I Am Curious

Lady Death

Bom flipped open her book. She checked through her list. List of dead people. No, it can't be altered like the death note. It can't be written by anyone. Not even Bom herself. Lady Death is just a title that allows Bom to help God take human's lives when the time comes. The only one that can write in that notebook is God. The names will be there everytime Bom open it. 

1. Allison Harold, United Kingdom-England. 43.

2. Kang Hye-Sun, Busan-Korea. 65

and the list go on. She got to her work in sequence order. She have been Death for too long to question further information. Whatever she have learned from her experiences, that is what she would do everytime as no one have ever cracked her codes. But she knew all of these are just temporary. She knew there's someone out there is trying his or her efforts to breached this system. That is how Seunghyun came in handy in her story.

She finished her 5th job with her own bare hands. She held the pumping heart of the deceased and threw it away to a stray black kitten that welcomingly accept it. Bom took out her handkechief and wiped the blood. Brute force is needed when she is handling scumbags. Nevertheless, the cause of death always looked natural. It is one of the freaks of nature as Bom always said. Luckily for her, she doesn't even know how she died. 

She knows nothing. All she knew when she died and the terrible process of God giving her the Lady Death title. She was disobeying one of the rules because she met Seunghyun before he is dead. She met Seunghyun before Seunghyun become the new Death. She was angry and she wanted someone to be her punching bag. When she knew that Seunghyun is the next in line that made her set her plan. 

However, right now she felt like it was wrong. She started to feel more human. She got fond of him and this disturbs her mind. As she was travelling many questions lurched into her minds :

Why must it be him? Why must I have these feelings? Am I not the Lady Death? What is this feeling? Am I doing the right thing? Is he going to be all right like this? Am I becoming more human? I have died, didn't I? What have I done?

With the last question, she fell to the ground. Her legs can't control her anymore as her mind soul, heart and mind was not in her body. She looked up and she saw someone. More like something.

It have wings, four legs, as big as a the clouds above, head like an eagle. It is black in colour and have streaks of purple that looked like it is glowing. For an animal, it glows with an intelligent aura. With confidence of a brave soldier but a smile of a wise old man, the griffin steps forward. It offers on of its paws to Bom and say "Bom, the Lady Death of God's Justice and Balance. It's a pleasure to meet you once again old friend."

Bom took his paws and hugged him. The griffin smiled as Bom snuggled her face and let out a sigh of relief on its thick furs.

"Walk with me Hengerald. It has been a long time and there are so many things that I have to talk." said Bom.

"My Lady, there's so much that we have to talk and discuss. However, I know this long walk will find its purpose by itself as I also know you are also tired from running much less to walk."

At first, they talked about old times and they were just showering beneath the stars with sands as their mats. They are in Egypt after all. A place where deserted sands are the norms.

"Hengerald, is it right? Whatever I am doing right now. Is it right?"

"The matter of right and wrong lays on your own hand Lady Death. You do realize that you are defying God."

"Gosh Henrigald! you don't have to slap it on my face! Sheesh!"

Henrigald chuckeled. "Of course you knew. From my experience it is not the matter of right or wrong as not everything bad is bad and not everything good is good. However, just be prepared for a great adventure that may not end up in happy endings. Great adventures are made for great people and it start with a foolish act my lady. If all of these three ingredients is present, then I am willing to be a spectator or even one of the adventurers."

"Adventures, huh? Well my life has gotten boring anyways. I am also not afraid of the outcomes nor the truth. All I want is results as I am curious."

"Yes, my lady. I also realized something. A something that no tools of Death should have. It is related to your heart. Are you curious too, my lady?"

"Yes, I am also curious. However I do know that it all start with one man and I want to see what will it does to me. I better get to work. See you soon Henrigald."

"See you soon Bom the Lady Death of God's Justice and Balance."

Bom knew better actually. Their lives are hard as they are the mythical creature that no one would believe without seeing. Their jobs are too viscious that God decided for them to be invincible and it also made them work in peace. 

"For now, let me stick to my responsibilities as Lady Death of God's Justice and Balance" Bom monologued and wears her psychopath smiles. There are more lives to take.

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BommiXXI #1
I'm really enjoying this! Please update soon!
doomshakalaka #2
Chapter 10: Update juseyooo~ I really like this fic!!!
Chapter 8: Woahh..! More chapter pweashee..
topbom21bang4eva #4
Chapter 2: Wahh! Update another chapter pweeaasee
topbom21bang4eva #5
Chapter 1: Woaaaaahh this story is exciting. Looking forward to it~ update soon~