Hell In Jeguk High

Love And Be Free

"Jeguk High." Chae Min reads the school regristration form that has already been filled up. She pauses for a moment. "Jeguk High? You want me to attend the school that belongs to Jeguk Group?"

"Yeah. I hold a post in their alumni association as well." Young Do replies.

"But isn't it awkward for me to be there? I mean they almost bought -"

"Sweetheart, just because the school belongs to Jeguk Group, doesn't mean the president runs the school." Young Do explains, giving her the are-you-dumb look. "Besides, your land was just one of the many that they have their eyes on."

Chae Min scrunches up her face. She gently caresses the set of uniform laid out in front of her. It is without a doubt, really good material, too high quality for uniforms. Chae Min wonders what kind of a world she is stepping into, this world that Choi Young Do lives is scary and thrilling at the same time. He managed to solved all her problems with a snap of his fingers. He even paid off her father's debts. Yet all he wants in return is her company?

"Alright, its too late to say no anyway." she sighs. "Any last advice on how to survive my first day?"

"Trust no one." Young Do replies in a deep tone, as if mimicking a line from an action movie. Chae Min rolls her eyes in response. Schools in Korea are supposedly hell because of their long hours, usually from 7am to 11pm. In Jeguk High, school starts at 8am to 3pm. That is barely 7 hours since lunch break is an hour as well. Well, rich kids do have it better.

"I'll pick you up after school tomorrow at the main entrance." Young Do reminds. 

'Right, I forgot.' Chae Min thinks to herself. 'Gotta sell my soul to the devil in the afternoon.'

But of course, she does not say that out loud, for the devil is staring right at her. 

"Yeah okay. What are we doing tomorrow?" she asks out of curiosity.

"I haven't decided yet." Young Do shrugs. "We'll see. I'm sure you will have lots of stories to tell after school."

"Yeap, can't wait." Chae Min says, wiggling her index and middle fingers, marking an invisible quote sign, gesturing her sarcasm.

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"This is totally the worst idea ever." Chae Min mutters under her breath. Standing at the main entrance, she takes in the view of Jeguk High. She heard about the Olympic-size swimming pool and that they also offer golf as an extracurricular activity but she did not expect the school to be this huge. Chae Min feels like a tiny ant just waiting to be trampled on. Not to mention the unfriendly looking people shooting her judgmental looks. Is she making it too obvious that she is in absolute awe of her surroundings? She exhales quickly and forces herself to move forward, unwilling to be intimidated so easily.

About 20 minutes later, Chae Min gets out of the office and heads to find her locker. She realizes that she is now more annoyed than scared. She is irritated at all the rich kids and their expensive backpacks, or handbags because they do not seem to serve a purpose of being a school bag at all, walking past her and none offered help to the new girl. She is disgusted at the way students make out in the hallway and some even flirting with the teachers. It was not even this bad back in the States. 

She finds all her required text books and exercise books in the locker. Choi Young Do is pretty efficient. She even finds a flirty note telling her how she is very much in debt to him and the secret price she is going to have to pay. Erm, eww?

Chae Min gathers her books according to her timetable and checks out the school map. She needs to get to Biology Lab 3 in 15 minutes or she will be late for her first class. She does not want to leave a bad impression on her first day. She is too focused on the map in her hand to notice she is walking right into a wall. Her books go flying and she falls to the floor with a loud thud. The pain goes right up her spine. Chae Min winces. Her feels flattened. 

Right at that moment, a group of boys walk into the hallway. One of them is holding a basketball in his arm, the second one is carrying some books, another is drinking branded coffee and the last one has ear phones plugged in. Chae Min sighs. How can they all look so perfectly gorgeous and hunky? Her heart is fluttering like a hummingbird's wings. She smiles warmly when their eyes meet hers, only to remember she is on the floor with a mess around her, looking as inelegant as ever. She facepalms herself in her mind a gazillion times. She waits for one of them to be the hero to lend a hand but instead they laugh. Out loud. At her. The nerves. 

Chae Min quickly picks up her books and gets right up on her feet. As they walk past her, she stretches out an arm to block their way. The boy with the ball turns to glare at her. The rest immediately stop laughing. 

"How dare you-"  y Expensive Coffee begins, but he is stopped by Ballie the Cutie with just a raise of his hand. It is obvious that they recognizes him as the head of the pack. He was also the first to laugh too.

"'How dare you' indeed." Chae Min repeats, she is so furious she is quite sure her nostrils are flaring. "How dare you bunch of idiots laugh at a damsel in distress and not even lend a helping hand?!" 

