Jung Hoseok, the bad boy.

BTS oneshots

You had always been in love with this guy.

You had thought he had once been in love with you, in fact, he made you think that. You were still blind about it. ''Eunmi, he doesn't love you, what do I have to do to make you understand that?'' your best friend sighed, looking at you, that only made you feel even worst than you were at the moment. He who had always made you feel so fine, who made you smile whenever your eyes caught him...you who he promised to love more than anyone else, beyond the time. 

Since you two started dating, he never used the couple ring he bought for the two of you. All you wanted to do was cry; in fact, it looked like he was just using you. At the beginning everything was just fun and you guys did get along really well but...as time passed by, he started to get away from you, he had his own group of friends which he didn't even for a second talked about, you didn't knew their name or who they were. You had never met them. He simply talked about them a few times. You sighed when your best friend patted your shoulder ‘’baby girl, I just want the best for you’’ he finally said, showing a not so happy face to you ‘’you should really break up with that ’’ he nodded, trying not to hurt you but he knew perfectly fine that, each word he said was hurting you. You nodded ‘’ I know, I know. Maybe you’re right’’ you admitted, biting your lip hard, trying not to cry. He smiled at you ‘’that’s right baby girl’’ he got up, pecking your forehead ‘’ I’m always here fore you’’ he informed, getting up ‘’but now I have to go’’ he nodded, looking at his watch. You pouted but ended up nodding. You got up and walked him to the door ‘’thanks.’’ You said, smiling slightly. The guy didn’t say anything else; he just walked away after waving at you. As soon as he left, you started crying, for some reason you didn’t want to see Hoseok today, strange thing.

Soon enough, Hoseok was reaching home, that was one of the rare times he came home. You were surprised by it. Blinking, you sat on the couch next to him. ‘’What’s wrong?’’ you asked a little worried. He rolled his eyes at you ‘’what? Can’t I come home now?’’ he sighed and shook his head, flipping the channels. You had promised yourself that, today was the day you were going to talk with him but… unfortunately, you couldn’t. You loved him so much…something inside you told you not to talk to him, at least, not today. And so, the next day came. You still didn’t have enough courage to talk to him. He didn’t seem to care about it at all. He would just leave without saying anything. Silent tears came to your eyes; those were the ones that hurt the most. Those were the feelings you had kept inside for too long. He didn’t seem to care about you, yet, you would do anything for him.

You weren’t strong enough to keep it anymore. You have gone through too many things lately and for some reason, your stomach wasn’t feeling well as well. You sighed, sitting on the bed. For sure, today was the day you were going to face him. You bit your lip, nervously, waiting for him to arrive. You couldn’t stand still, you were just too nervous. The clock kept making that annoying ‘tick tock’ sound, you were stressing. For some reason you couldn’t stop, you got up and walked around the room then you sat down and looked around. Slowly, you were starting to get used to it so, just automatically you kept doing this. Without thinking there is.

A few hours later, when you were almost falling asleep, you heard the front door open. Your heart started beating fast, just like the first time you two kissed. You had planed it all with your best friend. Slowly, getting up from the bed, you walked to the living room, a little afraid. As soon as he saw you, he blinked a few times and stopped taking his shoes off. He was just there staring at you. None of you dared to speak. He took off the shoes and, still with his head down asked ‘’what’s wrong?’’ ‘’Nothing’’ you bit the inside of your cheek. ‘’Then why are you standing there like a lost puppy?’’ he asked, passing by you, straight to the couch. ‘’ I just…I… we need to talk’’ you mumbled, looking down, you didn’t want to face him at the moment. Suddenly, his eyes were on you. He wasn’t looking at the TV anymore. You were surprised by his actions. ‘’Erm…’’ you tried to start; he simply kept looking at you, wanting to hear you. You sighed and walked up to him, standing right in front of him. ‘’Okay so… actually…’’ you were playing with your fingers, trying to calm down. You gulped before saying ‘’let’s break up.’’. The guy in front of you shook his head. He smiled and looked down at his feet. ‘’Y-you know…’’ you continued, pointing to his hand and then to yours ‘’you didn’t have to keep dating me if you didn’t love me. If you were acting by pity you could have just left me.’’ You commented, staring right into his eyes. You were about to leave, Hoseok firstly looked away, right then, he grabbed your wrist making you stop your tracks. You didn’t look back, you kept looking forward ‘’let go’’ you mumbled. He didn’t even move. Suddenly he pulled you down right on his lap. You blinked. When you looked up, you could see him staring at you, rapidly he held your chin and kissed your lips softly. You have missed this for a while now, being the girl you were, you melted into the kiss. Soon, your arms wrapped around his neck. As soon as you did that, he pulled away. His face was a few itches away from yours; he joined your foreheads and looked into your eyes ‘’how could you say such a thing to me?’’ he whispered to you, pecking your lips after ‘’how can you be so selfish? I cannot let go of the one I love. I won’t let go of you, at least not so easily’’ he finished, pulling out the necklace he was wearing. It landed on his shirt. The necklace had a ring on it. You looked at him; your cheeks started getting red. You felt your face as hot as the sun.

‘’How can I let go of you if…’’ he suddenly took a box from his pocket ‘’ if I want you to stay next to me forever?’’ he opened the box which showed you a ring. You blinked a few times, admiring the ring inside the box. A shy smile invaded your face; your eyes gazed at the guy who you loved so much. ‘’Thank you’’ you said, burring your face on his neck. He smiled and wrapped his arms around you, pecking your cheek. After a while, you chuckled as he took your hand and slid the ring on your finger. You kissed him happily but soon pulled away. ‘’ I also have something to tell you’’ you looked down, blushing. He titled his head to the side, curious about it. ‘’ I’m pregnant’’ you announced, biting your lip, waiting for his answer. You only got giggles from him as answer.

After all, he wasn’t a bad boy. After all, this guy was… a romantic guy.

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Can't wait for the Jungkook one!