
Operation: Break Little Miss Heartbreaker



Her heart beating twice as fast. She thought of turning around and running away but no. I have to do this, she reminded herself. He’s going to leave soon, there won’t be a next time. Taking a deep breath, she made her way towards her happiness.

A single tap on the shoulder was all it took to make her heart stop.

“Joonho sunbae, I like you.” Her voice sounded more calm than she expected. She look straight at Hwang Joonho’s eyes, waiting for his response. A few seconds has passed and she felt a stinging pain on her heart. Then it hit her.

“Mianhe.” She bowed right away and was about to run away. Pabo! Pabo, she scolded herself.

“Chakaman” A grip on her wrist prevented her from leaving. Without her knowing, tears were forming in her eyes. Afraid to look at Joonho, she kept her head down.

“Please look at me.” His voice, pleading. She couldn’t say no, slowly she raised her head. Preparing for more embarrassment to come her way. But instead of a scowl on his face, a smile appeared. He released his grip.

“Did you really mean what you said, Choi Marji?” Her name slid down his tongue and made her heart leap.

“You know my name?” She asked out loud, making her gasp.

“Of course, I do silly.” Joonho said, tapping her nose. “So, do you like me?” He asked, all serious. Marji took a deep breath and answered with all her might.

“Yes, I like you sunbae.”










“Ehhhh~ Oppa~” She whined, her boyfriend still didn’t let her go. She squealed again as he continued to spin around.

“Tired?” She asked. He stopped spinning and nodded but still kept his arms around her waist.

“Saranghae, Marji-ah” He told her and a dreamy smile. Nothing could ruin this moment, she thought.

“Nado saranghae, Joonho oppa.” Their lips touched and everything felt right. She couldn’t ask for anything else.



Things were going well for Marji and Joonho. As months flew by, she couldn’t help but think that they were really meant to be. They would go to different places for their dates. Joonho never failed to surprise her which would make her love him more. But just like any relationship, fights are inevitable. Bickering and small fights were present but they manage to resolve it before things go out of hand.










“What’s taking Joonho oppa so long?” Marji looked at her watch for the nth time. She and Joonho made plans to go to Everland for their 100th day anniversary. 30 minutes has passed since their agreement time but he was still nowhere to be found. To take her mind off waiting, she decided to do what she does whenever she’s bored. Sing.

She was on the second verse of the song when someone approached her making her stop.

“Mianhe, Marji. Omma wanted me to stay and help.” Joonho apologized, still catching his breath. Marji noticed his sweat, so she took her hankie and wiped it off.

“Gwenchana oppa. What matters is you’re here now.” She smiled and hooked arms with her boyfriend. Joonho smiled at her and walked towards the gates of Everland. As they were walking, she couldn’t help but notice a little something.

“Oppa, did you change your perfume?” She asked. For a split second, Joonho looked scared but it all vanished right away.

“Eh? Aniyo, I didn’t change it. Wae?” He asked her back. She shook her head and continued to stroll around. She knew that something was different but she decided not to think about it anymore. Oppa smells sweet which isn’t normal. Maybe its cause he stayed with Ommonim, she thought and agreed.










Days, weeks flew by and Joonho slowly changed which Marji noticed right away. He kept missing on dates, forgets them even and if he does remember, he comes late. Very late. His sweet perfume stayed which bothered her. Whenever she questions him about it, all he says is “Ah, must have been Omma’s or Junhee. You know Junhee, she likes hugging me.”. She believes him. She continued to understand him, to the point that she’s slowly being taken for granted.


“Will you just listen to me?!” Sunhwa screamed at Marji, not caring if others are looking at them weirdly.

“No, cause you are wrong.” Marji mumbled. She tried to believe her own words but she knows the truth. She just won’t accept it.

“Aisht! Choi Marji! It is so obvious, just open your eyes.” She told her once more but she knew that her friend already tuned her out. With an exhausted sigh, she placed her hand on top hers and looked her in the eyes. “I’m not gonna say another thing because I know that you’re tired of hearing it. Just please save herself, you’re too precious to let this go on.” With that, she left Marji alone.









Following her gut and various warnings from Sunhwa, she went incognito. She followed Joonho with a heavy heart. She knew the truth. Of course, but she decided to go blind side. See? Joonho oppa is innocent, she thought to herself. Determined to prove everyone wrong, especially Sunhwa. She smiled when her boyfriend was merely strolling around the streets of Hongdae.

Just then, a huge smile appeared on her face. She found herself in front of their favorite café. She watched as Joonho dialed someone on the phone. Waiting for her phone to ring but it didn’t. She continued to watch her boyfriend talk to someone on the phone with a huge smile on his face.

“I wonder who’s he talking to?” She whispered to herself. The sound of the bell on the front door distracted her. A long legged girl with shiny blonde hair entered, she watched her waltz through the café.  What happened next broke her heart into million different ways. Tears ran down her face, no sign of stopping. Her grip on her phone tighten and her legs were stuck to the ground. Her eyes never leaving what’s in front of her. She continued to torture herself until they left and nowhere in sight.

It was all true. She had become a fool. A complete fool.




Happy New Year Everyone! ! ! ^u^

Oh, and belated Merry Christmas too~


Sorry, I took so long to update. You know with the holidays and all. 

I can't believe that people are interested in this.

First update of the year *throws confetti*

I want to say thanGYU to my new subbies and to those who upvoted. You guys made my new year happy. Hugs for everyone *hug hug hug*


Anyways, how's the little preview?? I wanted to make sure everyone understands Choi Marji and why she became who she is. I couldn't think of a good why to express this, so I think the chappie is a little crappy. What about you guys? What do you guys think? Tell me, alright? I'd really love to hear from you. Your opinions matter to me. ^^


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Long update guys~ Its because I wasnt here for an entire month. I'll update again on Sunday or next week. That's a promise!!


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CassInspirit97 #1
Chapter 6: ayieeee chingu just let only marji interact with infinite!!!! otherwiseee I'll get jealous!!!!!!!nicee updateee!!!!!
Chapter 5: this story is cute ^^
oh i hope you would pair-up vixen to infinite ^^
Chapter 5: Hahaha yay Infinite are here.

I can't waited till the operation begins in action .

Waiting for next update author-nim.
Chapter 4: I really can't wait for your next update author-nim!!!^__^
CassInspirit97 #6
Chapter 4: i love marji's charaçter!!!! she is soooop coollll!!!! update sooon!!"
Chapter 4: I hate this Marji :( *sobs* How dare she do this to my favorite panda! I want revenge.
Chapter 3: wow!I couldn't wait for INFINITE to appear!!!
btw,nice story author-nim~~~^__^
CassInspirit97 #9
Chapter 3: marji is reallllllllyyyy something!!!!!!!she is ssssooooooooo coooolll!!!!!!suho and tao her toys!Daebak she has got theeeee gutsssss!!!!!!but what willllll howonnie dooo!!!!i am really curious!!update soooooooon!
Chapter 3: OK. Now I want this Choi Marji to suffer after this list of amazing people she hurt. I feel like I want to kill her. I want to take revenge.