Brotherly Fighting

VIXX: Fast & Furious - Preface
Wonsik sighed, running his hand through his newly dyed brown hair. He hasn’t had brown hair in years, so it’ll take him a while to get used to it. Watching Hakyeon clean up the bathroom, he leaned against the counter and waited for Hakyeon to turn around. When he did, Wonsik shoved the hair dye basket into his hands and said, “Pick one,” before smirking at his shocked face.
“No, no, I will not pick a color, I like how my hair is,” Hakyeon protested, trying to step around Wonsik to put the basket back in the cabinet. However, Wonsik wasn’t having that and took Hakyeon by the shoulders, looking him straight in the eyes until he stopped talking. They stared at each other until Hakyeon sighed, his shoulders sinking in defeat and Wonsik grinned, letting him go before stepping back.
“I’m still not changing my hair color,” Hakyeon said hastily, dropping the basket on the floor, blotting out the door and down the stairs. Wonsik just stared at the place where Hakyeon once was, trying to process what just happened while slowly walking down the stairs, scratching his head. He found Hakyeon outside, opening up his garage and trekked over.
“Dude, you’ve had the same hair color for years, don’t you think it’s time for a change?” He asked, leaning up against one of the tool boxes. He watched as Hakyeon popped the hood to his Skyline and crossed his arms. Hakyeon looked up at him with a half-hearted glare before stalking over and flicked him on the forehead.
“Just because we’re not in Korea anymore, doesn’t mean you stop respect your elders and no, I don’t think it’s time for a change. I’ll change my hair color when I feel like it,” He chided Wonsik, knocking him upside the head again. Wonsik just whined and rubbed his head again - he was gonna get a migraine after today.
“I didn’t stop respecting my elders, brother, I just got accustomed to the American lifestyle. It was bound to happen, you know,” Wonsik scoffed, walking over to one of the couches that Hakyeon had in there. He heard Hakyeon laugh from under the hood, turning to see him poke his head out from the side.
“Yeah, you’re so Americanized that you go out of your way to find Korean restaurants instead of going to one of the drive-in’s,” Hakyeon tossed a wrench back into his tool box and reached for a rag. Wonsik rolled his eyes and turned around again, getting comfy on the couch with a magazine.
“You’d go out of your way, too, if you knew what was in the food at drive-in’s,” He shouted back at Hakyeon, flipping the pages absentmindedly. He heard a loud thud followed by a loud curse; he laughed at Hakyeon, who came over with a dark look and holding his head.
“How many times have you hit your head on the hood?” Wonsik taunted him, leaning over the back of the couch to get to the mini fridge and grabbed a couple sodas for them, handing one to Hakyeon. He took it from Wonsik with a nod of thanks and pressed the cool glass bottle against his forehead, sighing in relief.
“I lost count after ten,” Hakyeon grumbled, opening the bottle and taking a swig before pressing it against his head again. Wonsik shook his head and laughed lightly, cracking open his own bottle before settling into the couch again. The two sat in relative silence for a while, just enjoying each other’s company after not having time to hang out for so long. They spoke quietly here and there but never really stuck to conversation, always going back to just sitting in silence.
That is, until Hakyeon’s phone started ringing and both jumped from the sudden noise. Hakyeon jumped over the back of the couch and stumbled over his feet to get to his work bench. Wonsik was silently laughing behind him as he answered his phone, rubbing his chest to calm his racing heart.
“Hello?” He greeted, turning to glare at Wonsik. “Oh, hey, Han, what’s up?” He went to sit next to Wonsik again, tucking his feet under him. He glanced over at Wonsik before responding, “Yeah, he arrived this morning,” Wonsik raised an eyebrow at Hakyeon before draining the last of his soda. “When should he go over?” Hakyeon nudged Wonsik’s thigh and motioned for him to go work on the car.
He rolled his eyes and heaved himself off the couch, shuffling his way towards the car, snatching a monkey wrench from the tool box as he went. As he worked, he blocked out most of Hakyeon’s conversation, only picking out the bits that involved him - apparently, this Han person that he was talking to was suppose to be his cousin and that Wonsik was gonna stay with him for the duration of the job. He stopped paying attention to Hakyeon and focused on the car, tuning it up a bit so it’d run smooth for his next race.
Moving around to open the passenger door, he checked the NOS tank and the gauges. Noticing that it was a little on the empty side, he went to get a new tank from one of the heavy cabinets. Busining himself with changing the tank, he didn’t hear the footsteps coming up behind him and hit his head on the door frame when a hand clamped down on his shoulder.
Cursing in several different languages, Wonsik stood up straight with a grimace on his face and rubbing his head - Fate was obviously not kind to him today. Hearing a chuckle behind him, he knew it was Hakyeon - he had this distinctive laugh that you could pick out from a crowd; it kinda went high-pitched at the end, like a childish giggle, and he’d squeak a bit. So, Wonsik quickly thought of a retaliation before smirking, spinning around and jabbing two fingers into Hakyeon’s side.