The group of boys look so taken aback that they just blink at her. Completely speechless. 

"I'm sorry if we were offensive," To her surprise, alpha wolf apologizes. "Didn't realize you'd think that we were being rude."

Chae Min is so shocked at this sudden change of events that she almost tells him that it's okay. She was expecting him to say something really cocky in return. She manages to stop herself in time. She figures that he might be mocking her or trying to pull some sort of trick on her. Stunned, her natural reflex is to walk away from the scene. But not before flipping her glorious middle finger at the crowd and throwing a sassy 'whatever' at their face before sashaying away. 

She takes a turn at the next corner. Securing her surroundings to make sure no one is around, Chae Min leans against the wall.  She fans herself and exhales heavily. What a crazy way to start the day. She takes several deep breaths and gets a hold of herself. Chae Min is ready to move on again when she hears a female voice calling her.

"Hey there, you." 

This is her chance to make girl friends! Chae Min smiles brightly and turns around. Three girls are staring at her, two of them are standing behind the other as if they are her lackeys. They all have different hairstyles, as if each trying hard to look special. The leader has long hair with curly tips, the second girl's hair is pulled back into a ponytail while the last has pixie cut hairstyle. 

'Oh gimme a break already!' Chae Min braces herself for this familiar scene. How come everything here seems to be cuts from dramas??

"Hello." she finally greets. "Nice to meet you guys."

Miss Leader narrows her eyes and says, "You're new aren't you?" Chae Min resists the urge to roll her eyes at her question. She smiles politely and nods. Extending her right hand, the leader introduces herself. 

"Hmm, I'm Seo Yeon. This is Claire and that's Eun Min." the leader replies. Claire, the one with the pixie cut gave a little princess wave. Eun Min forces a weak smile.  

"You speak with an accent." Claire points out. 

"Yeah, I'm from the States."

"But you speak Korean?" Claire continues.

"Yes. I lived with my relatives who speak the language well. I also attended classes." Chae Min answers formally as if she is in an interview but she is getting the dumb blonde vibes from this one.

"So, you're like Korean?" 

"Oh shut up, Claire, try to not let your stupidity show so much?" Seo Yeon interrupts. She rolls her eyes and shakes her head in disapproval. Chae Min tries to hide her surprise at how rude this girl is treating her 'friend'.

"You know your way to class?" the girl with the pony tail asks. Chae Min has barely noticed her. What is her name again? Eun Min? Her voice is so quiet and sweet as compared to the other two.

"Actually, I'm kinda lost. So if the Bio Lab 3 is on the way to your classes, is it okay if you lead me there?" 

"We all have the same timetable here." Seo Yeon gives Eun Min a quick glare. She eyes the books in Chae Min's arms. "You're in senior year too right?"

❋   ❋   ❋   ❋   ❋   ❋   ❋   ❋

Chae Min wants to smash her head into a wall. All students of the same grade has the class schedule. Of course, the group of boys in the hallway are seniors too. And it can not be a coincidence that they all want to be in her group for the experiment. Wait, what was their excuse again? Being friendly to the new girl is everyone's responsibility? 

"Well, god bless your kind souls!" Chae Min mutters angrily under her breath. 

"Excuse me, what did you say?" Ahn Dong Wook, aka the dude with the coffee and bad temper, asks sweetly. 

"Nothing." Chae Min does not meet his eyes. 

"Yah, how come I can't see ?!" Lee Chan Woo shouts from the end of the lab table. Turns out the emo looking boy with headphones isn't so emo after all. 

"Move," Choi Seong Jun, the only one who brought his textbooks with him, gives Chan Woo a side shoulder shove. "You need to focus the lens first!"

"Isn't it auto focus?"

"Stop being a . Twist this knob here until the microorganisms are clear."

Chae Min rolls her eyes. She taps her pen on her notebook several times, leaving dots on the edge of the page. She is still waiting for her turn at the microscope, looks like she might have to wait for a long while. She looks up out of boredom and meets a piercing stare.

Park Jong Tae is sitting right across Chae Min, he has one elbow on the table and leans his chin on his palm. He looks at her like a fat boy choosing his meal. Chae Min gets fidgety and starts to toy with her hair. She stops after realizing he probably is taking that as a sign of flirtation. Ain't nobody flirting with s. She swears she hears a low chuckle from Jong Tae.

"Okay, who's next?" Seong Jun calls from the microscope.

Chae Min and Jong Tae both get up at the same time. He gives a little bow and extends his arm out as a gesture for her to go first.

'Hmph, a little too late to try to be a gentleman now!' she thinks.

