five Let's Play

Operation: Break Little Miss Heartbreaker




Once Infinite, that’s what the seven boys called themselves by, settled on their new seats different mumbles begun.


“Hey there gorgeous~ I’m Nam Woohyun and you are?” Woohyun decided to take the seat beside Haemi.

Upon hearing his greasy words, Haemi’s expression immediately harden. I don’t like this guy the moment he went in our room, she thought. She wanted to ignore the guy but being the hokjang, she had to entertain the new guy. “Hello” She said with a tight smile.

“Princess, you haven’t told me your name yet.” He said with a flirty smile. This move made Haemi roll her eyes. She didn’t bother to answer him which made Woohyun pout. She’s ignoring me? Daebak, he thought with a smirk. He was never ignored before and this made him curious on what kind of girl she really was.





The moment the eldest of Infinite walked towards his new seat, he instantly felt that he was being watched. Indeed he was. Ignoring the stare of the unknown girl, he took a seat. He doesn’t even understand why he had to go to class. I’ll take a nap, he said to himself. As his eyes were almost dropping, he was disturbed by a tap on his shoulder. Turning to his side, he raised his brow.

“You’re Kim Sunggyu, right?” Yeonhee asked. The sleepy boy nodded. A smile on her lips appeared. “Tae Yeonhee. Remember my name.” She stated followed by her famous hair flip. To anyone who's familiar with Yeonhee they knew exactly what was going through her mind right now. Kim Sunggyu, you're going to be mine, she declared with a smirk on her face.

Having no interest, Sunggyu shifted in his seat finding a comfortable side. He was near dreamland but once again, he was awakened. Widen eyes, he watched the scene in front of him unfold.





“Annyeong~” A jolly greeting startled Vixen’s Sleeping Beauty.

Right then, Semi fixed her posture and faced her new seatmate. Yeoja?, she asked herself before speaking. “Oh, hi. I’m Song Sera.” She said, smiling at the pretty boy beside her.

“Lee Sungjong-imnida. I hope we can be friends.” Sungjong said, a little too enthusiastic for Sera’s taste but she nodded otherwise.





Being too lazy to walk, L decided to take the empty seat nearest to where he was standing. He wasn’t interested in making friends coz he knows that once Hoya finishes his mission, they would move again. He yawned and plopped his shoulders on his table.

The moment Kwon ssaem instructed the new students to find their own seats, Aimi’s vision shifted to the seat on her left. Great, one of them will surely sit here. I just hope it’s not that player, she scrunched her nose displeased with the new guy. She was mentally thinking if she would introduce herself or not to her new seatmate. Fortunately for her, L wasn’t the type of person who socializes.





Dongwoo bounced to his new seat. A seat that he was eyeing the moment he got in. A wide grin was plastered on his face as he was pulling the chair for him to sit on.

Seeing that most of the vacant seats were occupied by his friends, Sungyeol settled on the empty seat behind a girl whose face was covered by a book. Weirdo, he screamed in his mind while passing by. He did a high-five with Dongwoo when he passed by him.





*clap* “Alright. Now that everyone is settled, why don’t we start?” Kwon seongsangnim announced, earning him a groan from his students. He chuckled. “But before we begin, Seohyun haksaeng!” He called his student.

Upon hearing her name, Seohyun stood up with a surprised expression on her face. “Present!” She said upon impulse. The entire class snickered and laughed at her little outburst, making her red as a tomato. Her friends tried their best to keep their laughter.

“I know you’re present Seohyun-ah” Kwon ssaem chuckled. She wanted the floor to eat her up. “I just wanted to say that no running in the halls. As punishment, you’re going to be the guide of the new students. Take care of them.”

Seohyun’s eyes widen with what Ssaem told her. “Mwo?! Ssaem! Isn’t that supposed to be Haemi’s job? She’s the hojang not me.” She whined while pointing to her friend.

Haemi glared at their maknae. How dare she drag me into this?, she mentally cursed.

“Ah, kurea. Haksaeng hojang, I believe it’s proper if you help Seohyun.” Kwon ssaem said. The rest of Vixen couldn’t help but burst into laughter upon their two friends’ task. Of course, Kwon ssaem didn’t miss any of those. “Semi haksaeng, Yeonhee haksaeng, Marji haksaeng and Aimi haksaeng I think it’s best to assist Haemi and Seohyun.”

“Ssaem!” 4 girls complained.

*clap* “No buts. Dong Seohyun please take your seat. I’ll start the lessons now.” Seongsangnim stated.

5 pairs of eyes glare at Seohyun’s stoned figure. I’m going to be killed later, she hit her head on her table. First she almost died because Yeonhee played a trick on her, then this happened. Seohyun wasn’t in her happiest.





Hoya of course took the seat closest to his target. Isn’t it my lucky day? No one is beside her, he smirked as he went to his new seat. Once settled, he faced her with his most charming smile. “Hey”

Marji watched as the boy who introduced himself in an awkward manner moved towards the seat beside her. A small smile was present on her lips when she heard him speak to her. “Hey” She replied. Now that you look at it, he’s cuter up close, she smiled in thought.

