Jimin, the dancer [10162015]

BTS oneshots
  Jimin, that young man who loved dancing so much had just arrived his own practice room, where he spent most of his time. He was knowin for being the dancer who trained the longest everyday. Jimin used to be pretty chill and like being around other people as well as playing around. But today was different; today he felt nervous. Most people thought his nervous actions were because of the competition he was entering soon. But just like every other time, that most was wrong. Jimin was not nervous due to the competition, nor to the routine. That was nothing compared to what he was feeling at the moment. His heart was racing. Even himself didn't know why he was feeling so nervous and excited at the same time, until his brain remebered.
   Suddenly, the door opened and a young girl walked in, waving softly at him ''Morning Piglet~'' she chuckled after saying those, she always spoke to him that way and today wouldn't be the day she'd change. It was funny seeing how he would groan out of frustration and eventually pretend to be mad at her as the hours passed while they practiced to together. For some reason, today, the male didn't argue about the strange nickname the female gave him. She pouted; something was wrong, he would always made a fuss about the simple fact she was calling him midget in a cute way. They had argued over it and the female would always come off as the winner since Jimin gave up after a while.
   The female put her things down before getting closer to Jimin ''What's wrong?'' she asked, a little worried about him but the only answer she got was simply a shrug, which made her frown. Something was indeed wrong with the male and she had to figure it out before it affected both, their work and the relationship between both of them. She, out of everyone else, knew Jimin was going through something by the fact he was feeling nervous. She was the one who used to feel nervous and Jimin was pretty chill all the time so why would he be nervous over a competition - that wasn't that important - this time? It was not it. That thought was immediately pushed away from her brain; she knew she didn't need to waste any time on that option. The female hummed quietly as she thought for a while, wondering what else could be the reason for the weird Jimin standing in front of her. She didn't come up to any conclusion. ''So, are we starting this or not really?''  She suddenly asked, tilting her head as her hands played with the remote gently, waiting for the male to answer him properly, with words. He didn't though, which made her feel a bit down, after the day she had, this felt the worst; Jimin was what she looked for after a tiring day at work, she knew she'd have some fun with him and she could relax but today was just not that day.
   As the rehersal was over, the female bit her lip, looking at the sweaty male beside her who was awfully quiet. Not the usual. Her hand reached over to his shoulder, touching it gently, which made Jimin look up, not to her but instead to the mirror in front of them so he could see her refection. She frowned and shook her head gently, taking her hand away. Whatever was going on, must have been her mistake; the male didn't even want to look at her, what did she do though? The female, called Jinah slowly slipped her belongings on her bag, feeling her body tremble at the thought of having this same Jimin by her side from now on. She felt stressed and at this point, she didn't want to come back to this place that suddenly became so dark to her. It was like they were strangers, without any other word, she headed out, softly closing the door as she felt afraid to bother Jimin.
   The door opened once again, later on that day. A guy shaking his head came inside, making sure his presence was aknowleadged. The male had blue hair so it wouldn't be hard to notice him; he was taller and Jimin could recognize his nose from somewhere; Jinah. It was her brother. ''Sup, dude?'' he asked as he lowered his head to pack his stuff, he was leaving by now. The other male didn't say a thing though. His harsh hands held Jimin's collar, pulling him up so he was able to face him. ''What did you do to my sister?'' he asked, rather in a harsh tone, letting Jimin understand his actions towards Jinah weren't actually the smartest move. Jimin shook his head quickly and held up his hands, as if he was afraid the taller male would hit him. ''I did nothing'' He quickly cleared it for Jinah's brother who simply rolled his eyes. ''Explain to me why she came home saying she doesn't want to come back here? You must have done something because as far as I can tell, she loves it here and she wouldn't simply want to quit'' he informed, making the smaller male gulp down his saliva as he thought. He knew Jinah for a while now and he also knew the way she was, how much she worked and what she had been through. She would come exhausted from work just to hang out with Jimin and eventually she joined his dream, making it her own as well. Jimin frowned and Jinah's next words threw him off. ''She started coming here because of you. She'd come home everyday so energized, I