Are you afraid of the dark?

It was already past midnight when you and Lay had stopped talking. To be quiet honest you were so suprised, if there was something that you didn't expect to happen than it would be this. Lay had convinced you that dragons were real, and althought you weren't that sure about it, you still believed him. It was because of those eyes, you knew it for sure. 

"It was late in the evening, and I was here for about three days I guess. I sat outside, because I needed some time alone. All the things that they told me about how we should protect dragons, how we should find them and how we would help them sounded like nonsens to me. But when It was cold, and a soft breeze made my hair wave a bit. Too much details." Lay laughed "I heard something and the wind became stronger so I looked to my left and a giant black thing stood there. I wanted to run but couldn't feel my feet anymore and the thing came closer and closer. And out of nowhere it all clicked together, this was a dragon, the thing that was on the frontpage of my textbook, the thing we had to protect or fight against. Ohh boy if anyone had seen me sitting there they would've their pants laughing, I probably looked like a total ." you smirked. "And that's how I started believing, From that moment on I knew I wasn't in my own world anymore, this world is bigger, more powerful and rougher. To say it at least, I hate to say it but. Escaping is no option." at that moment Lay walked out your room and closed the door gently behind him, leaving you alone with your thoughts.

And it worked! You started to believe it, it sounded so weird that you couldn't just come up with it. You heard some kind of clock making noise. "One, two, three." you counted the times that you heard it Oh my it's three A.M. and I'm here being lazy, I should get some sleep. You dived on your bed and as soon as your head landed on the soft pillow your thoughts wondered away, on your way to dreamland.

"WAKE UP SUNSHINE! IT'S TIME TO RISE I'M YOUR GUIDE TODAY! WE ARE GOING TO HAVE SO MUCH FUN! you RIGHT?" An absured long male person thing was standing beside your bed as you jumped out of it in total surprise. "What the... Mffph" you felt and hand over your mouth. "No scolding!" "Who said I would." You murmered under your breath watching at the smirking giant infront of you. "Yes that's me by the way, but who are you?" You didn't think it could, as you had guessed this world is strange, the smile on the giants face grew bigger. "I'm Park Chanyeol, your personal guide today. Please dress up, we are having breakfast. in 10 minutes. Clothes are in that closet bathroom that door!" He pointed at the places still a big grin plastured on his face. "Thanks bro." you walked towards the closet to see a uniform as soon as you opened it. "No, ain't gonna wear that." "Awhh, why not." Chanyeols grin was a bit smaller, but he still had sparkles in his eyes. "It has a skirt." Chanyeol raised a brow at you. "You don't want to wear a skirt?" "Nahh, I will go with this!" You showed him your ripped skinny jeans and your (also ripped thanks to the lions) shirt. "Na-ah-ah, look at the bottom drawer." With a soft sulking sound you opened it. "Ohh yeaah!" You pulled out a pair of jeans that would match with your blouse and blazer whom were also part of your uniform. "Thanks Chanyeol." you walked past him towards the bathroom door and swung it open, to come out five minutes later with your uniform on and your hair in a braid. "Let's go to get some food." suprisingly enough you weren't afraid of anyone in the school.     



Sorry for the really late update  (Oh my god I'm so sloww..) but I will try to update more often :D
This chapter is suprisingly boring -.- But yeahh you will have to deal with it for now xD
Sorry for the Engrish...
See u next time :D

Ohh P.S I haven't rereaded it so there will be even more mistakes xD

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Chapter 2: Wow~! I loved how you built the story and all the mystery! Can you go on writing, please? xD I would be really happy if so :)
Chapter 2: boy, this fic holds lots of suspense!
cant wait for more~ :D
hwaiting, author-nim.
exoticsbabyz #3
Chapter 2: oh my gosh!!!!
thanks and update soon!!!
anyway my name is suki