
VIXX: Fast & Furious - Preface

After the week that Wonsik had, the last thing he expected was to wake up with a glock aimed at his face; looking past the gun, he saw that it was the boy, the one that could potentially kill. He didn’t look like he wanted to harm Wonsik, looked more confused and curious, going on physical instinct with a kid’s curiousness. Still being cautious, he slowly sat up in bed, keeping his hands visible for the boy - even though he had lowered the gun from his face, he was still armed and now aimed at his crotch. The kid cocked his head to the side, like a confused puppy, and furrowed his eyebrows, staring at Wonsik with a fierce intensity he didn’t know that kids his age had - then again, he’s not like kids his age.

“Who are you?” The kid - Jeongguk, Wonsik thought stubbornly - asked, voice cracking a bit. Wonsik relaxed his shoulders a bit, making it seem like he had taken his guard down, however, he still watched the boy like a hawk.

“Wonsik, you?” He croaked, throat dry and raw with his voice still thick with sleep - he had terrible cotton mouth and desperately wanted to down six gallons of water. The kid stared at him for a bit longer before shrugging with a small nod, slipping it in his waistband, muttering as he fixed his shirt, “Jeongguk. C’mon, breakfast is almost done.” Wonsik raised an eyebrow, watching as the kid walked over to the door and leaned against the frame, waiting for him to follow him; Wonsik sighed and swung his legs off the bed, stretching a bit before hauling himself up, shuffling over to the kid - who only came up to his shoulder, which he took in amused pride.

Jeongguk saw his face and snorted, “Just because I’m not as tall as you, don’t think this is my height forever - remember, I’m only sixteen, you’re - what? - twenty-something? You’re done growing,” The cheeky little head had the nerve to smirk at Wonsik before sauntering down the hallway, cackling. Wonsik rolled his eyes, heaving a heavy sigh before following the kid to the kitchen, the chick Han was with last night was standing in front of the stove - fully clothed, thankfully - with Han himself at the table already, reading the newspaper.

Wonsik sat down across from Han and waited a total of three seconds before kicking him in the shin, grinning in satisfaction as he jumped; Han just glared at him and threw his used napkin at Wonsik. Noticing the mug next to Han, Wonsik looked around the kitchen for the coffee pot, grinning in victory when he found it next to the fridge - he had to ask Han where the mugs were first before he got up, he didn’t want to spend precious coffee drinking moments looking for a mug. Getting his coffee - straight black, wasn’t in the mood for sweet anything - he went back to the table and almost moaned at the first sip; he stuck his tongue out at Han when he started snickering at him.

“So, what’s this job that you needed Hakyeon to send me for?” Wonsik asked casually, too focused on his coffee to remember that the kid was still there and quite possibly have no idea about this - even with being in a family like his. So when he got a sharp kick to the shin, he just thought it was Han retaliating for earlier and glared at him for making Wonsik spill his precious coffee. Noticing the look that Han was sending him, he backpedaled and looked around him, taking note that the two teens were still there and very much listening to them; Wonsik bit his lips and sunk down in his chair, keeping his mug at his lips to avoid spilling anything else.

“What job?” a small voice piped up, making Wonsik groan into his mug and sank further in his chair - he didn’t need to look up to know who asked, having heard the same voice just moments before. Another kick to the shin and an annoyed sigh told him he already ed up and he hasn’t even been on the job yet; if Hakyeon got wind of this - which he always does, the damn psychic, he’ll call Wonsik later to in his ear for a good three hours.

“He needs to work on my car, to repay me for the fall I took for a few months ago. I asked Hakyeon to send him here because, apparently, he forgot about it,” Wonsik nodded eagerly, brown hair flopping in his face, thankful how quickly Han came up with that and it seemed to satisify their curiousity. Han’s lady friend came over and placed a plate in front of the teens, kissing both their heads before going back to the stove; Wonsik figured she was either Han’s girlfriend or a frequent booty call - nonetheless, he was thankful for her when she set a plate in front of him as well, a sweet smile blooming on her face when he thanked her quietly. His eyes widened a bit when he took in what was on his plate - bacon, eggs, hash browns, two pieces of toast, sausage, and something that Wonsik didn’t recongize, something white, lumpy, and kinda watery. He nudged Han and pointed at it with his fork when he got his attention - Han just snickered and said, “Cottage cheese,” - causing Wonsik to huff and stare at the white lumpy stuff because he had no idea what cottage cheese was and to be frank, he was thankful he didn’t because from what he sees on his plate, it’s got to be disgusting.

He just curled his lip and ate everything but the “cottage cheese” - which Han had a good laugh at, smirking when Wonsik glared at him. Jeongguk and his friend - Jeanina - left shortly after breakfast, saying they’re going to the store for a bit before Jeongguk had to sneak back home and told Han that he’d be back the night of the races. Once they were gone, Han crossed his arms and leaned on the table, his once friendly face shifting to a more serious and business-like one, even his lady friend dropped the lovely smile she was supporting all morning. Wonsik braced himself - for what, he wasn’t sure but he could tell from their faces that it wasn’t going to be pleasant or easy; he took a sip from his refilled mug and nodded at Han for him to go ahead.

