Arranged marriage?!

You broke my heart, this time I'll break yours.

Grey= Flashback/past

{No one's POV}

"You must've waited outside for a long time" Hyori said as she took off her shoe and walked into the living room. Yoseob imitated her action and proceeded to the living room where the two exchanged their gaze. Yesung's very smile vanished as he met the eyes of Yoseob. 

"Sorry...I didn't know you had a visitor" Yoseob was the first to speak between them. Yesung kept quiet and gave the younger boy the evils, Yoseob sensed the atmosphere that radiated from Yesung, the cute boy felt uncomfortable. Hyori made another coffee and took out some snacks placing it on the coffee table.

"Yoseob sit down and make yourself at home" He obeyed and sat where Hyori was sitting earlier. The girl squeezed next to Yoseob in that small sofa leaving Yesung with the huge empty space next to him. Silence fell in the room.

*Ring Ring~* 

Hyori struggled to get up from the sofa.

[Sup] Joon was cheerful as always.

"Yah!" Hyori whispered wanting it to come out as a yell.

[Sup] The voice over the phone repeated.

[Pick me up BeeDeePee!]

"No! You come up here! and drop that!"

[Whu-What? You loved that nickname!..So you pick up a guy you hardly know but not the almighty Joon?] He complained.

"Fine fine" Hyori excused herself from the two guys. When Hyori left the room Yesung's attention moved to the stranger.

"So..." He started "Who and how old are you?" Before Yoseob could answer, Yesung threw more questions "What's your relationship with Hyori? How long have you known her for? We've been together for two years how long have you two been together? I know her surname do you?" No doubt Yoseob was uncomfortable. 

"You like her or something?" 

"Course I do!...not" 

"So it's alright if I date her?" Yoseob was playing with around with the guy in denial. Yesung was not ok with what Yoseob asked, but played it 'cool'



"What took you so looong BeeDeePee!" I ran up to her and pounced on her. 

"Yah! You could've told me!...and DON'T call me that!"

"Told you what BeeDeePee?" She gave me her famous cute but scary glare. "Sorry. Ok, well when you SNUCK OUT I spotted you! Yoseob asked if I knew you and so I said yes, then he told me what happened earlier and he wanted to make sure you're ok. So without hesitating I gave him your number,"


"But he refused to take it cause he used the excuse that he doesn't know you therefore it'd be freaky if a stranger has your number and all so I just told him to wait outside the building and I'll be back, then I went away to text you and blah blah blah...So in the end it all worked out just as planned!" I gave her a thumbs up, her jaw was dropped in disbelief. 

"What?" She repeated. "That plan is rubbish! You know I have both Yesung and Yoseob upstairs!" 

"Woah woah woah hold up.. Did you just say Yesung?! I'll give him a piece of this!" I showed Hyori my fist and walked 'gangster-style' into the building. 

We got in the elevator Hyori looked me in the eye "Do anything and you get this!" She showed me her fist I backed away giving her my also famour puppy dog look. Nothing beats Hyori I tell ya!

--In the appartment-- 


I opened the door, I heard them talking, they seemed to be getting along fine, I entered the scene and both stopped talking, what? what did I do? Joon followed walking lazily behind me wearing his slippers that he bought for himself. 

"Aish, why are there three slippers here? Yesung's one is fine, does he need another one?" I said as I picked up the new one. 

"ah-pop-pop-pop!!" I heard that familiar annoying voice that grew louder as each thump on the floor approached closer. "Hold it right there sister!" He panted, I froze as Joon came rushing towards me. 

"What the? Joon! what're you doing here?!" 

"That slipper cost more than your shirt, your short and your socks! Throw it out and you and your pretty boy would have to give up this appartment!" Joon made his hand in a shape of a gun.

Joon came in and out of this appartment like it was his. I don't know how he gets in... Changing the lock was no use...After all it's Joon I'm dealing with. 

The silence was long gone right after the prince of noisiness appeared. He was the one who was coming up with the conversation. I wouldn't know what I'd do if Joon wasn't here. As he was talking to the other guys, I looked at him and gave a small smile. "Thanks Joon" I thought to myself. 

Yesung's phone suddenly rang. He took it out his pocket. He didn't answer it. One of my eye brow raised. The ringing stopped but after a few seconds it rang again. "Why don't you pick it up?" I said coldly, and so he did. So he picks up this person's call but not mine? My anger was starting up again. I talked to Yoseob to forget about it.


It was Sunye. I saw Hyori's expression, I wasn't at ease at all. 

[Yesung where are you? You said you were gonna call] 

"Sorry, I forgot.."

[Where are you?] 

"I umm" I was too busy listening to the conversation Hyori and that guy was having that I didn't pay attention to what Sunye said. 

"I'll call you later" I hang up. 

"Sounds like your girlfriend is mad Yesung" Joon said toneless, he was laying upside down on the couch beside me. 


I can sense Yesung was starting to get nervous, I looked towards Hyori's direction, she was looking towards Yoseob but I can see that she was really pissed off. 

--Few days later--

"WHAT?!" The whole household was awaken by my scream. I was stunned from what my parents told me. 

"Honey, try to understand" My mum tried to calm me down. I didn't say anymore or hear what else they have to say. I stormed out the mansion and hopped on my car, on the way to Hyori's place. 


"WHAT?!" Hyori exclaimed

"That's what I said!" I was still in shock. Just when Hyori was boyfriend free, BAM! another problem appears! I was mad, and is very frustrated.

"Think about it this way, you're not in a relationship, You don't have any crush on any girl, no one is chasing after you, so what's the problem?" I looked at Hyori, I blinked a couple of times, obviously hurt from what she just said...The problem? The problem is that I like you! 



Just a random update... Hope you like it guys! 

Since its just a random update, it's not very interesting but I enjoyed doing this chapter ^.^ "

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miiivp #2
School's , right? for me too. /sobs<br />
<br />
I really miss this fic. I hope you can find times where you can type and continue this. fightiiing~! :D
Oh my goodness! *pouts apologetically*I'm sorry for reading this now.I'm just preoccupied with mine.Anyways, I couldn't help but side with Yesung because he still has feelings for her.One question will Hyori ever get any signs from Joon that he likes her?? That's all I'm curious about.<br />
Please update soon, It is my favorite read and I can't wait to find out more. :)
I like it<br />
plz update soon<br />
thank u soo much
parkran_sung #5
It's been a while! Loved it still feeling bad for Hyori though :( Hope she'll be okay haha :D<br />
<br />
*Yoseob to the rescue!* LOL just thought of that line XD Update!
D; thats so saddddd.......but wut did her brother tell herrrrr? hope you update soon :)
AJDHADJSLKJSD- what doughnut?! <br />
At last you've updated! But it's too short!<br />
I'll only give you one of the sprinkles on the doughnut ok?<br />
LoveYMfromBFtrueGF #8
please do UPDATE !!!!!!!
U P D A T E ~ ! c:
nebiyatnbo #10
write soon! I feel bad for yesung. But i enjoyed it