By: Meeeoowth




Location: Hong Kong

Time: 21:00



Make-up check. Tux check. Eyeliner, most definitely, check. A few more minutes and it is showtime! Being awarded as "Album of the Year" is really overwhelming.


MAMA 2013, so far, is going great. The performances are awesome. Troublemaker kissed again. I swear if they'll be a couple, I'll ship them! BIGBANG made an awesome performance; they really know how to get the crowd going.


"EXO going in on five!" The stage director called out. "Luhan, take your place. The rest of you, as soon as the lights are dimmed, I want all of you seated on your places. Copy?"




The lights inside the venue dimmed, allowing us to take our places on our makeshift desks. After a minute, the intro (music) begun to play. Luhan-hyung came in with a girl and our performance started to unveil.




Location: Korea

Time: 17:45




"Really? Seriously? OH MY GOSH~ YOU ARE THE BEST MANAGER IN THE WHOLE WIDE WORLD!!" I screamed out in excitement and hugged our manager.


Our manager, Shane, had just given me permission to fly to Hong Kong. Well, along with the rest if FLIPPED, but in secret. We're going to surprise the K-Pop stars. This is going to be fun, not only that, but also we will be performing too.


"Pack up an overnight bag and let's go to the airport." Kris spoke as she came out of her room. We are now in an apartment suite of a middle-class hotel. It has four rooms, two bathrooms, a living room, a dining area and a mini kitchen.


Kris is like a mother figure in our group. All of were already friends since elementary. Well I met Aya in first grade, then Kris in third grade and by fourth we met Jove, who was a transfer student at that time. We were friends with JC since third grade, but she was always in a different class and was only our classmate in fifth grade. Then we were separated in sixth grade.


In high school, Aya and JC stayed in the university, Jove and Kris transferred to the city school and I went back to my hometown. We were reunited in college, in the university, but with different courses.


We started to compose and perform our own songs in the first year, and by our second year we were starting to be recognized nationally and by our third year we hit off internationally. Kris and Aya were able to finish college but the rest of us focused on our growing careers.


"Okay girls, ready?" Shane asked as we gathered in the living room.


"Yes!" We replied as we started towards the door. When we were almost near the elevator two police officers approached us.


"Excuse me Ma'am?" one of them spoke to Shane. "We were instructed to lead you to the back exit. The front doors and lobby are blocked with your fans. Please follow us."


Shane nodded at him and gestured us to follow too. We went down from the fourth floor via the fire exits and ended at the back of the hotel. Two vans were already waiting for us, engines up roared and doors open.


We got inside and are safely seated the van began to move, it turned right at the corner. We passed by the front of the building and was definitely blocked with fans. We were still followed on the road, wow.


"OMG. Look at all those fans!" Aya pointed outside the door as a horde of fans came rushing to our vans. The fans back at the hotel were not even half of the number of fans in the airport. It's like an ocean of fans.


It took us over thirty minutes to get from the van to the departure area through the sea of fans of course.


"Phew~! That was what I call a workout." Jove joked as were finally seated on the aircraft.


I'm so excited! MAMA 2013 here we come!




Location: Flight to Hong Kong

Time: 18:55




We are all off to Hong Kong now. I'm seated with JC and Mickey while the other three are behind us.




Can you keep a secret?


Yes, I'm talking to you.


You can? Well, it's really not a secret, kind of a surprise actually. You see Korea has this new variety show and it needs a certain amount of participants and one participant. The program shall be called "Hello Darling", from the producers of “Hello Baby". They are, in some way, concept related, but instead of taking care of a baby, the contestant will court a girl participant. And also unlike Hello Baby, there will be winner. The winner shall receive a handsome amount of money and a chance to be a couple with the girl participant.


Can you guys guess who the contestants are? My clue is that they are twelve of them in a group. It's no other than EXO! And can you guess who will be the lucky girl participant?


It's Mickey. She's perfect for the part!


She's single.


She's a k-pop fan.


She likes challenges.


And of course, she’s EXO's bias.


So that's the surprise for later. Not only that were going to the MAMA to watch, but also the producers will launch the new show.


Mickey is so going to skin me alive.




