
Not Just a Fried Chicken Girl

I look up as the door opens and I look around the corridor.

When I reach the EXO dorms I open my phone and again am faced with the picture of Kai and me.

I shake off the feeling and text Kai that I’m at the dorm.

I hear whispering and Kai yelling at them to shut up.

He opens the door and smiles at me, “Hoyin, you’re here a bit early.”

“Yeah, my grandfather ended up coming over for once and is still asleep when I woke up so I thought I’d come see ya early.”

“Well that’s very thoughtful of you. Oh what did your mom want yesterday?”

“Oh my letter from the school that I was testing in about a week ago came.”

“Did you get in?”

I slowly nod my head, “Yeah I got in. So where’s the puppy?”

“This way,” he says to me as he pushes open the door.

“You know Kai you wanting to give this person a puppy is a bit much like the music video you just did for Miracles in December.”

“Yeah, well I would of thought of this anyways. She had taken a shining to my other dogs so I thought I’d give her one.”

What the heck it’s like he’s talking about me?

I smile at him and nod my head as I look over at Kai.

I look back to see all the EXO members sitting around a decent sized room and in the middle of it all is a puppy asleep on a cushion.

“Oh she’s so cute,” I say louder than I thought I did.

Everyone looks up at me and smiles, “Hoyin-ah, why are you here on this family holiday?”

“Oh Kai wanted some help with something at least that’s what I got out of it.”

I rush over to the puppy and go down on ground level with her face, “You picked a looker, Kai.”

“Yeah she is.”

“What did you name here?”

“I’m not sure… I kind of didn’t’ think of a name yet.”

I look at him and notice he’s busy looking at me, “What is there something on my face?”

He shakes his head and looks at the puppy, “I think she looks like a… I’m not sure I always wanted a dog but we can’t have one in the shop and all the names I thought of as a kid sound stupid at the moment.”

“They can’t be stupid. Just tell me what they were?”

“They are all in English… There was peppermint and peppermint was two ones, but the main one Amaterasu.”

“That doesn’t sound like an English name.”

“It’s not Amaterasu is a goddess of the sun and rice harvest. She also has a small army of foxes to rule over. Without the world really knowing it revolves around her to make sure that the world exists at how we know it. She was always part of stories. Though there were other names that I liked.”

“Amaterasu,” he rolls the name off his tongue, “It’s a nice name.”

I nod my head as I look at the puppy who slowly starts opening her eyes.

“Amaterasu was one of my favorite myths. Even though she was pretty vain.”

The puppy yips at me causing me to laugh, “What do you like that name or something?”

The puppy again yips and my face.

“Let’s test it out what she thinks of that name,” Kai tells me.

I nod my head and take a few steps away from her, “Amaterasu, come here girl.”

The puppy looks up at me and slowly stands up on all 4 legs walking slowly over to me.

I laugh slightly as I pick her up and hold her closely to my face, “So you like that name huh. Well hopefully so will the person who will be your owner.”

I look over at Kai who seems to get a weird look on his face that looks almost mischievous.

I look at the time and gasp, ‘I’ve been here for an hour already… I’m sorry but I have to get home and get the car so I can drive to pick up a few things. I’ll see you guys at the concert right?”

“Yeah that’s in a few hours isn’t it. Thanks for reminding us.”

I shake my head as I smile at them, “Didn’t need to worry too much about it.  Sorry I couldn’t’ stay longer and all but it’s almost noon and I have to be done running errands around Seoul by 3 so kind of have a small window of time.”

I head out to leave and Kai doesn’t follow me.

As I wait for the elevator I head Kai call out of me, “Yeah.”

He’s holding something under his jacket, “What is it Kai?”

“You know how you said if you got into the school you’d want a dog to take with you to France so you’d be reminded of your family and friends?”

“Yeah, though I can’t believe you did. What of it though?”

“Well this,” he pulls out the puppy from his jacket, “is really for you. She’s a Christmas present for you.”


