
Love And Be Free

"Finally, I'm in Princess Chae Min's chambers."

Chae Min rolls her eyes and goes to the bathroom to change out of her uniform. She returns to see Young Do posing provocatively on her bed. He winks playfully and wiggles one finger for her to go over. 

"Get down from my bed." She laughs. "Your clothes are dirty! Let's change you out of those first then we'll see."

"And where exactly am I going to get clean clothes?"

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Chae Min sniffles at the sight of Young Do in her father's clothes. A clearly oversized blue polo tee and khaki shorts. Thank god for belts because none of her father's pants will stay on Young Do. 

"I feel.." Young Do stares into the mirror. "Very unfashionable." 

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" Chae Min cannot hold in her laughter anymore. 

"What are you laughing at?" He approaches her and pulls her in.

Without warning, he tickles her and she roars louder with laughter. She tries to fight him off and backing away from him. She trips over the foot of her bed and falls. Young Do lurches forward to catch her. Chae Min lands right on her bed with Young Do falling right onto her. 

They share a moment of intense eye contact. She notices his deep eye bags but they are sort of cute. The way he blinks is cute too. In fact, everything about him is cute. Her heart pounds hard and fast.

"Oh look, I've literally fallen for you." Young Do says, ruining the moment with his cheesy pick up line. 

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"Okay, let's dig in!" Chae Min declares. Young Do stares at the two bowls of ramyun on the table. 

"When you said you were gonna cook me dinner, I was expecting a full Korean traditional course meal with lots of kimchi and side dishes."

"That's right, I forgot the kimchi!" 

Young Do watches in amusement as she jumps right out of her seat and bolts to the kitchen. 

"I thought you like instant noodles!" She calls loudly from the kitchen. Chae Min shuffles back with a small plate of kimchi.

"I do." Young Do replies. "This is actually my first time eating home cooked ramyun."

"My noodles are top class alright?" Chae Min says. "This ain't no regular ramyun that anybody can whip up! There's four different types of vegetables in there, chicken, eggs and other stuff."

"It sure looks bloody delicious." He praises, before taking a huge slurp of noodles, he adds, "I'll eat well!" 

For a moment, he seems stunned, loss for words. The expression on his face is unreadable. Chae Min eyes grow wider as Young Do starts gulping down the food, without even coming up for air. She urges him to slow down. He finishes with a loud burp.

"Wow, if I didn't know better, I'd think we are filming some eating competition show." She giggles. But he remains quiet. She adds cheerfully, "You must have been really hungry."

"You know, I don't get to eat home cooked food much." He says finally. "When I was just a young boy, my mother left us."

"Ohh.." Chae Min is speechless at his sudden confession. 

"I didn't even get to say goodbye." Young Do continues. "And I blamed so many people for that. I channeled my rage and anger towards the people who are close to me and it soon grew into hatred."

"Young Do ah," She lays down her chopsticks and reaches for him. He pulls his hands away.

"That is exactly what she would call me as she held my hand when we go on long walks at the beach, watching the sun set slowly in the horizon."

Chae Min tries to think of what to say but Young Do suddenly looks up and grins. 

"Nah, I'm just kidding about the long walks."

"What?" She says, confused. The pain in his eyes are obvious even though his smile is wide, like a soldier and an old battle scar. "I don't even know what to believe when it comes to you."

"My mom did leave me, she did call me Young Do ah dearly and she is also a great cook whose food I never got to taste much." He summarizes. "But then I found her several years ago. We reunited. And all is well."

"That's why you like being called that?" Chae Min asks. "Man, you're some ed up ."

"'Owh, you poor baby, you must have had it hard.'" He mimics a girl's voice. "Can't you say that instead?"

"I'm sure everyone whom you told your story to has said that and you are probably sick of their pity already." She laughs a little.

"You're half right." He says. "I've never shared my 'story' with many people but those few that I did, they were very, I'd say, a little too much, empathetic."

"And lets be honest, you wanted to punch them in the face, right?"

"We must be soul mates. You know me too well."

There is a moment of silence. It worries Young Do that he has said the wrong thing. Chae Min hesitates before calling him quietly.








"Hahaha, what the hell?"



"I think I love you."

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kurovillganee #1
Chapter 20: This is amazingggg <3 <3 hope you will finish itt
Chapter 20: I hope that you finish this story if you ever come back. I fell in love with it. It perfectly captures what went on in Young Do's life after the end of the series. <3
lcar19 #3
Chapter 20: What happen with this story!!? I miss it and anticipating for what’s next
Saarrah #4
Chapter 20: I love this story
Please update soon, please.
Angie_7251 #5
Chapter 20: Love this story! I hope you can update soon!
riwanritwo #6
Chapter 20: Oh nice story authornim,hope you will update soon!fighting!!!!
Chapter 20: ooh can't wait to see what jongtae does..
KissMeFanny #8
storys #9
Chapter 20: The update was marvelous, thank you very much <3
alexa29 #10
Chapter 20: Thank you for the update :)