Location: Hong Kong @ MAMA2013

Time: 21:00




"Hey hyung, did you see Dara-noona?" I asked to Xiumun-hyung who was sitting beside me. We just finished are performance and were taking a rest at the backstage.


"Yes. I did, actually. Why?" Xiumin-hyung asked back, turning to me with a smirk.


"Oh nothing." I said. I crossed my arms and turned my head away.


"Oi oi oi. Don't give me that! Haha. I did see her but she was with GD."


"Awww~ *sigh*. Well that's okay, I guess. It's either she'll be with GD-hyung or Donghae-sunbae." I said in defeat and slummed even more in my seat.


"Aw, don't be like that. You still have Baekhyun-ssi." Xiumin-hyung said while moving his eyebrows.


"What?! Eww. No hyung, no! I can't believe you said that!" I said to him and he just laughs so loud.


"Oh come on. The rest of us can see how close you two are."


"Of course because we're close friends!" I said getting flustered by the second. I can't believe what I'm hearing.


"So why are you turning red?!" Asked Xiumin-hyung while laughing.


"That's because I'm-"


"Hey. Xiumin-hyung, Chanyeol-ssi, we're being called by Suho-ssi." But speak of the devil and he shall appear . . .





Location: Beside Park Chanyeol @ MAMA 2013

Time: 21:03




I watched as Chanyeol's face got redder. I laughed out loud again at the sight. Baekhyun looked from me then to Chanyeol, confused.


"Ahm. Is there something wrong?" Baekhyun asked.


"You see Baekhyun-ssi, Chanyeol here was-" Chanyeol then leaned over from his seat and clamped his hand over my mouth.


"N-nothing Baekhyun-ssi. It's nothing. You go on ahead, we'll be right behind you." Chanyeol stammered, and I laughed behind his hand. This so funny! I never expected Chanyeol to react like this.


Baekhyun nodded his head, but I can tell by the look on his face, he knew that we're hiding something. He walked away and joined the rest who were gathered around Suho.


"What's wrong Chanyeol-ssi?" I asked then snickered.


"Oh shut up Hyung!" He snapped at me, and I just laughed.


We stood from our seats and joined the others. I noticed our manager-hyung was also here, beside Suho, then beside manager-hyung was woman. The lady was familiar looking, now where did I see her?


"Okay everyone? This is Shane Jaime, the manager of FLIPPED." Manager-hyung started. EXO's eyes instantly went wide upon the mention of FLIPPED.


"And we have good news and . . ."


"The bad news." Sehun interjected and the others nodded their heads, including me.


"Actually you're wrong Sehun- ssi. As I was saying, we have good news and then better news."


Our curiosity began to hitch up. What news is this?


"Which do you want to know first?"


"Good news!" We all said.


"Okay then. Good news is, FLIPPED is here." He said, then pointed to a dressing room. "They're in there."


"Really?" - Tao, Kai and Lay.


Manager Shane then stepped forward. "Yes they're in there preparing for their surprise performance. So don't tell anybody."




We looked over to where the thud came from, it was from Chen. It seems that he dropped his microphone and got that shocked look on his face. Chen was the most flipped among us, a really big fan boy!


Chen recovered from the shock and got a goofy grin plastered on his silly face.


"So what's better than FLIPPED being here?" Chen asked. The rest amused just stared at him with amusement.




Location: Beside Lay @ MAMA 2013

Time: 21:05




We watched as manager Shane smirked at as and looked slightly at dressing room of FLIPPED.


"Korea has this new variety show and asked you boys to be the contestants. All twelve of you, and this show is Hello Darling".


"Wah?" Don't you mean Hello Baby?" asked Kai.


Manager Shane shook her head in disagreement. "Nope, it's Hello Darling. Instead of taking care of a baby, you boys shall be courting a lady."


Tao raised his hand. "Who is the lady?"


"She’s a member of FLIPPEd." Manager Shane said.


"Eeeeh!?!?!?" All of us reacted, except for manager -hyung.


"Who? Tell us!" asked Baekhyun.


"This is why this news is much better news" Manager Shane said knowingly.













"It's Mickey~!"

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waffuro #1
Very interesting, update soon! :)