
Love And Be Free

"You're ing crazy." Chae Min says, looking directly into Young Do's eyes. She pushes away his hand that was cupping her chin. Young Do's reflex is to immediately put both arms up and presses onto the wall, forming a cage with Chae Min in between. Chae Min holds her breath. She realizes Young Do is really tall and her height is only until his shoulders. 

"Such dirty words coming out of that pretty little mouth." Young Do says, tilting his head to the side. "I think you look hotter with your hair down."

"Don't you dare touch my hair." Chae Min warns. This scene reminds her of the shows she watched - the boy removes the girl's hair tie and she flips her hair like a shampoo commercial. But this is not a drama, this is real life and Chae Min hates it when people messes up her hair. "You know how much time I spent on it?"

Young Do scoffs but ignores her, slowly leans down closer, lifts a hand away from the wall. She can feel his breath against on her neck. This is looking too much like a scene from an movie. Well, yeah, Chae Min is old enough to watch artistic o shot by professionals..

She can smell his lemonish after shave and somehow that makes him a lot more attractive. The fact that a charming stranger is so near her that any closer he will be kissing her neck is exciting and weird at the same time. It feels so right but it must be wrong right?

"I'll scream." she threatens, hopefully to scare him off.

Young Do stops. With a smile, he whispers huskily into her left ear, "You'll be doing so much more than just that, baby."

Chae Min's mouth drops open. She cannot tell whether he is joking or not. She is suddenly afraid, a wave of panic washes over her. She does not even know this man, who knows what he might do to her. 

Young Do is amused at how nervous Chae Min is when she realizes she is trapped. He is amused at how Chae Min never breaks eye contact. He is amused at how she trembles slightly under his touch.  He is amused at how she stiffens when he jokes inappropriately.

However, Young Do is not amused when Chae Min's instincts kicks in and she kicks him right in his crotch. 

The excruciating sharp pain makes Young Do go down onto his knees. He grunts, wanting to throw up due to the throbbing pain that goes all the way up to his stomach. His nut sack feels numb. Young Do squeezes his eyes shut.

Chae Min seizes the opportunity and makes a run for it. She escapes the room and runs down the hallway. She asks a housekeeper for directions to the garden party. She knows she cannot leave the party nor tell her father about this creepy incident because god knows how big of a deal he will make of it. She have to get to a place with many people. Chae Min needs to pretend nothing happened. Maybe Young Do was just fooling around with her. 

'Was he really?' she thinks. 'Am I actually wishing that he wasn't?'

Chae Min is quite sure she is crazy by now. She fixes her hair and straightens out her dress. Taking a deep breath, she strides her way to the garden party.

Young Do is still on the ground. He is trying to breathe stably. Taekwondo made him tougher but being kick in the balls is not the kind of pain anyone can get used to. That girl's got some guts. She surprised him by so willingly taking his hand to follow him earlier. And the surprise did not stop there. She seems so girlish, being all concerned about her hair and stuff even in such a dangerous situation. Yet at the same time, she also proves to be a chick who kicks . Well, in this case, kicks nuts. Ouch.

He decides that Chae Min is no ordinary girl. Definitely not someone to be messed with. For now. For Young Do will soon make her obedient by offering her a deal nobody can resist..

❋   ❋   ❋   ❋   ❋   ❋   ❋   ❋

Chae Min finally makes it to the party safely. No random strangers pushing her into a random room and gets all close up to her. Though, that was not too bad of an experience though. Young Do is hot. Like really hot. And he smelled really good. What a shame that he is a crazy ert. For a moment she is almost feeling guilty for kicking him in his privates that hard but then again, he totally deserved it.

"OMG. Chae Min-unnie?!? Is that really YOU?!?!" a girl shouts above the loud music.

Chae Min turns to her right and sees a young teenager beaming at her. She has a tiara on her curly shoulder length hair. Her body hugging sequin dress matches her high heels. The girl hugs Chae Min tightly, causing her to scrunch up her face, gasping for air. When she finally lets go, she looks apologetic.

"Sorry. I tend to be overly affectionate." she smiles brightly.

