My Talent Is A Gift

Lady Death

"Seunghyun-ah, let's go home~~" Bom said as she sit in front Seunghyun's desk. He was asleep and just gave Bom a groan.

"Ow.. come on! What is wrong with you?! You acted like this since after recess. Come on tell me what I did wrong." Bom said as she kicked the leg of his desk.

"Shut up. Just go back with Siwon. You'll be much safer with him." Seunghyun said without lifting his head.

"Why him?! Come on Seunghyun!" Bom pulled Seunghyun's arm.

Seunghyun had no choice but to lift his head. "I said go with Siwon!" Seunghyun yelled. "Why?" Bom asked with a pitiful face. Seunghyun heaved a sigh and said more calmly. "Just go.."

Bom turned around and she was out of the door. Seunghyun felt miserable. 

"What the h*ll am I doing? She's Lady Death. You are acting childish Seunghyun. But, why can't she stop hurting me? Why can't she stop hurting my heart?" Seunghyun said this as he looked outside. 

It was a fine evening. The sun was setting. His surrounding was getting orange more and more. Seunghyun felt that it was time for him to go back home. Meet Bom and apologize to her. He was planning to prepare her favourite biscuit as an apology. Courtesy of his mom of course. Seunghyun could never cook. It was either the kitchen was cooked or the whole house.

"Well, at least I have the effort to start an apology."  Suddenly, something fell on the road that he was about to step.

The thing groaned and the thing got up. When Seunghyun looked closely, it was Bom. Her hand was bleeding and her face frowned. Her scythe that she always hold was covered with blood. Seunghyun looked at her with much disbelief. Bom turned around and behind her was a monster. Black monster with a hideous face.

The monster's mouth was full of blood but it grinned. It say something as the monster looked Seunghyun in the eye. Seunghyun was petrified but he managed to say "B-Bom... What's going on?"

Before the monster strikes with its hand Bom formed a protective shield by holding Seunghyun's chest. She held up her scythe while chanting a spell. Seunghyun(and I) can't understand a word. The monster was repelled everytime it tried to tear the shield. 

"Seunghyun, I can't hold this any longer. When I give you the signal, run away. I have to finish this."

"Who said that you have to finish it? Let it be! let's run away together! We'll be safe! You and me!" Seunghyun yelled as Bom was stepping forward and trying all her might to hold the shield.

Bom turn around and with a smile "It's my job to protect everyone. I am Lady Death. Death will invite this monster welcomingly." Bom ran and lunged towards the monster and screamed "Go, Seunghyun!"

Seunghyun ran away with every energy he got and Bom's smile kept echoing in his head. He just wanted to go away though. The monster really surprised him. It was really hideous and somehow Seunghyun could still rememberd the grin that the monster showed. The monster's eyes was fulled with lust of blood.

He has reached the front gate of his house. Seunghyun was panting heavily. He remebered Bom. "God, I know I haven't prayed to you lately but, please just ing help that girl." He went upstairs and he just can't sit still waiting for Bom to come home. He lay on his bed and without him realizing, he fell asleep. 

"You know, every talent is a gift if you do it for good. Every talent is also a curse if you let it consume you." these was the words that he read during his kindergarten years. He could clearly felt the loneliness when he was a child. It really throwed him back to his past . The time when he told everyone that he could see the lines. The time when he knew nothing about friends. Sudddenly, he felt someone tapping his shoulders. He turned around and saw the monster grinning at the 'child him'. He covered his face but the monster got slashed with a scythe. He turned around and saw Bom's smile and she said "It's my job". 

Seunghyun woke up with a shock and sweat all over his face. He sat on the edge of his bed and he ruffled his hair. He opened his drawer and there was a white blindfold and a knife. He took it and said "Damn!" 

When he got to where the monster was, he was surprised to see the monster was weakened but still atacking. Bom was attacking super-humanly fast as Seunghyun could only see her shadows and sycthe forming blood on the monster's thick skin. The monster have a very good defense as it have skins like rock. 

Not long after that, the monster went rage and it manage to hit Bom. Bom was thrown away but she managed to held her ground. The monster spread his wings and it was going to fly away.

"Oh no you don't you bastard!" said Bom as she too started to spread her wings. Seunghyun held her down and she fell back to the ground.

Bom shoved her scythe to Seunghyun and said "Don't you dare stopping me! I told you to run! You can't get hurt."

"Listen, Bom. I am your apperantice. Let me help you with my skills. I want to also be a star. A star that gives hope. I have a talent and I am using it as a gift from God."

Bom let down her scythe and with a reluctant turn she said "Okay. But, we have to fly to catch that thing. I need you to cooperate and be ready at any time."

"Okay! Bring it on!" Seunghyun said and tied the blindfold on his eyes. He held the knife with the intention to kill. Bom picked Seunghyun up and they flew away to pursue the monster.

"I am going to stop that thing from flying." Seunghyun nod. Bom flew close to the monster and with a spell her scythe becomes fire that burn with a black flame. "It's a special flame that only a Ripper have. It can burn anything with only one touch however, it can't burn the Ripper. so, be careful too stay away with it."

Bom tore the monster's wing with her burning scythe and the monster fell down screaming and landed on a grassy area. People there was screaming and running when they saw the monster. Bom let Seunghyun down. Bom quickly lurched towards the monster but the monster throw Bom back with a large amount of force.

Bom hit several trees before becoming unconcious. Seunghyun bit his lower lips. He was angry and he looked at the monster. He saw the lines and with an uncontrollable rage he step forward.

In his mind was the urge to cut through the line. Made it all disappear from his sight. He cut the monster's hand and he never let the knife out until he knows the monster was nothing but pieces of it. The monster hit Seunghyun several times but Seunghyun was determined to made the lines disappear.

The lines that was always hunting him. The lines that made him know people are vulnerable. The lines that seperate him from the real world all this time. It will go away. It have to go away. The one who is going to make it disappear is the one who sees it.

Bom saw what Seunghyun did but she was too tired to even stand up. She only smiled and said "Good boy." After that she closed her eyes.

After he had finished killing the monster, he went to Bom and surprisingly he can't see any lines on Bom. He took some water and sprinkled it on Bom's face. Bom woke up and said "Is it done?" "Yes." Bom stand up with the help from Seunghyun. She held out her hand and her scythe went to her hand. She lit it up again.

She went towards the monster and burn the monster's cascades away. It burned with a black flame and no ashes were left behind. There's only the monster's blood in the park but not the burned monster.

"Don't worry, this flame actually prevent the monster from resurrect again. It  was sent to hell. I will explain to you what that thing is really is. For now, let's just go back."

Bom and Seunghyun left the park in the same way they came, flying. 


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BommiXXI #1
I'm really enjoying this! Please update soon!
doomshakalaka #2
Chapter 10: Update juseyooo~ I really like this fic!!!
Chapter 8: Woahh..! More chapter pweashee..
topbom21bang4eva #4
Chapter 2: Wahh! Update another chapter pweeaasee
topbom21bang4eva #5
Chapter 1: Woaaaaahh this story is exciting. Looking forward to it~ update soon~