burden [jongyu]

onew birthday project ; onew/all member drabble

The moment when Jinki fell on the ground after did the last move of the Everybody dance practice in that hot afternoon, Jinki felt incredible ache around his neck and shoulder. He groaned in pain loudly and pressed his hand on his shoulder, rolling his body and curled up hoping to get some comfortable position. It was Taemin who noticed him and immediatelly crawled up to check Jinki. then he heard Minho ‘hyung are you okay?’ also he felt Kibum’s next to him, shoving out his fringe and searching for his eyes with concern. But Jinki couldn’t even open his eyes as he couln’t bare the pain, so he only did what he thought he could do to endure it, crying. Next thing he knew, he was carried by his manager and when he opened his eyes he was already in hospital. Jinki, never had intention to make s, managers and his fans worried but it had happened. And Jonghyun thought he probably the most sensitive person in the band as he saw Jinki was crying alone that night in the van. He didn’t say anything though. When the doctor said Jinki got neck injury, he didn’t miss the sad expression on his hyung face. Knowing  Jinki for about 8 years, he could read Jinki’s mind so well when things like this happened. First, he would blame himself, next he would be upset and in the end he would let himself drowning in stressful and depression for thinking he had ruined everything with his condition and be a burden. That old guy wouldn’t stop blaming himself. And somehow he hates seeing Jinki like this, but most of all he hates seeing Jinki crying. And when he saw Jinki was crying again in the bathroom on the next day, he couldn’t just sit and quiet about it. He waited outside the bathroom and when Jinki come out, wiping up his tears he stood and blocked Jinki’s way. “don’t be too hard to yourself, hyung. I told you right?” Jinki was shocked when he saw Jonghyun.  He just stared at the shorter one for seconds before he smiled, trying his best to show that he’s okay. But Jonghyun knew Jinki wasn’t. “we should go back, manager is looking for us”- Jinki said, making his way to pass jonghyun. “If only i could take all your part in that dancing move, if only he let me take a turn in that lifting part” – Jinki stopped his step, not looking back at Jonghyun, “If only i never had that leg injury before, you don’t have to do the work alone” – “it has nothing to do with you, jong. You don’t have to blame yourself. Not you” Jinki turned his head to his side, “really... it’s just me being forceful at myself” – “can you please stop?” Jonghyun cut, “I just... it hurts seeing you cry and keep blaming yourself, you know that? We may not be able to perform as five for awhile but we’re okay with that. Just... “ he paused, he was afraid he would cry anytime soon, “Taemin, Kibum, Minho.. they all are worried. You know we would rather not perform without you. So stop being like this. We really love you” Jinki still wouldn’t look back and in that moment Jonghyun came closer, putting his hand on Jinki’s left shoulder gently. Jonghyun might be shorter but when Jinki turned around and hugged him, Jonghyun thought he could lean his shoulder for the older... to cry. It was silent cry, but Jonghyun knew Jinki needed this. It was indeed frustrating seeing Jinki cried, but when Jinki shared his tears on his arm, he felt little bit lighter on himself too. Jinki was usually the one who calm him down when he’s crying, but today, only for today. It felt like reserved.  “I’m sorry” the older whispered, “i’m sorry” – “stop apologize, hyung” Jonghyun hugged Jinki back, “all we want is for you to stop crying and start smiling again”. Jinki didn’t reply, but when Jonghyun felt a small nod against his shoulder, he knew Jinki had just promised him that. And Jonghyun only pulled Jinki tighter as he cursed himself for not being able to stop his own tears from also falling.

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Chapter 4: i love all!!!! esp onho hahahahaha and onkey ofcourse becauseeeee cute key wanna get morning kiss lmao cutestttt <3 and nagging minho is the best! ahahaha
stillfly #2
this is what i need right now ..sob3333 i love u author nim
Monkeypower #3
Chapter 4: I read the four stories in once and it was soooo cute >< I really love it
Chapter 4: aww this was too cuute!