house. The Myungsoo boy was so helping. Only a day and he’s able to find his Jureumi.


“Annyeong,,” Sungyeol greets Myungsoo happily. His smile was so wide and Myungsoo feels so lucky that he think he’ll die in peace in front of his angel.


“Annyeong hyung..”


“Ehh,, You said that you meet Jureumi. Where’s she,??”


Myungsoo smile slyly.


“I want my present first. You said that you’ll give anything right.”


Sungyeol startled. Mentally slaps himself for saying that. He’s sure that he’ll comes home empty hand that day.

‘Way to go Sungyeol. Where did you find this greedy monster anyway? Sigh, so much to do to have a perfect life with my Jureumi.’ He imaginary cries.


“Find then, what do you want,??”



[Myungsoo p.o.v.]


“I want you,..”

He keeps on blinking and looks into my eye with uncertainty. It takes him good two minutes to comprehend what I say.

“What,,??!!!” he shout. Loud enough to make the ants that is in his chin shock. I think so because the ants suddenly fell down from his chin. Probably faints. Sungyeol’s face was priceless. But still looks cute for me.


Well, cut the long story short. 1 day after I meet the Jureumi girl, I call Sungyeol. And tell him that I already found his precious girl. Geez, I feel so stupid for feeling heartbroken over ugly, alien looking cat. So, since he says that he’ll give anything, I just say I want him. It’s a win-win situation right. As expected Kim Myungsoo, you’re so clever. I mentally patted myself.



“You’re kidding right kid. I don’t know you. Heck, I don’t even think that you know me. You’re,,,”

“I know you.” I cut his word.

“You’re Lee Sungyeol. Shinhwa High School Basketball Captain. You always have this cool charismatic aura but I now found out you like cute things. You live at,,,”

“Stop it..” he looks at me in pure horror. As if I’m his stalker or,,.. Oh yeah. I am his stalker.

“Oh come on. You’re school prince. Everyone knows that. It’s just a basic info about you,!!” I try to explain. Where on earth should I hide my face if he knows that I’m stalking him anyway. I hope he’s dumb enough to believe me. Since he is actually never his family matters to others. Unless you’re following him back all the time like I do.


“Listen kid. I’m not a e that will fall in love or accept you as my boyfriend or whatever. Geez, didn’t you a bit underage to be in this kind of relationship anyway,?”

He asked me. He’s not in the position to argue to me anyway. I swear to God, if I’m not madly in love with this boy, I’m gonna,, Ohh,,, I know something.


With my glassy eyes, pouted lips and quivering voice, I asked.


“Why not,??”


He blinked. Face pitying me. Just a little more Myungsoo. You did a great job. I mentally patted my head.


“I just can’t..”


Oh God, that’s it. My last straw.


 “Listen here Yeollie. My name is Kim Myungsoo. I’m sixteen. Just one year younger than you. Like it or not, you’ll be mine. Or else, your Jureumi-girl.. You remember her right. You’ll probably never see her again in your entire life. Think carefully and tell me your decision.”



*Flashback Ends*




It’s been three months Myungsoo and Sungyeol become couple. They started to enjoy each other presence. However, being a stubborn person he is, Sungyeol keeps on denying his feelings towards Myungsoo.


Today, Myungsoo as always walks Sungyeol home. As he said that Sungyeol is too fragile to protect himself. Their hands intertwine and everything seems perfect until Myungsoo demand something from Sungyeol.



[Sungyeol p.o.v]


“Uh, care to repeat,? I don’t think I hear right.” Is it just myself or did he really requesting something weird just now.


“I think you hear it right. I said kiss me.”


I look at him in disbelief. Kiss,?? My first kiss,?? I mean I did really popular. But my kiss is for the love of my life for cry out loud.


“Listen boy. Just because we’re couple doesn’t mean we have to kiss.” I try to reasoning.


He starts to make his cute face. I swear he looks like a cat with his feline eyes and all. And he is really cute that I always fall into his traps. But today, I will resist. Lee Sungyeol will resist cuteness. Such are miracle!!.


“Kiss me,. Or else..”


Ohh, he must want to threaten me again. Be strong Sungyeollie. You can do it.


“Or what,??”


He smirks. He opens his bag and for God sake, he takes out Jureumi from his goddamn bag. All this time, my Jureumi baby is in his bag. Poor girl.. This devil, he never gives me my Jureumi baby. And this is how he threats my baby.


He smirks. He put his finger on his lips. Signaling me to kiss him. I hesitate at first, but seing my Jureumi baby in his grasp – I swear I her eyes is glassy – I brace myself. Our lips then lock in most innocent kiss. His lip is surprisingly soft against my own.


As we parted, I quickly wipe my lips. Try to hide that I’m enjoying the kiss. My cheek is blushing furiously. The glint of hurt in his face when I wipe my lips was quickly change to his usual smirks.


“Now that’s my dear Yeollie…”

He pasted a chaste kiss on my lips once again. Successfully in making my face even redder than before.







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Chapter 6: So cute! Aigoo
Nayama #2
Chapter 6: oh i like your story,,, i just found it hehe...
even if it short it doesn't feel rush, i like it
ohh yes please do make a sequel, how cute it can be >.<
*squealing already
Chapter 6: Why it's ending already ?? Sequel ?? Yes please~
Chapter 6: Oh my gooooodd~~
That ending, so ADORABLE ! ♥♡♥
lineth #5
Chapter 6: Uhhh so cute!!! Myungyeol forever kekeke *_~ ♡
Chapter 4: Idk what to say, but...I like this poster pict LOL
Chapter 4: Pffftthahahaha I thought you were ment to be a y beast Yeol..
But you got blackmailed by MyungMyung...
Too adorable!!! ♥♡♥
Feby_Febiana #8
Chapter 4: That's perfect!!!! ;D
Chapter 2: Why Yeollie is crying ?? OMG Myung is so darn adorable, really won't wash that shirt ?? OTL update soon even if the chapters is so short as long as you'll update this fic everyday I don't mind :/