There was a really awkward pause. The girl seems to be waiting for Chae Min to greet her back. But the problem is, she has no clue who this girl is. She does look quite familiar but Chae Min does not recall a name that goes with it.

"Oh.. You don't remember me?" she looks more puzzled than Chae Min. "I'm Hannah!"

"Hannah?" Chae Min repeats. She knows a few Hannahs. Two of them are in USA. The other one is Korean but the last time she saw that Hannah was 3 years ago and she did not look like the girl standing in front of her right now. That Hannah is younger than her, forever wearing her hair in two pigtails, thick glasses, kind of plump in a cute way. She was one of Chae Min's father's friend's daughter who spent a summer with Chae Min once. 

"Kim Hannah?" Chae Min asks. All of a sudden, she does look like that little girl she once knew. "Oh , Hannah!"

Chae Min pulls Hannah in for another hug. 

"How can you not recognise me?!" Hannah whines.

"What the hell happened to you?!" Chae Min exclaims. "You're bloody gorgeous!"

"Hehe thanks unnie. That's a compliment right?" she does her famous eye smile. Chae Min rolls her eyes but laughs.

"I can't believe you are back!" Hannah says. "Just in time for my birthday too!"

"Your birthday?" Chae Min's mouth hangs open. "This is your party? Wait, Mr Kim is your father?"

"Hahahaha yes, yes, yes!" Hannah replies. "You're staying forever now right?" All Chae Min can do nod, still in shock, everything sinking into places.

Hannah giggles and grabs Chae Min's hand. They make their way back into the mansion that Chae Min just escaped from. "C'mon! The garden party is over. Too bad you missed it. The DJ was sick! Its okay, lets go inside for some dinner and then the big birthday ball!"

❋   ❋   ❋   ❋   ❋   ❋   ❋   ❋

Young Do sips on the pink champagne. He told Chae Min's father that he escorted her to the party and has returned. Complete bull but the man seems to believe him. He was about to take another sip when he was ambushed from behind. A pair of arms embrace him in a firm back hug.

"Hello handsome!" the person says in a singsong way. Young Do scoffs. He pushes his out. The person loosen his grip on Young Do.

"Hey, not in public please." Myung Soo says affectionately. Young Do fakes puking. The boys laugh and pats each other's back. Its been awhile.

"Good to see you're still in one piece." Young Do teases. "How was Europe?"

"Alcohol, big asses and s." 

"How typical." Young Do shakes his head slightly. 

"I also won the case?" Myung Soo offers.

"Hmm, that's not very unpredictable either." Young Do smiles. Myung Soo is now a top lawyer, not just in Korea but also one of the best in the world. His father has yet to leave the firm to him either. He thinks Myung Soo is not matured enough yet. Old men and their logic is hard to understand. 

"So what's new with you, my friend?" Myung Soo asks.

Young Do is too focused on the two girls who just walked in to reply. One of them is the daughter of the rich host, the birthday girl, he has met her once or twice during dinners and parties. The other is Chae Min. His heart skips a beat just at the sight of her.

'Why are they holding hands like they are best friends?' he wonders. 

"Ciao???" Myung Soo moves his hand back and forth in his face. He turns to look at what has gotten his best friend's attention. "Mamma mia, who is that hottie? I've never seen her before."

Young Do sips on his drink.

"She's my prey."


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kurovillganee #1
Chapter 20: This is amazingggg <3 <3 hope you will finish itt
Chapter 20: I hope that you finish this story if you ever come back. I fell in love with it. It perfectly captures what went on in Young Do's life after the end of the series. <3
lcar19 #3
Chapter 20: What happen with this story!!? I miss it and anticipating for what’s next
Saarrah #4
Chapter 20: I love this story
Please update soon, please.
Angie_7251 #5
Chapter 20: Love this story! I hope you can update soon!
riwanritwo #6
Chapter 20: Oh nice story authornim,hope you will update soon!fighting!!!!
Chapter 20: ooh can't wait to see what jongtae does..
KissMeFanny #8
storys #9
Chapter 20: The update was marvelous, thank you very much <3
alexa29 #10
Chapter 20: Thank you for the update :)