Miss [onho]

onew birthday project ; onew/all member drabble

Jinki had been rolling over his bed for the nth times that day, sometimes he walked to the kitchen, only to find foods are still enough for the whole season. He ate some cake, but stopped immediately as he remembered his diet. He then made ramen, only to realized he cooked too much. He watched movie then, but no programs on TV that were interesting apparently, so he just ended up changing channel randomly, then decided to shut it off. He groaned and back to his room. He should rest, though. His doctor said during this light recovery from neck injury, Jinki still needed rest. A lot. Because next week he had this concert in japan two days in a row. But when you got a lot times to rest, sometimes you feel.. .bored. And the fact he’s the only member who spent the whole day in dorm got him frustrated. It wasn’t like he couldn’t go out or anything though, he was just too lazy to dress up. Kibum was having rehearsal for his upcoming musical, Taemin had his own schedule for some marriage variety show, and Jonghyun.. well, Jonghyun was kind of that guy who would rather be outside doing nothing than had to be in the dorm then bored to death. He stared on his phone screen, the picture of him with other members celebrating their success winning the artist of the year in that favorite cafe was seen perfectly and he smiled just by looking at it. He was more than thankful to have these boys around him for all these years. His eyes then moved to that certain member who had been missing for days, or weeks, Jinki couldn’t even remember. That member who always sneakily peeked up to whatever he’s doing with his handphone, moving closer to him and whined with that annoying agyeo to know what was his hyung looking or playing at on his phone. That particular member who always called him for meal and nagged to other members if they didn’t give some leftovers for Jinki. The same member who always forced him for game to kill the boredom. Jinki sighed softly. He had been missing Minho. He missed that annoying shout when he’s watching football game on TV, he missed that annoying nagging tone when he commanded Kibum to clean up the snack he had eaten in the living room, he missed that mischievous laughters when he’s bullying Jonghyun, or that irked grumble when he found Taemin forgetting where the last time the youngest had put the stuffs.  But most of the time, he missed when Minho happily clasped his arm around his shoulder whenever Jinki wanted to be alone, or that gentle pat on his back whenever he felt tired or sick. He never told Minho is his favorite dongsaeng, not like Minho who always claimed that Jinki is his favorite hyung. Mostly, he ignored Minho’s caring towards him and found the younger’s affection was somewhat annoying and irritating. But when Minho was busy having drama filming that caused that froggy eyes boy barely at home for days, that was when Jinki realized that he had used to Minho’s overloaded caring and affection. Jinki believed that dorm used to be a fun place only to be consious now that dorm was actually really boring without him around, or more so probably nothing was even fun anymore when he’s not around.  So he pressed numbers and wait, until he heard that deep manly voice said hello and he yelled “yah minho ya, go home quickly! I’m hungry!” and he closed it immediately. Jinki knew that Minho knew that it was his way to say he misses the younger. Jinki also didn’t have to know that Minho now was probably asking the director if he could finish the filiming faster, because he knew Minho would do everything to get himself home tonight. Jinki made a mental note that he would hug Minho later, just because.

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Chapter 4: i love all!!!! esp onho hahahahaha and onkey ofcourse becauseeeee cute key wanna get morning kiss lmao cutestttt <3 and nagging minho is the best! ahahaha
stillfly #2
this is what i need right now ..sob3333 i love u author nim
Monkeypower #3
Chapter 4: I read the four stories in once and it was soooo cute >< I really love it
Chapter 4: aww this was too cuute!