Spark In His heart

Lady Death

"AAAHHH~~! I feel so sleepy. Ouch! my head hurts. How did I get into my bed?" Seunghyun rubbed his sore body and hold his head before climbing down his bed. He looked at his clock and it showed 2.00 pm. He was opening his pants when suddenly his door flew open.

"Seunghyun-ah I make-- AAAGHHH!!! cover it up you !!" Bom shouted.

"Sorry sorry. why didn't you knocked first? Jeez what kind of woman barges into a man's room?" Seunghyun took his towel to cover his lower body part. He wears back his t-shirts and opened the door for Bom.

Bom served Seunghyun his lnch. Porridge, fish and a glass of water. Her face was red because of the sudden scene that took place before but, she kept calm. Seunghyun on the other hand, was much more relaxed. He really wanted to laugh at Bom for his reactions. When he saw that Bom had finished preparing his meal, he burst out laughing.

"Why are you laughing? It's not a joke! I'm just um just shocked, that's all." Bom can't contained her embrassment that it made her words came out staggering.

"You act like you're a . It's hillarious. You should be more lady-death-like you know."

"Shut up. Since when did you know how to be a lady, you hairy ape."

"So you do see something, huh? Do you like what you saw?"

"The man? It was metaphorical. I think your 2 whole day sleep is not enough that's why you're teasing me right now."

"Wait, two whole days? I slept for that long? How about my mom? Did she says anything at all?"

"Well she was going to take you to the hospital but, I said that it was useless and you just need to rest, she canceled it. After that, she was smiling brightly saying that this will let her save her money because she don't have to pay for your hospital fees."

"Ceh! what a cheapskate mom! anyways, why are you here? Acting cozy and all?" Bom was about to answer when suddenly someone threw the door open. It was Siwon. He was wearing his childish smile that he kept claiming it was a seductive smile but actually it was just a silly smile.

"Bom, I am glad to hear that you are our new tenant! Let's know each other more shall we?" Siwon said that last line with a seductive voice that is making Seunghyun scrunched his face to prevent from puking.

"Yuck hyung! I think you need to work on your seductive skill. It's getting worst. It just sounds like goats having an ."

Siwon stands up and headlocked his brother. "Yah! Bom didn't succumb to my machoness because she is blinded by you. Seriously all she did in the past few days were taking care of you"

Seunghyun looked at Bom. She... did that to me? wy is she so nice? Seunghun keep staring at Bom. He was trying to guess Bom's true personality. Does this woman truly is te Lady Death? that question keep playing in Seunghyun's mind while Bom was talking to him.

Seunghyun observed Bom when she talks to him. He noticed that Bom always talk animatedly. Her pronouncation was cute that made Seunghyun's heart flutters. He smiled when he thinks that Bom was talking about something happy. 

He looked at Bom's face and he saw tha radiant of her white snowy skin. She looked amazing. Almost godly. Seunghyun beginning to like Bom's prescence beside him. He feel content and complete. Seunghyun also realized that every expression that Bom gave off, she never did this one experession. The expression that Seunghyun knows it will make his heart thumped louder and faster than the normal rate. The expression of pure happiness. The bright smile that Seunghyun always craved from Bom but never gets. 

Seunghyun pitied Bom as he knows that there must be something that prevent Bom from smiling. A memory that wrecked her so much that she was wiling to make a new principle. A principle that delibrates smiling is a burden. Seunghyun promised himself that he would try all his might to give Bom a wonderful time replacing those scarred memories of Bom with amazing memories. From the window of his bed, the two of them watched as the sun sleeps and the moon wakes up.  

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BommiXXI #1
I'm really enjoying this! Please update soon!
doomshakalaka #2
Chapter 10: Update juseyooo~ I really like this fic!!!
Chapter 8: Woahh..! More chapter pweashee..
topbom21bang4eva #4
Chapter 2: Wahh! Update another chapter pweeaasee
topbom21bang4eva #5
Chapter 1: Woaaaaahh this story is exciting. Looking forward to it~ update soon~