#2. How We Happened

Sorry That I Love You

/ring ring/


“Hi, Lulu jjang! It’s me!”

“Jane? How…how did you know my phone number? And… Lulu Jjang? /laughs/ why are you calling me this? It’s weird. It sounds like a puppy’s name.

“/laughs/ I’m good at giving people cute names ^^ Anyway, I’m calling to ask you where we should meet to discuss about our assignment.”

“Oh about that…well let’s go to the coffee shop next to our school campus, what do you think?”

“Anywhere is fine.”

“You don’t look like a girl who is fine with any place people suggest. You look more like a picky high class girl…”

“That’s true. I’m picky when it comes to places and everything else. BUT…I just don’t care anymore because you’re with me, aren’t you? ^.^”

“Yah~ yeah yeah whatever, you queen of poem.”

“Seriously though…I’m not saying this because you’re handsome and rich; I’m saying this because…”


“Oh hey my favorite show on TV is on now! See you tomorrow at 2PM, k?”

“See you!”

“Good night! You’d better dream of me or don’t dream at all, Mister! ^o^”

“Stop it !!! >o<”


At The Coffee Shop:


Jane dresses up so nice and pretty today. She gets everybody to look at her without blinking. Even girls look at her and can’t stop admiring. Luhan comes afterward. He’s not bad himself; he looks like an anime character. Flawless.

They’re working so hard on their assignment. Jane likes to have fun everywhere she goes. She makes Luhan laugh all the time, which is rare of him. He looks like he has so much fun with her. It’s almost 7PM now and they still haven’t finished the project yet.

Jane: “I don’t think we can finish it today. T_T”

Luhan: “Yeah, you’re right. We’ve only got 1/3 done =o=”

Jane: “Chill out! It dues next week; we still have 3 days left! Why don’t we meet again tomorrow? ^^”

Luhan: “Well okay. I don’t have plans for tomorrow anyway.”

Jane: “Great! ^o^”



Second day at the coffee shop, working on the assignment:


Today’s not different from yesterday. The two of them are having so much fun while doing the school project. Luhan starts to feel comfortable around her now; he’s never been like this before.

Jane: “Hey lulu jjang, I’m hungry ToT”

Luhan: “Me too. Shall we go out and eat then?”

Jane: “YES! ^^”

Luhan cannot resist her pure smile. It’s safe to say he’s in love with her smile. It melts him every time she smiles at him.


3 months later:

Luhan and Jane have become so close as they always hang out after class. Luhan seems to like Jane so much. Many memorable things have happened in 3 months. Jane has given Luhan so much to remember. He’s never been feeling so much love like this. He’s planning on confessing to Jane in the upcoming prom night. He might want to ask her to be his prom date soon. 

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