“I need you to help me jack some cars,” Wonsik raised an eyebrow, staring at Han before scrunching up his face, deciding that while Han was street smart in some areas, he wasn’t really all that bright.

“That’s it?” He asked, disbelief in his voice. Han made a small noise, tight face melting into one of surprised confusion.

“What do you mean “that’s it”? This is serious, Wonsik,” Han scolded him, crossing his arms as he leaned back in his chair – Wonsik snorted; jacking cars for Wonsik was amateur work and could’ve done it last night if he wasn’t so tired.

“Serious for me are the big heists, not this baby jacking cars bull, if all you wanted me for was to jack cars, I could’ve done it last night with a good pot of coffee to keep me going. I don’t need a before plan to jack cars, it’s not that serious to make a big thing out of it, you could’ve found anyone out here to jack a few cars for you, you didn’t need to ask Hakyeon to send me down here from Montana.” Han’s face hardened the more that Wonsik talked - which he didn’t realize it till he was done and looked up to see Han’s hands gripping the table until his knuckles were white.

“Wonsik, you don’t understand, we’re getting the cars from Jeongguk’s family – the ones that are heavily armored and loaded with weapons. If we get those into our possession, we can pull even better heists,” Han explained in a heated whisper, jabbing the table with his finger for emphasis. Wonsik furrowed his eyebrows as he stared at Han for a few seconds before shaking his head, pushing his empty mug to the side and stood up, walking over to the sink and leaned against it.

“You’re insane for thinking an idea like that wouldn’t get you killed before even touching the cars – besides, it’s the kid’s family, the kid who’s been staying at your place almost every night for who knows how long! If they didn’t kill you for trying to steal from them, they’d kill you for the fact that you’ve been harboring their prodigy here. Add on to the fact it could get him killed and me, too, for that matter.” Wonsik ranted, throwing his arms about as he got more heated while Han’s face became more red and pinched.

“You don’t know anything,” Han hissed, standing up from the table as well; his lady friend just sat there, quietly watching them while worrying her lip.

Wonsik snorted in disbelief, “I don’t know anything? It’s you who doesn’t know that the Jung Clan is part of the Yakuza,” He watched as Han’s face dropped and paled, sitting down at the table again, hands gripping the edge of it like before but more out of a way for support and not refraining himself from punching Wonsik.

“Honestly, how did you not know that? You’ve lived here for, how long, six years? Way longer than I have, that’s for sure,” He shook his head, fed up with everything and wished he didn’t listen to Hakyeon this one time; he pushed off from the sink and went towards the guest room, deciding to leave altogether and maybe he’ll come back when Han has a decent job for him.

“How do you know about the Yakuza?” Han’s quiet question isn’t what made Wonsik tense up, the accusing tone he had did – Wonsik had to take a few seconds to calm down and keep the murderous rage from showing on his face. He really didn’t want to tell the story about how and why he knew about the Yakuza, especially during the early hours of the AM, yet, he knew that Han was itchy to know new information and if Wonsik could provide the kind of knowledge about the Yakuza, he wouldn’t stop until he had it. He looked over his shoulder at Han and sighed, scrubbing a hand over his face, turning around and leaned against the doorframe, crossing his arms as he scrutinized Han.

“What do you know about the Yakuza?” Wonsik asked instead, watching Han closely for anything that might confirm what Wonsik was assuming but either Han knew and was trying to hide it or he really wasn’t involved with the Yakuza in any way.

“Not much, just that they’re a gang group originated in Japan,” Han replied, running a hand through his hair with a dejected sigh. Wonsik nodded, mentally sighing in relief that Han was clueless and chose to leave him like that – he didn’t need to know about them nor did he need to know about how Wonsik knew them.

“Good, that’s all you need to know,” He replied, turning tail and practically running to his room to grab his before Han could question him any further because Wonsik knows he will – they always do when any mention of them is brought up, which isn’t often but it happens a lot more then Wonsik would like.

“Wait!” He heard Han shout from the kitchen, the scraping of a chair being pushed back hastily echoed throughout the house; he didn’t waste any time, throwing whatever clothing he took out back into his bag and grabbed it, brushing past Han in the doorway and breezed past Han’s girlfriend on his way to the front door, pausing only for a second to grab his shoes – he’d shove them on when he got further down the road.

He kept walking, ignoring Han’s calls for him to come back before he couldn’t hear them anymore, until he got to a little building with a sign that read “Toretto’s Market & Cars”; deciding to stop there for a bit and think up a plan on what he was going to do, he sighed and headed in, thankful to be out of the direct sunlight and for potential food.

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Chapter 5: omg the jung clan ( already read it on ao3 this morning )
are all the jungs gonna be in it
does that include leo

wait who is Han anyway is that Hyuk or????

ahh i really like this so far. i can't wait to read more! please keep working hard (•̀ᴗ•́)و ̑̑
Chapter 4: Cant wait to know the mission~ XD
Chapter 1: wait this story is on aff too

sorry this is selfish machine from ao3 and omg this is somehow really exciting

please update soon ♥
Chapter 3: this is super interesting!
i hope you will update soon authornim! :D
Chapter 2: Oooh can't wait to see what the job is all about~ And the bromance, freaking loving it!