Poor Misunderstanding

Force to love

[No one p.o.v.]


Sungyeol loosen his hug oh-so-slowly.


I’m sorry.” His eyes look anywhere but the younger boy. His cheek flushed bright red. Embarrass by his own behaviours for hugging the stranger.


It’s ok.. I don’t really mind.” Weirdly, the reply he got doesn’t sound assuring, but it sound pure of happiness.


Why are you crying hyung,??” Sungyeol eyed the boys. He shook his head. Try to say nothing. The boy pouted and Sungyeol almost squeal at the sight. Almost as his hand already up in air, ready to pinch the latter cheeks.

A..Aniyo.. Just that I lost my Jureumi and I can’t find her anywhere.”




Her,??” Myungsoo frowned at the words.


Yes.. My brother brings her for a walk and she just disappear. I don’t know what to do anymore.” Sungyeol ruffle his hair. His eyes started to watered again. He look unrealistic cute and adorable and the sight was a pure bliss to the not-so-and-don’t-even-have-the-innocence Myungsoo.


I promise I will give anything to anyone who can find her.. She’s too important for me to lose.” Sungyeol’s word rings on Myungsoo’s ears. His heart clenched.


It’s ok hyung. I’m sure you’ll find her. Don’t be sad ok. I’m going home.”


Myungsoo wants to go. He needs to go. He afraid that if he been there, he’ll break down. One step, two step, he almost run away from there. But he stops as a soft hand pulling his own hand.


Stop and don’t go. Accompany me will you,.?”


A persistent Sungyeol try to make him stay. Batting his eyelashes, he starts to do aegyo. Just imagine, a crying Sungyeol make an aegyo, no one will able to resist him right. So, the pity boy stayed. Keep him a company till night. Listen to him talking the sweet nothings about Jureumi without realising the other’s poor misunderstanding. For example, he talks about how cute Jureumi is, how she can make a cute aegyo and make him smile whenever he had a problem.


Whoever will be in misunderstanding right? Geez, how can a boy be so possessive about his cat after all? He’s a boy and a basketball captain for cry out loud. If only Myungsoo know the truth, for sure he will never feel that jealousy feeling over a cat. Sadly, he don’t know and Sungyeol just scattered his poor heart into pieces as he keeps on saying how much his love for Jureumi.




[Myungsoo’s p.o.v.]



He had someone else.. ‘Oh please Myungsoo,. He’s the meaning of perfection. How can he like someone as creepy as you. You stalk him day and night yet you don’t actually know anything about him.’ I keep on debating with myself. It’s hurt so much to know that your crush had someone else. It feels like dying. Pardon my metaphor. But I really feel like dying. Maybe I have to try forgetting him.



As I walk, I suddenly hear a meowed of cats. Being a cat lover I am, after Sungyeol lover of course, I followed the sounds and find a kitten. A weird one as I can say. The cat is pink in colour, wrinkling and the ears look like alien ears in Men In Black.


Did your owner throw you,?? Oh so sad. Pity you. You must feel useless and heartbroken like me right now.” I talk to her. Yeah,, It’s her. She’s a girl. How I know it,?? Oh,, wait I’m not doing anything improper to her ok. I just know.. Sigh,, erted person. Seeing a collar on her neck, I took a look at it.


Jureumi,,,” Ouwhh,.. That’s sound awfully familiar. I feel as if I had heard the name more than hundreds time today. I study her features more until I can sense she’s fidgeting under my gaze. I chuckle lightly.


Don’t worry alien-ah. I’m not gonna do anything to you. I’m not gonna erting on you. I will only do that to Sungyeollie..”






Ehhh,.. You’re Jureumi,????”




A/N : I’m sorry for the super late and short update . College is killing and I’m so stress right now. I'm gonne die with all the workload. Gahhh,...This chapter might be a bit boring but please bear with me. Enjoy all~~~ <3<3<3

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Chapter 6: So cute! Aigoo
Nayama #2
Chapter 6: oh i like your story,,, i just found it hehe...
even if it short it doesn't feel rush, i like it
ohh yes please do make a sequel, how cute it can be >.<
*squealing already
Chapter 6: Why it's ending already ?? Sequel ?? Yes please~
Chapter 6: Oh my gooooodd~~
That ending, so ADORABLE ! ♥♡♥
lineth #5
Chapter 6: Uhhh so cute!!! Myungyeol forever kekeke *_~ ♡
Chapter 4: Idk what to say, but...I like this poster pict LOL
Chapter 4: Pffftthahahaha I thought you were ment to be a y beast Yeol..
But you got blackmailed by MyungMyung...
Too adorable!!! ♥♡♥
Feby_Febiana #8
Chapter 4: That's perfect!!!! ;D
Chapter 2: Why Yeollie is crying ?? OMG Myung is so darn adorable, really won't wash that shirt ?? OTL update soon even if the chapters is so short as long as you'll update this fic everyday I don't mind :/