Pt. 2

Not Just a Fried Chicken Girl

I’m eating out with a boy who I seem to have strong feelings for, but not like what I have for my brother.

It’s more of a feeling that I would have for a lover maybe... it’s not like I’d really now that feeling.

I open my phone to see that Kai is calling me, “Yoboseyo.”

“Hoyin-ah, can you make it back to the SM dorms?”

“Yeah, I could… Why?”

“Well I kind of can’t leave the dorm since my sister is supposed to bring me my dogs, but I’d like to hang out with you for a bit.”

“Sure I think I can make it there I’ll just say I’m visiting my sister since she’s open at the moment.”

“Won’t that be weird?”

“Nah, I always stop by there when I can to check on her. I usually end up stealing her new facial cleanser.”

“Alright, well I’ll meet you at the door to the dorm.”

“Alright. I’ll meet you there.”

The walk to the SM dorms isn’t that far and doesn’t take me very long, but I know my legs are going to be so mad at me when I stop moving. I’ve been running around more than usual today.

When I reach the dorms Jungsik simply waves me in and I smile at him as I pull out my small pass that everyone doesn’t even bother to look at anymore.

When I reach the EXO dorm Kai opens it for me and I see 3 cute poodles.

I look down at one and I notice that they all ran up to me and started to jump on my legs.

I chuckle as kneel down to pet them. Monggu jumps up into my lap causing me to laugh.

“Wow that’s surprising to see, he doesn’t’ usually act like that.”

I nod my head not bothering to speak up instead I stay kneeling until I pull Moongu into my arms and stand up.

“He’s so cute. Can I keep him?”

As I say that it seem that Monggu pulls away from me slightly and gives me a look before my cheek.

I look up to see Kai with his phone out and it seems he took a picture of me.

“Ya, what are you doing?”

“Nothing just catching a funny moment.”

“Did you get that on video?”

He shrugs, “I don’t know.”

“Ya, Kim Jongin.”

He chuckles as he looks back at me, “I already took them out for a walk, but let’s take them to the practice room for they have enough room to run around and play.”

“Is that alright?”

“Yeah, just act like a trainee trying to get on my good side.”

“Says the boy who probably has sassaeng fans stalking him right this moment?”

“Well I guess I have someone like you around me. You could probably fight them off.”

“Maybe a few but not as many as you’d probably like.”

He looks back at me for a few seconds and then at his puppies, “Let’s just get a move on.”

As we walk to the practice room and I look around, ‘Wow this place is huge.”

I wonder…

I set down Moongu and I look around judge the length of the room.

I don’t bother with a running start I just brace myself as I do a front flip then a nice round off.

“Wow,” I hear Kai gasp.

“I guess I still have it.”

“How did you learn how to do that?”

“When I was in Taekwondo I learned to do all the flips and that.”

“That’s cool.”

“Yeah that was all I can really remember I wasn’t even sure if I could still do them.”

“Still that’s really talented why do you just want to be a cook?”

“Cause I like cooking a lot more. Even though at the moment all I really do is cook fried chicken.”

“You’re restaurant makes other things as well.”

“True but I’m the one that creates our new sauces and such or just chooses them.”

“Really you do that?”

I nod again.

I’m not sure how much time passes, but I know that it’s was a lot longer than what I’d like, cause all the guys of EXO are back at the dorms when I realize that I should get home.

“I’m sorry Kai I should head home.”


“Yeah it’s pretty late and I’d hate for my mom to worry to much about me. Even though I said I’d be home late.”

“Couldn’t you stay in your sister’s dorm?”

“I’m not sure…”

I text my baby sister, “Are you still awake?”

She texts me back, “Yeah, do you want to crash with me instead of spending time home?”

I smile brightly, “You know me far too well. So can I?”

“Of course. You know the code and have a copy of everything. Just slip into my room and you can borrow a pair of pajamas. For payment you will have to tell me why you want to stay here.”

I think about it before I agree, “Yeah, of course I will but you have to promise to keep it a secret.”

“Of course I will.”

“Then come on up.”

I smile as I hang up and lock my phone, “I guess I’ll see you whenever. I should probably go to bed. Good-night everyone.”

I head to leave, but Kai grabs my arm, “When will I see you again?”

I shrug my shoulder, “I’m not sure, but I’ll see whenever you decide to order some chicken for sure.”

I go to head up again and I head him ask, “Did you make it into that school?”

I peak behind my back, “I’m not sure yet.”

It’s been a week since Kai and I started being a close friend. Whenever I can I spend my free time with my sister and I get small chances to chat with Kai when passing in the halls.