“Lee Howon, but you can call me Hoya. And you are?” He extended his hand.

A little disturbed by the hand, Marji decided to shake his hand anyways. “Choi Marji.”

“So Marji-shi since you’re part of our guide, may I ask you to guide me personally?” Hoya asked with the most appealing tone.

Marji knew that tone from anywhere. So he wants to play huh? Alright, gominam let’s play, she smirked. “A personal guide? Sure, why not? Choi Marji at your service.” She said in a giggly tone.

Hearing her response, Hoya smiled exposing his adorable canines. This girl knows how to play well. This is going to be very interesting, he said to himself. He was beyond excited to continue his mission. Studying Marji’s appearance for a while, he decided to face front pretending to be interested in the lesson. She is a looker, I must admit that. No wonder those boys liked her, he placed his chin on top of his hands.







A buzzing sound bothered Dongwoo’s thought. He searched where the sound was coming from. He wasn’t surprised when he saw Sungyeol making the sound. “What?” He mouthed to the younger boy. Sungyeol raised a paper towards him. She’s the girl, he read while Sungyeol was pointing to girl on his left. He titled his head in confusion. He knew that Choi Marji was their target not his seatmate.

Sungyeol was frustrated at his hyung but mostly at the girl on his front. The moment she stood up, snippets of his morning flashed in his mind. She’s the one! She’s the culprit!, he screamed in his mind clenching his fist. He smirked as the girl was punished.  Serves her right. Now, how do I get my revenge?, he asked himself. Just then, an idea popped into his mind.

Not giving his friend a single thought, Dongwoo decided to stop his seatmate from further damaging her skull. *cough* “Your forehead will get red if you continue to do that.” He said with a smile.

Hearing that statement, Seohyun raised her head and faced whoever was disturbing her pre-doomed stage.

A scowl was what faced Dongwoo’s smiling face but it didn’t bother him. “See, your forehead is red now.” Pointing to Seohyun’s forehead.

Seohyun was about to snap but stopped. “Hey, I know you. Aren’t you the guy from last time?” She asked. Dongwoo nodded. “Oh. So you’re a transferee, no wonder you looked so lost before. I’m Dong Seohyun by the way.” She smiled, holding unto her small forehead.

*chuckle* “I’m glad you remembered.  Jang Dongwoo, at least I know someone in this class.”

Seeing that his hyung was being all friendly with his new target, Sungyeol decided to be ‘friendly’ too. That way I can get my revenge, he mentally evil laughed. *cough* He earned their attention. “I’m Lee Sungyeol but you can call me Yeol” He extended his hand which he spit on.

When she heard the name of the boy behind her, her expression changed right away. She looked at the hand extended to her and raised her brow. “I’m not interested” With that, she turned around and listened to Kwon seongsangnim.



UPDATE EVERYONE!! *yells like a maniac*

Late update again huh? I'm sorry guys~ But I have a very proper reason. You see I finally have a job!! *jumps up and down* I've been accepted to one of the companies but I haven't started. I'll start next month. Don't worry, I won't forget this~ Promise! *pinky swear*


So~ here~ My little present~

Is it boring? I wanted Vixen and INFINITE to interact with each other. So this chappie is really dedicated for their first meeting. Well, except for Dongwoo and Seohyun. Are you wondering what Seohyun meant by "last time"?

If you guys are interested, just leave me a comment. I'd be happy to answer it.


Don't forget to tell me what you guys think about this chappie, alright?? I had fun writing this. Especially Woohyun's short introduction to Haemi. Such a grease ball~ XD



Don't forget to tell about your insights, alright?? It helps me in writing. Don't hesitate to tell me how you want the story to unfold. How each character will be portrayed. Your comments matters to me~ :))



thanGYU to everyone~


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Long update guys~ Its because I wasnt here for an entire month. I'll update again on Sunday or next week. That's a promise!!


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CassInspirit97 #1
Chapter 6: ayieeee chingu just let only marji interact with infinite!!!! otherwiseee I'll get jealous!!!!!!!nicee updateee!!!!!
Chapter 5: this story is cute ^^
oh i hope you would pair-up vixen to infinite ^^
Chapter 5: Hahaha yay Infinite are here.

I can't waited till the operation begins in action .

Waiting for next update author-nim.
Chapter 4: I really can't wait for your next update author-nim!!!^__^
CassInspirit97 #6
Chapter 4: i love marji's charaçter!!!! she is soooop coollll!!!! update sooon!!"
Chapter 4: I hate this Marji :( *sobs* How dare she do this to my favorite panda! I want revenge.
Chapter 3: wow!I couldn't wait for INFINITE to appear!!!
btw,nice story author-nim~~~^__^
CassInspirit97 #9
Chapter 3: marji is reallllllllyyyy something!!!!!!!she is ssssooooooooo coooolll!!!!!!suho and tao her toys!Daebak she has got theeeee gutsssss!!!!!!but what willllll howonnie dooo!!!!i am really curious!!update soooooooon!
Chapter 3: OK. Now I want this Choi Marji to suffer after this list of amazing people she hurt. I feel like I want to kill her. I want to take revenge.