Chae Min tries her best to concentrate on the onion cell structure but she feels a chill down her spine. She shoots right up from her half bending position. Jong Tae is standing way too close for comfort. He is literally breathing down her neck. And yes of course, the reason? He is so impressed by the way she handles the microscope he wanted to watch and learn. 

'Oh god. Is everyone here a creep?!' she screams internally.

❋   ❋   ❋   ❋   ❋   ❋   ❋   ❋

Finally it's lunch break. Chae Min is once again surrounded by the three princesses from this morning. Chae Min could tell that they had their eyes on her in biology class just now. Actually, everyone in class kept stealing glances at her. First she thought it was because of her beauty because duh, then she figures it could be the 'new girl' effect. Later, she found out that nobody paid attention to her in other classes. How odd.

The three girls talk on and on. She must admit, she did not try very hard to keep up with their conversations. Turns out, everyone here acts like spoiled brats because they are spoiled brats. Claire Kang is the daughter of CEO of Elias Entertainment, one of the top record label and talent agency in Korea. The quieter girl, Yoo Eun Min's family owns a food corporation, they have countless food factories in Korea and even export their products to more than 10 countries globally. Last but not least, Kim Seo Yeon is undoubtedly one of the richest student in school. She is the heir to Damsung Motors Corporation, Korea's top automobile manufacturer. Its no wonder people make her the queen B of the school.

As they sit down in the middle table in the cafeteria, she realizes that these girls are probably the meanies of the school. People avoid eye contact when they walk past and some juniors even bowed. A girl from the same grade bumped into Eun Min's chair and the amount of times she apologize made it seem as though she killed the neighbour's cat. Whispers can be also heard about the poor new girl. That will be her, right? What's wrong with the new girl?

"Look, there they come." Claire says so suddenly that Chae Min almost swallow her meatball full. The girls straighten themselves up, tugging wild strands of hair behind their ears and fixing their skirts. She turns her attention to Claire's gaze. It's Jong Tae and his gang of merry men. Seriously? They head to the food section and take enough to feed an army. 

Seo Yeon gets up from her seat and walks towards the boys' table which is right opposite theirs. The hierarchy system is too obvious in this school. Seo Yeon leans both hands on the table and poses like a model. She jokes and laugh with them like old friends, except there is an air of pretense hanging. Chae Min notices everyone in the cafeteria goes quiet at the sight of the lioness flirting. 

Jong Tae on the other hand, is the only boy ignoring Seo Yeon. She keeps looking at him, seemingly very interested to get him to talk. He stares at his plate of food, poking around his pile of cherry tomatoes. He looks up occasionally and catches Chae Min's eyes. Chae Min cannot help but gives him a sympathetic smile. He wiggles his eyebrows in return. Seo Yeon seems to notice the exchange between the two. She returns to her seat shortly after.

"Chae Min, get me some scallop pasta." Seo Yeon says as soon she sits down. 

"Excuse me?"

"Its tradition that the new girl bring food to the table." Seo Yeon leans her elbows on the table and links her fingers together, smiling like a sly old cat. Chae Min cannot believe her ears.

'Is this seriously starting this nonsense?' she thinks, trying to keep a calm composure. 

"Oh really?" Chae Min asks sarcastically. This comment basically triggers a bomb at the table.

"See the thing is," Seo Yeon's smile vanishes. "I actually can't care less about the new girl and her shabby looking bag. Every place has their rulers and rules that should be obeyed. I just want you to know who runs this place."

She pauses for effect, as if Chae Min is too stupid to tell that she is pointing about herself. Seo Yeon glances over to the boys' table. She crosses her arms.

"And exactly who you shouldn't be talking to." Park Jong Tae and his buddies are off limits."

"What if I say I can't be bothered to play these silly little games?" Chae Min is not up for any bull right now. She has already started out on the wrong foot, so why not sink deeper into the hole.

"You don't have a choice," Seo Yeon growls, losing her cool at Chae Min's comeback. "Either you obey me, or I'll make your life a living hell."

Chae Min hesitates. To continue this pointless squabble or try not to make her life miserable here? She finally decides its best to get damn food and leave this group of princesses. Better to stay away from trouble on her first day. She catches the smirk on Seo Yeon's face as she moves away from her seat.

Upon arriving back at the table with the food, a leg extends outwards and trips Chae Min. The plate goes flying and Chae Min falls flat down on the floor. The creamy pasta spills all over her uniform. Once again, the cafeteria becomes silent. A wild image of Young Do pops up in her mind. At this moment, the only person she wants by her side is Young Do. 