My sister has no problem being used like this, but apparently I have to put in a good word with Tao.

I’m walking to the elevators with June again.

I wait until the doors are closed and we’re along to ask, “So why Tao again? I didn’t my sister was into the silent and childish type.”

“Oh shut up. It’s not like you to go for a slight shy boy. The dancing part I can see thought I was expecting a more combat based guy. He must have won you over with his dogs.”

I puff my cheeks and she laughs, “You always have had a week spot for dogs especially if they take a shine to you.”

“Shut up already. I don’t want anyone to overhear.”

The doors open to show a few EXO boys counting Kai and Tao.

“Where are you guys heading?”

“Roof need some fresh air and some fans are outside,” Lay answers.

“Ahh… that makes sense I guess.”

My phone rings and I look at it ignoring it when I notice it being my mom.

“So what are  you guys planning for Christmas?”

They shrug, “Don’t’ really celebrate it?”

“Even if you don’t’ celebrate it it’s still an excuse to get presents.”

“Really?” Kai asks.

“Yeah. It’s an excuse to spend time with your family and friends and exchange present even if they or if they are perfect. Though I do wish I had a puppy especially if I do make it into that European school.”

“Why?” Kai asks me again.

“Cause I’d be along with a puppy at least I’d have something to remember home and my loved ones.”

He nods his head and I notice a look on his face, but I shrug it off.

I look to see that almost all the members of EXO are in the elevator with us except for Suho, Baekhyun, Chen, and Kyungsoo are missing.

I shrug my shoulders as I look around and decide that I also want fresh air and also it’d be the better idea to call my mom from.

I look at my phone for a while and decide that I’ll just call my mom now since the guys are quiet for some odd reason.

When she answers I ask right away, “Mom, why did you call?”

“A letter came in the mail for you. I just wanted to tell you since you’ve been spending so much time with your sister lately. Though have you found a boyfriend?”

I know my mom is scared of me leaving the country to France none the less.

“No mom I haven’t…”

“Oh really now.”

Before she can say more I say, “Look I’ll talk to you when I stop by home anyways. June and I need to get a few things.”

“You are such a good sister, but remember you have another younger sibling.”

“Jungsin, June’s twin, I know mom. How is he doing anyways?”

“His cold passed. Can’t you just take over or your brother?”

“That’s not what we want to do though mom. Jungsin has always said he wanted to take it over and this is his chance. I won’t say that I won’t help since I have a good history in business, but I don’t want anything to really do with all of this my entire life. Mom just let me go there if I make it in and I’ll come back to you when I’m done.”

“I expect you to be home soon.”

Before she can say anything else I hang up and look over at June and Tao to see them chatting.

I guess when my sister became a trainee telling her to learn some Mandarin and Cantonese came in handy.

I hear Tao say to my sister, “I’m surprised that you learned both Mandarin and Cantonese in a short while.”

“Thank you. Truthfully my sister told me that I planned to be an SM trainee to learn them. She said since they are more common to work with China and such.”

“Then your sister is pretty smart and I guess that you can speak it so fluently in a short while.”

“Thank you.”

“What languages do you speak?”

“Korean, English, Mandarin, and Cantonese.”

“Like Kris-gege.”

I roll my eyes as I look over at Kai, “Sorry that we kind of interrupted your free time so much lately. I’ll hopefully see you later. I just need go home and so does June.”

“For you to know Tao has a slight crush on your sister.”

“So you to know my sister has a slight crush on Tao.”

We start laughing a bit and the other members look at us while Tao and June keep chatting.

“Well he should know she is 2 years younger than him.”


“Yeah, she just graduated this year so she’s just entering university this year.”

Before I can say more my baby sister looks at me and watches as I smile slightly.

“Sis, are we going home.”

“Yeah, tomorrow is Christmas so of course we are. It doesn’t help these guys are preforming tonight.”

“So I’ll see you guys whenever.”

“Hey come to it tomorrow with your sister. I’m sure she has tickets since she likes Tao.”

I nod my head as I pick up my bag from the ground and I look at June, “June, come on mom wants to celebrate tonight.”

“Oh regular tradition with of opening presents at midnight?”

“Yup, come on before she decides to change her mind and return them.”

“Come sis she’s only done that once and that was 3 years ago.”

We laugh as we wave and walk away from the boys probably confusing them.

Been bored lately so i typed this up faster than i thought.

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Chapter 4: I want the puppy!!!!!!
Chapter 4: Jongin is just plain adorable!