
VIXX: Fast & Furious - Preface

Wonsik wasn't sure what he was expecting when the door opened, maybe a slightly older male Asian, like Hakyeon said would be at this house - he wasn't expecting to have a half- lady shoved in his face with a wad of bills in her hand. She was obviously drunk, with the way she was slightly swaying and her death grip on the door was any indication; Wonsik had to bite his cheek to keep from outright laughing - this felt too much like a bad comedy movie for him to take seriously, especially when the lady loudly claimed that he wasn't the pizza delivery boy.
He was about to apologize for disturbing her night and leave, assuming he got the wrong house - which he didn't think was likely, Hakyeon wouldn't give him the wrong coordinations just to mess with him when it involves jobs like this. He wouldn't put it past Hakyeon to do something like that, though, and pulled his phone out to ask for the right address when he heard his name being called from behind him. Turning slightly, he snickered to himself when Han - he assumed it was Han, since he looked like how Hakyeon described him - stepped around the lady, half himself, to stand on the small stoop. 
"Han?" Wonsik asked, an eyebrow going up with his question; the other male just smirked in retaliation and made a gesture with his arm to go inside, guiding the lady inside as well when she almost fell over. Wonsik sighed and followed them, closing the door behind him while Han took the lady to the bedroom - hopefully to put her to bed, Wonsik didn't want to be here if and when they wanted to go for another round. 
He set his bag on the floor, next to the door, before venturing into the house, eyes scanning the living room and it's couple occupants on the couch; he checked to make sure they were sleeping before slinking off to the kitchen, hoping Han had a water bottle or two in the fridge. Wonsik sighed when he was faced with an practically empty fridge - a few beer bottles and what looked like a bowl of leftover rice; he had a feeling that Han didn't spend much time at home, only residing back in the tiny abode at night. 
Grumbling to himself, he snagged one of the beers and leaned against the counter, sipping it slowly as he waited for Han to come back, if he came back that is. Soft snores were coming from the living room, prompting Wonsik to wander over to the door frame and peek at the occupants on the couch; two teenagers passed out with pizza boxes and soda cans littered around them with the tv flashing some comedy - typical Friday night, Wonsik figured.
He snorted and went back to the kitchen, not wanting to be caught staring at minors - even though he was sure that Han wouldn't give two s, he still didn't want the possibility of being thrown in jail for supposed leering; that thing back in Georgia was enough to teach him a lesson for fifty lifetimes. He found Han sitting on the counter with the bowl of rice and a beer bottle; Wonsik rolled his eyes and leaned against the counter next to him, drinking in silence while Han ate.
"Why do you have teenagers passed out on your couch?" He asked, curiousity getting to him - at least he waited a bit before blurting it out, he counted that as a plus. Han snorted and washed some of his rice down with a swig of his beer.
"It's just a place for them to sleep, when they don't want to be home," He took another bite and chewed slowly, eyeing Wonsik thoughtfully before swallowing. "The boy, Jeongguk, crashes here almost every night - he doesn't like sleeping at home - and the girl, Jeanina, is his friend, sleeps here when she can to keep him company." Wonsik smiled at Han, finishing off his beer before backing away from the counter and stretching.
"You're a good guy, Han, for letting them stay here," Han smiled a bit and lifted his beer in a salute. Wonsik looked over his shoulder at the living room, eyebrows furrowed as he tried to place where he heard the name Jeongguk before. Surely, it couldn't be that Jeongguk, right? But how many Jeongguk's were there in Los Angeles? He looked back over at Han, eyebrows still furrowed with his arms crossed now; he motioned with his head towards the living room, moving close to Han again to talk quietly.
"Is the boy, Jeongguk?" Wonsik didn't even know how to ask about something like this but Han made it easy for him, sighing and dropping his head in defeat.
"Jeon Jeongguk, youngest member of the Jung clan," Definitely not what Wonsik was expecting but given what he's heard about the Jung clan, he didn't blame the boy for wanting to get away for a bit. Nonetheless, Han had an enemy gang member sleeping on his couch, sixteen year old boy or not.
"Are you insane? They will kill you if they find out he's been coming over here practically every night," He hissed, looking back towards the living room. Han sighed and scrubbed his face with his hand.
"You don't think I'm aware of the risks I'm taking just knowing him, let alone letting him sleep here?" Han bit back, a scowl twisting his lips. "Look, he's been staying here since he was fourteen, he's careful and they don't know and if they do, they don't give two s." Wonsik scoffed.
"Yeah, they don't give two s about their prodigy and "heir" to the head of the clan. I'm surprised they let him have friends..." Wonsik trailed off when he saw that Han's eyebrow twitched - he didn't know him that well but he did know the tell-tale signs of body language when someone's hiding something.
"They don't let him have friends, do they?" He asked quietly, looking back at the living room again. He felt bad for the kid, sure, but part of Wonsik's brain kept reminding him who the boy was.
"No," Han sighed. "He met Jeanina when I took him to the races one night. She was tuning one of the cars and he took an interest. They hit it off and hang out on race nights; they talk cars and just goof off." Wonsik raised an eyebrow.
"They're not...?" He made a gesture with his hand before scrunching up his face; Han just snorted at him with a look that told him that he was being stupid.
"Nah, man, she's two years older then him, he's like her little brother. Besides, boy swings for the other team and I don't know about her, she might swing for both." Han's little eyebrow wiggle made Wonsik roll his eyes.
"How did you even met him? I would've thought they kept him under lock and key," Wonsik was trying to piece together how this came to be but it was late and he's not all there in the head when he's tired.
Han shrugged, "He was at the Toretto's store one night and, being the good guy that I am, let him crash on my couch for the night. It was him who decided to come to my doorstep almost every night from then on, asking if he could sleep here. Said he sleeps better, which I find weird because that couch is anything but comfortable." Wonsik sighed, scrubbing a hand over his face - he regretted even asking about the teenagers this late, should've just asked in the morning after he had his coffee.
"While this is all fine and dandy, can we continue this in the morning, after I'm more awake and can actually take in what you're telling me, it was a long drive getting here and I need a shower, if that's okay?" Wonsik pleaded, shoulders drooping when he remembered what happened with his bike - he'll have to go out either early in the morning or late at night tomorrow to get a car. 