couldn't recognize my sister for two damn years. What did you do to her? Get your ing senses together and man up. She won't wait for you forever, you know that?'' Jimin was pushed away and Jinah's brother sighed heavily, wiping his now sweaty hands on his pants as his eyes followed Jimin's every move. Jimin shook his head quickly ''I can't''  he mumbled quietly before his lip was bit by his incredibly white teeth. ''When you get feelings mixed with the game, you'll eventually get lost.'' the smaller male nodded his head as he spoke. Jinah's brother simply scoffed and shook his head but Jimin kept speaking ''If she's already giving up on this, why should I pull her back to hell?'' but did that make sense? Not in the other male's head. He shook his head and pushed his body against the door ''Man up and confess to her. You'll lose her if you keep playing those stupid games of yours'' it came off as a warning but Jinah's brother was simply trying to help. Jimin didn't think the same though. His eyes landed on the floor as he thought. He felt so bad for himself that he couldn't even come up with any other excuse. 
   Since that day, Jimin rarelly saw Jinah, she never really came to visit him anymore since she was so busy. Her brother didn't bother to come up to Jimin either and due to having no partner, he decided to work solo. This sudden one life time oportunity knocked on his door, there was an event coming up. He would have to dance with a popular girl group but that didn't seem to bother him at all. Work was always work, no matter what. His hands shook slightly as he was presented to the group; all of them were pretty much the usual Jimin saw. They weren't goddesses but they weren't normal either. Each and every single one of them had different features, making it easy to destinguish. One was blond, the other was blue eyed, one of them had basically the same height as Jimin, and the last one had short hair. Easy to destinguish and thank god, they weren't many. A soft sigh escaped his lips as soon as the rehersals started. Why did it feel so different to dance with other people? With other females? Why did he feel something was missing? Apart from himself, Jinah and a couple of mutual friends, nobody knew how Jimin was easily pulled down by his thoughts and Jinah above anyone, would pull him up. His head wasn't able to focus at all; he was always so quiet, so distant, so cold, so different from the real him. ''Jimin.'' a known voice called him. He noticed he had been staring at the mirror for too long. One of the girls stood behind him, smiling softly at him. She was slightly taller than him, long brown hair. His head tilted slightly as he noticed she was talking to him. He turned around to face the female who smiled softly at him. She blushed softly, noticing Jimin was finally paying her some attention; since she was dancing with another guy, she never really had the chance to talk to Jimin nor spend any time with him, perhaps because he seemed so far away and so different from anyone else in that room. But now, there were only two people. Him and her.
   ''Jinah,  you sure you want to do this?'' her conserned brother asked her for the nth time that day. She nodded her head, knowing she had to do this sooner or later. ''I need to do this'' she mumbled softly, holding tightly onto her black backpack. She had planed this over and over again since the moment she left that room she used to be happy in, along with Jimin. ''What if things changed?'' her brother held her shoulder, not wanting to let his sister suffer any longer. She chuckled and shrugged his shoulders ''If things changed, I will accept them. No big deal'' she commented softly, slipping away from her brother's hand. She was in a familiar place, the place she had left for two months. She was feeling uneasy, her stomach wasn't helping either; with the small amount of food inside it, it hurt. She was so nervous for no aparent reason. Her feet took her to the room she used to practice on along with Jimin. She took a deep breathe as her hand held onto the knob. Her brother always stood beside her, feeling uneasy as well; he knew something would happen, he just didn't know what. Once the door was open, her smile faded away. Jimin was standing there, he was still the same. But he wasn't alone, someone was with him, someone she didn't know but by the way she was close to him, they knew each other. The way he held her waist made her stomach twist. She bit down her bottom lip, knowing sooner or later she would start crying but she didn't want to take her eyes away from Jimin, not after spending two months without seeing him, missing him so badly. She couldn't look away, even after knowing he was never hers. Her eyes watched the scene quietly, whoever that girl was, she was the one that replaced Jinah who felt warm tears roll down her cheeks. She reached out for her bag and took out some confetti. ''Congradulations'' her voice said, trembling as she threw them over to the new couple in front of her. She wanted to congradulate Jimin after knowing he accepted to be a backup dancer. She felt so sad for herself after seeing he no longer remembered her. Jimin pulled away from the other female as Jinah's voice ringed through his ears. He stared at her quietly, not knowing how to react. This was a mess. ''Thank you'' the female chuckled, taking Jimin's hand in her own. Probably she thought Jinah was congradulating them on their relationship but Jinah didn't say she wasn't. She nodded her head before she bowed her head. Her brother was frozen upon watching his sister face this situation. Once Jinah exited the room, her brother looked over at Jimin ''Now you lost her. Congradulations'' he informed, sighing before he ran after his sister, knowing she didn't need to see this.
