Worries [ontae]

onew birthday project ; onew/all member drabble

When Taemin decided that Swiss is his destination for his three days and four nights holiday, Jinki couldn’t hide his disagreement. He frowned at first, thinking so many possible occurrences would happen to his only little dongsaeng once he’s there, more especially when he’s alone there. Would he be okay? Wouldn’t he be lost there? He also said he would do some extreme sport there like uhm, buggy jumping? The only one Jinki knew the extreme sport Taemin had done was... bicycling. And in that bicycling, Taemin fell... twice. If only Kibum didn’t stop him, Taemin probably came home with broken leg. Okay, that's too far. But the thing is, this was Taemin who planned to go to swiss alone. How Jinki could trust him if the young boy couldn’t even trust himself to have responsibilty for his own things. His concern was getting on its peak when Taemin didn’t listen to Kibum and Minho’s advise in preparation. Jinki is the leader, and make sure that s are fine is his big responsibility. So he sneaked to Taemin’s room that night before he left in the morning, softly waking him up by messaging his leg. Once Taemin opened his eyes and saw Jinki on the end of his bed, he groaned but got up. “please think about it one more time, Taemin. I don’t think Swiss is a good place to have extreme sport. You don’t have to go that far. Have you heard that Kyuhyun almost got robbeb in Spain? Spain and Swiss is close, they must have kind of syndicate there. If you want to do buggy jumping, i can take you to Yuldong park, and i’ll treat you steak after that, doesn’t it sound fun?” Jinki asked with bright eyes, hoping that Taemin would also be excited with that offer. But instead, Taemin looked at him with the most boring eyes Jinki ever seen. “Hyung please, i’m 20, not 5. Do you think i would say yes just because you said steak?” the youngest shook his head, straight up his sitting position and looked at Jinki with confidence, “I know you are worried, but i will be fine. Honestly i’m tired with all of you keep worrying about me. Look hyung, if you don’t stop concerning about me and keep spoiling me, when will i learn to be independent man?” and Jinki wanted to cry as he heard this cause why did  the term of independent man and taemin seem didn’t fit at all. “I know you are worry hyung, i can see that, “he reassured Jinki with that sweet smile, Jinki’s favorite one, “but if you don’t believe me that i can take care of myself, then who will? All i need is your trust and support” Jinki couldn’t help but looked back at those adorable eyes softly. He knew there’s no way he could hold Taemin from leaving. He couldn’t say no to whatever the younger’s wish after all, so all he did was sigh in defeat and ruffled Taemin’s hair lovingly. “will you immediately call us once you get there and promise to call us every three times in a day then?” Jinki asked, Taemin didn’t have other choice but nodded, “I promise” he said, “hyung.. just trust me okay? I’ll be perfectly fine” he whined eventually. “okay, but with one condition” Jinki started, “let me sleep here next to you only for tonight” Taemin rolled his eyes, chuckling and whispered ‘am i your baby daughter?’ as he made a room on his bed for Jinki but Jinki pretended not to hear it. And when they both laid together, Jinki kissed top of taemin’s head and pulled him tighter on his embrace. Jinki thought of guiding Taemin to airport next morning, he would make sure Taemin wouldn’t forget a thing in his luggage and he would see Taemin’s back dissapeared  as the younger boy entered into the airplane. And he made a promise he would be the first member Taemin would see once he got back to Korea.

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Chapter 4: i love all!!!! esp onho hahahahaha and onkey ofcourse becauseeeee cute key wanna get morning kiss lmao cutestttt <3 and nagging minho is the best! ahahaha
stillfly #2
this is what i need right now ..sob3333 i love u author nim
Monkeypower #3
Chapter 4: I read the four stories in once and it was soooo cute >< I really love it
Chapter 4: aww this was too cuute!