Kiss [onkey]

onew birthday project ; onew/all member drabble

Key hates it when jonghyun doesn’t listen to him when he’s talking. Key also hates it when Minho bossing him around, telling him what to do and accusing him for stealing people’s stuffs in dorm. Key hates it either when Taemin forgets to bring his important belongings whenever they are ready for schedule, causing manager into trouble and all of them gasp in panic when it’s his passport or ticket.  But what Key hates the most, is when he doesn’t get a morning kiss from his boyfriend. Onew learns this when that one morning he said they had to hurry cause of schedule, rejecting Key who had been leaning his pouty lips. And the next thing he knew, Key refused talking to him for the whole night, spatting everyone who dared to ask ‘what happen’, even snapping poor cordy noona who just wanted to fix his hair. It took days for Onew to make it up. After several sweet coaxings, running after him whenever the group are heading to the next schedule destination, flooding Key’s text message with over excessive cheesy words that got Minho wanted to puke full of rainbow as Minho sneakily read them behind Jinki’s shoulder, and those roses that Onew had to ask Taemin to send them in the morning next to Key’s bed, Key finally came to his room that night, passionately annoyed hitting his arm before pulling his collar up and kissed him senselessly. So he wakes up that another morning only to feel another figure cuddling behind him, spooning him. it is warm and it smells like Kibum. Key loves waking him up like this, giggling against his shoulder and soft breaths tickling on his ear. Onew turns around and sees the other eyes are looking at him expectantly, “good morning” the smiles is genuine, and so pretty. Even thought Key looks cute when he’s pouting when Onew doesn’t reply, but Onew knows better to make it into smile and get it brighter, so he leans on his face to the younger and pulls him closer and says, “you are so beautiful today” and with that he gives Key what the younger loves the most, a kiss, a lovely one full on his lips.

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Chapter 4: i love all!!!! esp onho hahahahaha and onkey ofcourse becauseeeee cute key wanna get morning kiss lmao cutestttt <3 and nagging minho is the best! ahahaha
stillfly #2
this is what i need right now ..sob3333 i love u author nim
Monkeypower #3
Chapter 4: I read the four stories in once and it was soooo cute >< I really love it
Chapter 4: aww this was too cuute!