   Jimin looked down after the door was closed and smirked, shaking his head. His hand slipped away from the female's. He left without any other word. He felt empty and he knew exactly what he had to do. He couldn't stand any other second by who he thought made him happy. His head was messed, his smile had fadded away long ago. Because Jinah had walked out of his life. His friends kept telling him to think twice but as he was stubborn, he didn't want to hear them. He now realized how he was a fool and how stupid he was being when he let his happiness go. He ran past Jinah's brother, even his short legs could take him far, he could still reach her. He could still hold onto her and he would certainly hold her tightly. He panted heavily as he stopped, he didn't know where she went but he knew she couldn't be too far away. His eyes scanned the surroundings, searching for any sign of Jinah. There was none. ''I know you're here. Stop. Let me make it up before it is too late. I know I'm already late but don't walk out on me. I have quit you but don't quit me. Wait for me.'' He shouted, knowing wherever she was, she could hear him. More than two pairs of eyes landed on him, everyone around looked over at him. Was he crazy? Who was he talking to? He was certainly out of his mind. The male bit down his bottom lip, closing his eyes at the thought of not being able to bring her back to his side. Just like that, warm drops slid down his cold cheeks. He was crying, crying at the thought of not having the one that made him the happiest by his side. Was she gone? Was he too late? He was too late indeed. A hand patted his shoulder suddenly. He opened his eyes quickly, hoping it was Jinah but deep down, he knew it wasn't. Her hand was soft and small not heavy and big like the one that landed on his shoulder. It was her brother who shook his head. Jimin frowned, feeling his tears roll non stop. Her brother stared at him and sighed, looking away ''I'll give you one hour. Make up the ing mess you threw over her'' he whispered, watching Jimin lift his head and nod his head quickly. He didn't know where to go but he knew he'd do anything to find her. He started running around, leaving Jinah's brother with his arms crossed, staring at him. Jinah's brother sighed quietly and made his way up to a tree. He rest his back on it ''He's a fool but he loves you'' he whispered quietly, hearing the female sob quietly. He knew she was shaking her head, blaming herself for Jimin's situation. If she didn't come back, he wouldn't run around like a crazy monkey and the girl left on the studio, wouldn't be heartbroken. Jimin ran past Jinah and her brother, trying to find her, he was blind by his tears. Once he was coming back, to face her brother, ready to give up, he heard her voice. ''This is too much for him'' she mumbled, wiping her tears away. Jimin followed her voice, frowning as he found her crying because of him. His arms wrapped around her rightly. She knew he was there and because of that, she started to cry again. ''I may have given up on you two months ago. But you didn't give up on me. And you may now have given up on him but there's still us left. Let me convince you there's still a way for us.'' he whispered, feeling the female wrap her arms around his waist. He knew she agreed with him. Jimin wouldn't throw away this oportunity.

Updated on the 16th of September 2015. I'm sorry for being so late; I guess I'm bringing back BTS' oneshots.

Please comment bellow with your opinion about this! Leave your feedback so I can know what you think of this; should I actually write a second part for this oneshot? Cus I feel like there's still a possible answer from Jinah, what do you guys think? 

Also, please check out my other fanfictions and oneshots and comment so I know what you guys thing ;;

I'm open to requests as well! Just leave behind the pairing you want (since this is only BTS, it will be BTS and you - no , sorry. So comment bellow or PM me with the member(s) you want and your character's name! Also a small plot if you'd like). If not, then there's another Oneshot collection under my name, Flying to hell it is. Feel free to request!

Also, thank you for subrscribing to this stories, I really apreciate it though I'd ask for you to take a look at my other stories if that wasn't much tbvh. Anyways, HAPPY LATE JIMIN DAY <3

Desclaimer: English is noth my mother tongue so i apologize for any grammar mistake. Thank you.

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Can't wait for the Jungkook one!