Pt. 5

Not Just a Fried Chicken Girl

It’s amazing that the guys are so sweet to me.

I smile as I stare at the purse that I had received from them for Christmas.


I shrug my shoulders as I set it back into the box then set the box into my bag as I walk the short distance home.

When I walk through the door I’m bombarded by my sister who seems to notice that my bag is an odd shape and there’s something underneath my jacket.

“What cha got?”

I look around as I pull the cute little puppy from my jacket, “Isn’t she adorable, Jongin got her for me for Christmas.”

She smiles as she looks at my bag, “Why is that an odd shape?”

“Cause we have a present from EXO,” I tell her as I pull out my box and set it down slapping her hand when she reaches out for it, “That one isn’t yours. This one is,” I tell her as I pull out her box.

“Ahh… Really is it all mine?”

I nod my head, “From my knowledge it was specially picked out for you by Tao.”


I nod my head as I pull the purse from the small box and hold it up as I carefully hug it too my chest.

I pull up my phone and snap a picture of me doing that action again.

“Alright, now too send a thank you too the boys.”

I send a thank you in Korean, Mandarin, and English too the boys out of boredom.

My sister looks at me and asks, “What did you send them?”

I show her the message that she reads out loud, “‘Hey guys thank you so much for the purse it’s perfect. How did you know I want one just like this?’ I bet it was Kai. Still that’s a really nice bag.”

I laugh at my sister, “It really is. The material is nice since I’m guessing the price on it.”

My sister nods her head as she looks at it, “I think I know the brand and it’s kind of spendy at that.”

I look at my sister, “Well are you going to open that present or not? Wait are you stalling?”

“No… I’m… not.”

I chuckle as I place my hand on my sister’s, “If you’re nervous  I’ll help you open it.”

She looks at me and she shakes her head, “If Tao was the one that picked this out for me than it’s alright. I’ll be able to open it on my own.”

I open a message too Tao as I record my sister open the present and her reaction.

It was pretty funny and kind of cute when she pulls the lid off the box to show  a beautiful dress made of wonderful material.

“Oh my… this is beautiful.”

She holds it up too show me while showing off a nice bright smile.

I stop recording and send the video.

“Onni, what do you think?”

“I’m not sure go try it on,” I tell her.

She nods her head as she runs off too the closest bathroom so she can slip the dress on.


It’s not too short where I’d need too talk too Tao about it. The color doesn’t help with my sister’s naturally light skin but at the same time it helps it. The pieces around the collar of the dress looks like they had broken a mirror and glued it on the dress, knowing my sister it’s perfectly her style.

I singal her to come over to me where I untie her hair and move it around her shoulders.

“Stand by the wall I want too the send a picture too the guys.”

She stands in front of the wall with her purse in one hand and pulling her hair up a bit with the other.

I have to say my sister is an amazing model and that she was well chosen to be her visual for her group.

MY sister has amazing talent at singing and dancing. She even learned a bit of Taekwondo when we were kids with me, but gave up when she realized she was still in my shadow.

Then she found her voice and we all realized that it was amazingly beautiful.

She had the talent for singing and dancing while I grew up knowing how to cook and fight.

I shake my head as I look at her come on we have a concert too get to.

“Sis, where that too the concert for Tao to see.”

“Though you sent him a picture.”

I nod my head as I laugh at her knowing that my last few month or 2 in Seoul isn’t going to the worst thing like I thought it would be.

“Sis… Have you told Kai that you’ll be leaving for Paris soon.”

I shake my head, “No, I didn’t say anything to him about when I’d be leaving for Paris.”

“Isn’t that cruel are you just going to have your stuff packed up and leave?”

I nod my head, “Yeah, if I tell him and he’d try to come to the airport with me I wouldn’t be able to leave and I want to do this. This is my dream. I want to do this.”

“Will Kai forgive you if you do that too him?”

“I’m not sure. June, you are not too tell anyone about this.”


“Good. Now let’s head out of here.”

“Not before you change.”

I sigh and quickly change quickly.


The entire time we’re at the concert I’m pushing girls away from me cause my sister had to be right by the stage.