"Oh yeah, dude, totally fine. Bathroom's down the hall, to the left - guest bedroom is next to it, you can camp there for your stay," Han patted his shoulder as he walked past, giving him an encouraging smile before retreating to his own room, calling over his shoulder. "See ya in the morning!" Wonsik just chuckled, picking up his discarded bag from the floor and with one last look at the teens on the sofa, ventured down the hallway to the guest room, shaking his head. 

The room wasn't much, a bed and a nightstand, but it was enough for Wonsik, who flung his bag onto the bed and rummaged through it to find a plain shirt and shorts. He shuffled his way to the bathroom and took a quick shower, the bed calling to him the longer he was in there; he didn't even bother drying his hair, just ran it through with a towel a couple times and dragged himself back to the bedroom, flopping down face first with a grunt. He was out and sleeping soundly in a couple minutes, soft snores filling the room. 

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Chapter 5: omg the jung clan ( already read it on ao3 this morning )
are all the jungs gonna be in it
does that include leo

wait who is Han anyway is that Hyuk or????

ahh i really like this so far. i can't wait to read more! please keep working hard (•̀ᴗ•́)و ̑̑
Chapter 4: Cant wait to know the mission~ XD
Chapter 1: wait this story is on aff too

sorry this is selfish machine from ao3 and omg this is somehow really exciting

please update soon ♥
Chapter 3: this is super interesting!
i hope you will update soon authornim! :D
Chapter 2: Oooh can't wait to see what the job is all about~ And the bromance, freaking loving it!