Are you afraid of the dark?

The rain was ticking against your window. Still unconsious about what happend yesterday you stand in front of it. You try to think about what happend and where you are...

You killed the lions, a man came in. The man smirked all the time, he had two bodycards with him. They told you you had made it, you passed 'the test'. They asked you to come but you refused,again the same question, again a refusion. The two guards came to the front and one hitted you. You tried to fight back but one of them grabbed your arm and pulled you out of the room, the smirk was still on the man his face. Was it out of happiness? Or was he just happy to see someone in pain? When you were out you ended in an enormous hallway, the colours where perfect, the marble floor was in a light shade of yellow, with in the middle a darker sun. Mumbles... One hit more on your head and the rest was all blurry
It was strange...

Then you woke up lying in a bed you had never seen before. Still it feld comfortable, it was much better than being alone in an cold basement. The fireplace send out a warm and cozy glow into the nicely decorated room. You let your hands follow the coating of the bank and look around in your room. There is a mirror above a little table. In a few steps you reach it. Your fingers slide over the glass and you look at your arm, there isn't much left of the wound, only a little scar that looks like a star. It would be there, forever, remembering you about that day, if it wasn't all a dream ofcourse!

Hello you,

Maybe you already noticed but you aren't in your basement anymore.
You passed the test, and now it's time to study


A questioning look enters your face, study?

You are one of the few people who made it to here,
You have to know I don't want to scare you, but
You are going to be a dragon guardian.
You can open the door for the person who is going to knock,
But remember.

Today was easy, you could get used to your room,
Tomorrow is your real training going to start.

"What did I just read?" you eyes are wide open and you read it again and again. YOU! were going to study something with dragons? What kind of nonsens was it? Dragons didn't exist so why would they need gardians!? "I guess I'm in somekind of mental hospital and this is a joke."The sound of someone that knocks your door wakes you up out of your thoughts. "Err.. Who is it?" "Open the door please, I will explain." a male voice is comming from the other side of the door, it wasn't a threatening voice, it was just calm and nice. Slowly you walk towards the door, your hand is on the handle and without thinking you push it down. Emmidiatly a handsome boy falls into your room. "Well hi!" he says while standing up. "Err.. Hi, come in." "Sorry for falling in, I.. Most of the time they don't open the door so easily." you smile and nod. "So.. What are you, me, doing here?" the boy looks confused at you, "Didn't you read my note?" he points at the opened paper on the table. "Yes I did, but I don't get it, there are no dragons in this world so, why do they need guardians?" the boy smirks. "Ahh, so naive, I will explain." he sits down on a wooden chair that's standing besides the wooden table. "Please sit down." he mumbles. "I'm Lay, I'm one of your classmates and I couldn't believe it at all, untill I saw a dragon."  he sigh and stares out the window, if you wasn't really there you would have thought of a bad movie scene. "You aren't in your world anymore you." his eyes are now turning to you. "Do you want me to tell you how I got here, or do you want to know about the school?" you turn your head a bit while thinking. "What about, your story first and after it you tell me about the 'school'." his head is moving up and down. "Okay, I will start." he takes a deep breath, you liked his way of talking, it was like you weren't in your room anymore, but with him, in the story he told you. "While walking all alone in my little village, an unkown man punched me, he said sorry and bowed, so I smiled and said it didn't matter. When I wanted to walk furthur I felt a stabbing pain in one of my legs, I turned around and saw the man with a knife, the knife was full of blood, my blood, he put something into my mouth and it became black, on the half of my journey to this world I woke up, to early. Everyone in the boat, yes I was on a boat, was in total panic, a dark shadow fell over us. An enourmous creature was above, first I was afraid it was going to destroy us, but the feeling faded away and I started to see the beauty of the innocent creature boven us. His gold skin was softly glowing when the sun touched it. When I looked around me I saw someone pointing an harpoon on him, I blocked him, I didn't want him to shoot the gorgeous creature. It looked really happy with what I did and I loved his soft gaze. Then I heard a metallic voice saying 'Succeed' and I came in the basement, the blood was still dripping out of my leg, and I sat down on the table were I made a bandage out of my shirt." he smirked again. "So, questions?" he smiles. "Can you die from your training?" It reamaind quiet. "Yes." his voice chuckled. "My brother." his voice broke, but he smiled after a while. "So any furthur questions?" you shook your head. "I will give you your schedule." he grabbed in his inner pocket, and handed you the paper, "Thank you for listening, I will leave now." He bowed and walked to the door.




I'm So sorry, I know I fail diehard in this OTL

But, I will try to make the other chapters more fun and stuff.

Again I'm so sorry.

And I don't know who I will use from EXO, so I would love to hear some suggestions :3

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Chapter 2: Wow~! I loved how you built the story and all the mystery! Can you go on writing, please? xD I would be really happy if so :)
Chapter 2: boy, this fic holds lots of suspense!
cant wait for more~ :D
hwaiting, author-nim.
exoticsbabyz #3
Chapter 2: oh my gosh!!!!
thanks and update soon!!!
anyway my name is suki