I Will Go Down With This Ship

The Consequences Of Reading Fanfiction

I will go down with this ship


If they didn't talk before they talk less now thanks to Jongin, Baekhyun yet again sighed when Chanyeol left as he entered the room. Before he could even start to eat Joonmyeon called both him and Chanyeol, Chanyeol expression wasn't very eager to be with him but he went nothenless.


It seems like all the members were ready to go out except him and Chanyeol, do they expect to leave them alone Baekhyun's thought were interrupted by Joonmyeon's stern one.


"Guys I think you know why I called you." As Joonmyeon said that Chanyeol's eyes fluttered to his shoes maintaining that pose for the rest of the talk.


"Everyone has noticed how you both being avoiding each other and we don't want this to affect Exo, so you guys better fix it while we are gone." And with that said he left, now Baekhyun really felt bad, when the front door closed Baekhyun opened his mouth to say something but Chanyeol was already gone.


Baekhyun's throat felt heavy at the sight of his best friend, they couldn't even talk properly or even touch each other with Chanyeol shuffling away or shoving his hand. But he wouldn't give up, he was Byun Baekhyun after all.


"Chanyeol, I don't think you are really mad about the shirt, I bought you a new one." He felt proud for not stuttering or saying something stupid but the younger just sighed in response.


Baekhyun couldn't hold it anymore and he wrapped his arms around the latters neck, he felt Chanyeol stiffen under his grasp slowly but surely the younger wrapped his arms around his waist and Baekhyun let out a breath he didn't know he was holding.

"I'm so sorry Baek." Chanyeol's voice cracked, he held Baekhyun's face in his both hands and the elder looked at him trough half-lidded eyes.

Baekhyun thought everything was going to be okay.

But Chanyeol remembered something Baekhyun noticed how his relived expression turned into a confused one then to a mad one. Baekhyun swallowed.

"Why did you kiss Kai?" Chanyeol said demanding an answer, he no longer held Baekhyun as soft as before his grasp got stronger and Baekhyun didn't know how to avoid that question.

"I-I." Baekhyun eyes flicked to his shoes but Chanyeol wouldn't let him off that easy he needed an answer and he needed it now. The elder felt the younger's eyes boring holes in his skull.

"You what?" Chanyeol sighed when Baekhyun hid himself in Chanyeol chest mumbling incoherent words against the fabric.

"I don't know, it just happened." That came out like a question and Baekhyun wasn't sure if that's why but he shrugged off. He felt bold all of a sudden and the words just flooded out of his mouth.

"Chanyeol I like you." The latter didn't say anything for a while but then cracking a smile and saying that he likes him too.

Baekhyun knew that's not what the elder meant but he ignored the pain on his chest. He opted to shove Kyungsoo's eggs down his throat and maybe some toast. Chanyeol stood there awkwardly in the living room so he went to shower.

As Baekhyun heard the shower running he imagined all the things he and Chanyeol could do, his face got hotter when he heard the younger moan when the water caressed his bare skin. Lewd sounds filled the dorm and Baekhyun was almost sure Chanyeol was teasing him.


Joonmyeon felt like crying when he saw the dishes washed and Chanyeol and Baekhyun playing games and laughing and he couldn't hold it anymore.


"Oh my god, I ship you guys so much." He wiped an imaginary tear, he couldn't feel more happy.

"Don't get all dramatic gramps." Jongin said and the elder huffed.

Someone screaming 'my kitchen' and silent bawling could be heard -or not since it was silent-.

"Hyung don't do that face you look disgusting, what are you silently bawling?"

"Shut up Jongin!"

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I swear i'll double update in this week


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carelessLISPer #1
Chapter 14: Hmn.. I dnt knw what to say..
carelessLISPer #2
Chapter 5: My.. Jongin and Baekhyun kissed... Dear me..
Chapter 13: ......... They didnt even confess
jambydsy #5
Chapter 2: How sweet of you to let baek not be alone, yeol
jambydsy #6
Chapter 1: I love how baek hit yeol with pillow
Chapter 13: ahahaha.. you won't see your beautiful sleep tonight, jonginnie.. and thank you soooo much for keep updating until the end.. i like this fic and thanks for finishing it! ^^
Chapter 13: ChenHun was hilarious XD
Chapter 6: Suho overacting xD