“Ah, you ing , what the ,” Hakyeon squawked, backing away from Wonsik quickly while holding his side. Wonsik was practically on the floor, holding his gut as he laughed hysterically. Hakyeon stalked over and kicked him brutally on the shin, limping back to the couch satisfied when he heard Wonsik cry out in pain.
“,” Wonsik groaned through clenched teeth, holding his breath as he held his newly bruised leg.
“What was that, you little ?!” Hakyeon bellowed, his voice bouncing off the garage walls, making it more amplified and Wonsik groaned again, his head almost pounding with a headache.
“Shut the up!” Wonsik roared back, sighing in relief as he pressed his forehead against the cool concrete. Hakyeon picked up an old, grease-stained pillow from the couch and hurled it at Wonsik, snickering quietly to himself when it smacked him square in the back. Wonsik lifted his head off the floor to glare vehemently at Hakyeon, snatching the pillow and shoving it under his head.
Hakyeon stared at him for a while, feeling his resolve crumble the longer he looked at Wonsik laying on the concrete floor. Sighing, he stood up and went over to the desk he kept in the corner, opening one of the drawers; rooting through the junk, he found a bottle of Tylenol extra strength. Grabbing a water bottle as well, he walked over to Wonsik and kneeled down, poking his nose gently to get him to sit up.
“Here, this should help with the headache,” He murmured, setting the two bottles on the ground in front of him. Wonsik looked up at Hakyeon’s face and smiled softly, nodding his head slowly in thanks, taking the medicine quickly before rubbing his eyes.
“Thank you, brother,” He grumbled, still rubbing his face. He felt Hakyeon pat his knee before his footsteps went back to the car. He could hear Hakyeon finishing up what he had started with the NOS tank and he sighed, slowly getting to his feet. He leaned on the open passenger door and watched Hakyeon work - he always had a smooth method when it came to working on cars. Wonsik wasn’t sure how that method worked on the ladies, though; however, he was sure it worked pretty well considered how Hakyeon spent his night.
“So, who was the lucky lady?” Wonsik asked, playfully harassing him a bit. Hakyeon looked over his shoulder at him and raised an eyebrow.
“Who said there’s was one lady?” Hakyeon smirked, turning back around to focus on the car but he knew that there was an incredulous look on his face and he chortled quietly. “Besides, who said it was a female?” He added, just to rib into Wonsik a bit. He heard a choking noise behind him and he turned to see Wonsik staring at him wide-eyed with his hand covering his mouth. The sight made Hakyeon bust out laughing, almost knocking his head on the car frame.
“Dude, your face. Priceless, holy ,” Hakyeon gasped, clutching his stomach as tears gathered in his eyes from laughing. “I’m not into , man, thought you’d pick that up after all these years,” He got up and went to get a water bottle from the mini fridge.
“That’s not what Taekwoon told me,” Wonsik called after him, making Hakyeon spit out a mouthful of water. He spun around and pointed a finger at Wonsik, who was smirking at him.
‘That was one time in college and we were both piss drunk!” He tried to defend himself but the light blush that was spreading on his cheeks gave him away. Wonsik grinned widely at him but had to duck at the last minute when Hakyeon threw his water bottle at him.
“Just go! You’re suppose to leave in half an hour anyway, get a head start and go bug them, ing Christ,” Hakyeon grumbled, leaving the garage. Wonsik scrambled behind him, his boot almost getting caught on a stool.
“Wait, I don’t have a phone,” Hakyeon turned around and grabbed Wonsik’s hand, causing him to cease everything and stare at him. Hakyeon pulled out a phone from his back pocket and slapped it into Wonsik’s hand, giving him a firm look that said ‘Break this before the job’s done and I’ll break your nose’ before letting go of his hand. He nodded towards Wonsik’s bike and gave him a salute, turning back to the house.
Wonsik rolled his eyes but went to his bike, calling out a “See ya later!” over his shoulder and received a “Later asshat!” before Hakyeon slammed the door. Wonsik shook his head and mounted his bike, looking at the phone that Hakyeon gave him; he shrugged and jammed the SD card in it, bringing up the directions he needed to get to the place. After he memorized the first twenty miles, he strapped his helmet on and took off, not noticing that Hakyeon was watching him from the kitchen window.
Hakyeon shook his head and whispered, “Stupid,” to himself and went back to bed, last night still taking it’s toll on his head. Later on, he’d notice that his pillows had smeared make-up and smelled of cherry blossoms.
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Chapter 5: omg the jung clan ( already read it on ao3 this morning )
are all the jungs gonna be in it
does that include leo

wait who is Han anyway is that Hyuk or????

ahh i really like this so far. i can't wait to read more! please keep working hard (•̀ᴗ•́)و ̑̑
Chapter 4: Cant wait to know the mission~ XD
Chapter 1: wait this story is on aff too

sorry this is selfish machine from ao3 and omg this is somehow really exciting

please update soon ♥
Chapter 3: this is super interesting!
i hope you will update soon authornim! :D
Chapter 2: Oooh can't wait to see what the job is all about~ And the bromance, freaking loving it!