When it ends and June and I go back stage I can’t help but to smile when I see the exo boys.

I almost forget there are other bands here like f(x).

I run into f(x)’s Amber.

“Ahh I’m sorry I guess I wasn’t paying attention.”

She looks at me and shakes her head, “It’s alright. Ahh, are you alright?”

“I’m alright. I’m sorry I wasn’t paying attention.”

“It’s alright,” she laughs a bit as she looks at me, “You seem familiar do I know you perhaps?”

I shrug, “I’m not completely sure. I have a bad memory when it comes to people.”

“Have you ever been to LA before?”

I shake my head, “No, I haven’t sorry I was going to check on the guys.”

I walk away from them and I hear my sister stop and talk to them and I simply ignore all of this.

“Hi. You guys did great.”

THey smile at me and I smile right back as I carefully maneuver the purse that they had given me.

“Ahh… You’re already using it,” they gush.

I nod my head, “Yeah. It’s a really nice bag made from good material.”

They laugh as I smile at them, “You really think so?”

I nod my head as I look at them, “Of course I do.”

They smile at me and Kai asks, “Where’s little Amaterasu?”

“Oh I left her with my grandfather. He said he’d keep her hidden from my mom and my dad couldn’t care less.”

I look at my phone quickly as I mutter, “He said he’d keep me updated why hasn’t he.”


“Oh my grandpa and dad said they’d keep me updated on Amaterasu.”

As I say this my phone starts going off showing me that my grandpa is trying too face time me.

I answer too see him holding my cute little puppy, “Hey sweetie. You’re dog tried to eat my phone.”

I laugh and everyone looks at who my grandfather is being a bit shocked.

“Grandpa, that’s what happens when you put it in her reach. She doesn’t know any better she’s only 4 months old.”

“So are you excited about going too France?”

The guys seem a bit shocked by this form of information.

“You’re going to France, but are you and…” I slam my hand over Sehun’s mouth and Kai gives me a nice glare

“Shut up will you. It’s not a everyone needs to know kind of thing,” I growl.

I realize that I still have my grandfather on facetime.

“What do you mean?”

“Ahh… Well…”

I end the facetime and he gives me a phone call right away and I give Sehun a look.

He backs away as I answer my grandfather’s call, “Yes, grandpa?”

“What did that boy mean?”

I back away from the guys as I answer my grandfather, “I have a boyfriend the guys know and they are confused too why I’m still leaving.”

“Why would you still leave if you have 1?”

“It’s cause this is my dream grandpa. I want too go too this school. He said he’ll try to work this out so I’m not too worried.”

“How is that sweetie?”

“I trust him grandpa,” I tell him and I feel someone tap my shoulder too see it’s Kai, “I’m sorry grandpa I need to let you go it’s late go to bed.”

He laughs as he knows I’m just showing my care for him, “Ahh alright. I’ll see you in the morning then.”

“ALright night grandpa.”

I hang up and smile at Kai, “Do you need something?”

He looks around and shakes his head, “Not really just wanted to be close too my girl.”

I push him slightly, “Kai there are other people back here.”

He pouts and I smile pinching his cheeks, “Now aren’t you a cutie. Come on the guys are waiting for us.”

I take his arm in my hand and drag him over to the rest of exo and they look at us.

“What were you 2 doing?”

“Nothing really I just finished talking too my grandpa and came back over here,” I tell them.

THey don’t seem too believe me but they nod anyways and I sigh as I lay my head in my hands.

Kai finally asks me the question that I’m not ready to answer, “When are you leaving?”

I look at my hands and take a deep breath and lie too my boyfriend, “I’m not sure really sure.”

I’ll spend all my time for the next 2 months with him until I will leave.

As the concert ends the guys take June and me home.

Tao gave my sister a small kiss on the cheek and Kai gave me a quick kiss.

I smile at him and inside I’m dying a little knowing that I’m going to break Kai’s heart in 2 months time.

I’m sorry Jongin I really do love you.

I think this is a cleaner ending for this story for I can work on the sequel and maybe something for June and Tao
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Chapter 4: I want the puppy!!!!!!
Chapter 4: Jongin is just plain adorable!