"Oh dear, how can you be so careless?" Seo Yeon covers with her hand, feigning surprise. She taps her foot loudly, not hiding the fact that she was the one who tripped Chae Min. Claire's evil cackle rings throughout the school. Chae Min is not quite sure if she is more pissed off or more embarrassed. One thing she is certain, she is ready to kill a . 

Jong Tae appears before Chae Min, he offers his hand to help her up. Fueled with anger, she swats his hand away. She gets up on her own and glares at him. She is in this position because of him and a dumb woman's jealousy. 

"Well, what are you waiting for?" Seo Yeon says. The game is not over yet. "Get another plate!"

Jong Tae grabs Chae Min's arm. He shakes his head in objection. Chae Min pushes him away in disgust. She starts to make her way to the food section again.

"Are you that desperate to fit in?!" Jong Tae shouts. "Are you really that eager to please?!"

His words make her stop in her tracks for a moment. Oh how wrong can a person be. She continues on after taking a deep breath. Chae Min knows all eyes are on her as she heads back. Funny how different this feels with Young Do previously. 

"Good gir-" Seo Yeon begins. Chae Min stops her by overturning the plate of food right above her head. Seo Yeon screams as pasta rains down on her hair and uniform. Students gasps in shock. Chae Min gingerly drops the plate on the floor, causing it to shatter. 

"Opps!" Chae Min covers with her hand, imitating Seo Yeon. "Guess I must be pretty clumsy after all." 

Chae Min pretends to fall again. The students in the cafeteria roars with laughter. Seo Yeon never stopped screaming. She stands up, looking ready to claw at Chae Min. Jong Tae grabs hold of Chae Min and they make a run towards the entrance. 

They run to the balcony of the school building. Even though they are giddily out of breath, they burst out laughing. Chae Min is guessing its not everyday someone stands up to Seo Yeon. It suddenly struck Chae Min that she is laughing with the cause of her humility! She stops laughing abruptly and glares at Jong Tae. 

"Don't laugh." Chae Min orders. "You got me into this!"

"How so?" Jong Tae blinks innocently.

"Stop pretending like you don't know what I'm saying. Stay away from me, I don't like being toyed with by your crazy girlfriend."

"She's not my girl-"

"I don't care." Chae Min has had enough of drama for the day. "All of you need to just leave me alone."

The bell rings. Chae Min walks away from Jong Tae without looking back. She just needs to get this one last class of the day over and done with. She is not very surprised when she finds out Seo Yeon has gone home early. She sits alone at the corner of the classroom. No one spoke a word to her for the rest of the day and it was just what she wanted.

Chae Min is the first person to get out of the school that day. And the first thing she sees waiting for her at the gate is Choi Young Do. She has never been so thankful to see someone in her life. Without a word, she throws her arms around him. Young Do seems a little taken aback but he definitely does not mind the hug. 

"Long day?" he asks, gently running his fingers through her hair. "You smell like pasta."

"I hate you. What kind of school is this?"

"With you reacting like this to me only after the first day, it must be the right one."

Chae Min punches Young Do in the chest. She does not care what this man wants to do with her. She needs some lovin right now.

"Lets get outta here."




Hello fellow readers, I know it took me so long to get this chapter out, sorry. Honestly, I was very hesitant of whether the story should progress this way. I added a lot of new characters which never appeared in the drama. I wondered if it was alright to create so many new characters. I thought of using idols as the characters but that just didn't feel right for me. But as the reader you imagine whatever you want! I thought that Chae Min deserves her own plot outside Choi Young Do's world. However, these new characters are heavily featured in this chapter only. So tell me what do you think about these characters? Yay or nay? Don't worry though, Young Do and Chae Min are still the center of the story! Thanks for reading! Stay tune for the next update! :)

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kurovillganee #1
Chapter 20: This is amazingggg <3 <3 hope you will finish itt
Chapter 20: I hope that you finish this story if you ever come back. I fell in love with it. It perfectly captures what went on in Young Do's life after the end of the series. <3
lcar19 #3
Chapter 20: What happen with this story!!? I miss it and anticipating for what’s next
Saarrah #4
Chapter 20: I love this story
Please update soon, please.
Angie_7251 #5
Chapter 20: Love this story! I hope you can update soon!
riwanritwo #6
Chapter 20: Oh nice story authornim,hope you will update soon!fighting!!!!
Chapter 20: ooh can't wait to see what jongtae does..
KissMeFanny #8
storys #9
Chapter 20: The update was marvelous, thank you very much <3
alexa29 #10
Chapter 20: Thank you for the update :)