“Because I like you. I’d like to try to go out with you even if you’re going to France in less than a week. We’ve visited France and it’s not like you’ll never visit your family. Also there is the internet. We could always Skype and call each other.”

“What are you trying to say?”

“I’m saying is that I’d like to go out with you. Even if I think we have a dating ban and you’re going to be half way across the world in a country known for love.”

I chuckle, “Trust me most of the people I met from there are jerks.”

I take peeks around the corridor and see no one and no cameras so I lean over and wrap my arms around his neck, “I’d love to go out with you as long as you promise not to cheat on me.”

He shakes his head, “I’d never. You promise you wouldn’t do that to me.”

“Of course I promise. I’m not that type of girl.”

He smiles a bit shyly, “What all the courage was drained out to of you?”

He gives me a sheepish look, “I guess you can say that.”

I chuckle as I kiss his cheek as I pull away careful since Kai is still holding I guess I can call her Amaterasu.

“Can I take her home?”

He hands her to me and I chuckle, “Thank  you, Jongin.”

He blushes a bit as he asks, “What came to the idea for you to call me by my real name?”

I look at the puppy and away from his eyes, “It’s more personal and I thought since we were dating I could start calling you your real name.”

He smiles a bit, “I like the sound of that, but let’s try that when we’re alone. I’m just glad the manager wasn’t in since we sent him to get us food.”

I chuckle, “Well I need to stop by sister’s dorm and then I’m heading home. I guess I’ll see you later tonight.”

He nods his head and I watch as the elevator pops open and I slip Amaterasu into my jacket glad that it’s puffy.

Standing there is Kai’s manager, “Oh hello manager-nim how are you today?”

He looks at me and smiles, “Oh Miss. Chang I’m good and how are you?”

“I’m good as well thought I’d wish my best customer a happy holidays since I’m picking up a few things around Seoul counting clothing for my sister.”

“That’s very nice of you, Miss. Chang.”

“Of course. Kai and the rest of EXO have been ordering from my family for a long time it’s the least I can do. They are our biggest customers.”

EXO’s manager smiles at me slightly, “That’s nice of you.”

I smile a bit, “I know it’s a bit rude, but I need to go home.”

“Tell the boys okay.”

Kai nods his head and waves too me as I enter the elevator.

When the doors open the puppy pops out of my jacket and I look at her, “That was a close one wasn’t it.”

Amaterasu my cheek causing me to chuckle.

“I guess you agree with me. Now the problem of getting you into my home… and too France I guess.”

The puppy looks at me and yips again almost in displeasure.

“What? Don’t want to leave Jongin?”

She again yips where it sounds more like a yes.

“Ahh I know but I promise we’ll be together a lot before I leave… Do you want too spend those days with me?”

She starts me and wagging her tail, “I’ll take that as a yes.”

“Come on let’s just get some clothing then go home.”

As I pick up a small bag of clothing for my sister and tel her I picked them up I exit her dorm room.

As I exit there and get on the elevator I see Tao and Kris, “hi, guys where are you going?”

Kris elbows Tao and Tao hands me two small boxes.

“What are these?”

“Presents for you and your sister. Tao picked your sister’s out and we all had  debate what too get you.”

I chuckle as I look at them, “Well thank you. Can I open mine now?”

They nod their heads and I happily open the medium sized box. I pull back some paper too show myself a cute purse that has spikes on it.

“This is so perfect,” I tell them.

They sigh in relief, “Good… can you tell us what your sister thinks of basically what we shall call Tao’s present?”

I nod my head, “Sure… I only have Jongin’s kakao though.”

“Ohhh… Jongin,” I lift an eye-brow at Tao and he shuts up, “Give me your phone.”

I hand it too him and by the time we reach the turn before we face Jungsik I have all EXO members on my kakao.

“Message them and thank them since we all pitched in even Jongin did after he got the puppy,” Kris orders me.

I fake salute him as I hold up my phone, “Got it. Sorry guys but I need too get home. I’ll message everyone and give them my thanks.”

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Chapter 4: I want the puppy!!!!!!
Chapter 4: Jongin is just plain adorable!