part 7

Angel in my heart.
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You ask me, why did I write such a sad and desperated story like this ? I really don't know ^^ When I wrote this, I only wanted to write about, true love, a really true love. And when I had this idea, I wanted to believe, even Death, can't make people loose trust in love. Really dramatic idea, I know ^^ But I want to write it so much. Maybe my writing isn't good enough for you to feel that emotion, but I hope, somehow, this story, makes your heart feel thrill. Thank you so much for your reading ^^

When Ji Yong is fourty two years old, Seungri is fourty years old, how can love have limit ?

The last stage of the untreatable disease, the patient lost the ability of speaking, the ability of reacting to anything, the ability of doing anything…Remaining, only a exhausted and dulled body…

Ji Yong sits beside Seungri and let him rely on him. Ji Yong carefully is fedding Seungri one by one spoon of porridge. Ji Yong only hopes, Seungri can eat, half of this bow is enough. Seungri eats more and more difficult, less and less amount of food, so Seungri’s body now is like a skeleton. However, look at Ji Yong now, he’s not much different from Seungri. Ji Yong always tells himself, he must eat, he must live, so he can take care Seungri well. Every meal has to be eaten silently and lonely, so bitter at his throat, Ji Yong can only swallow food without chewing it. Now, this’s only an action to survive, nothing less, nothing more…

Ji Yong particularly bathes for Seungri, so Seungri’s skin can’t be damaged. Seungri looks at Ji Yong, in his innocent eyes, only the empty till it’s hurt…Ji Yong smiles. Finish Seungri’s bath, Ji Yong carefully wears clothes for him, so Seungri won’t take a cold. Seungri’s hands doesn’t move at all, and it’s so skinny…Ji Yong smiles. Ji Yong puts Seungri into a chair, and massages for Seungri’s legs, so it won’t be changed shapes. Seungri’s legs don’t have any reaction to Ji Yong’s action. Ji Yong smiles. Ji Yong can only smile, till the dark night covers all the things, hides everything, tears….beg to be droped down…

Ji Yong’s family and Seungri’s family come, and find anyway to part Seungri and Ji Yong away. They all think for their sons and hope for the live one, should have a better future. Ji Yong quitely kneels down in front of them, and hugs Seungri tightly in his arms. The souless Seungri in his arm, is his only treasure in this life, forever and one…Who can tell more in this sittuation ?? Their families turn away and cry in silently. Behind them, a lullaby is singed gently, a hand lightly pats his love, brings him to peaceful sleep…brings him to beautiful dream….

Till one day, Ji Yong wakes up and sees beside him, a familiar eyes are looking at him . The look is so warm, is so gentle, is full of love, the look is only for him….Ji Yong dumbfoundedly watches and doesn’t believe in his eyes. But…Ji Yong has no time to be happy, before he realizes something. Ji Yong’s heart almost stops right now, he knows what it means…Today is the day…Ji Yong closes his eyes, hopes that this is only his dream, only his nightmare…A skinny hand touches his face and gently it. Ji Yong opens his eyes. Again, his pray to the sky, can’t be heard. Ji Yong’s heart is broken away, in thousand pieces. Seungri weakly smiles to Ji Yong, he quitely wipes out Ji Yong’s painful tears.  Seungri looks out the window, where the balcony is, where they can see the sun’s slowly rising, his eyes tell Ji Yong, he wants to go there. Ji Yong carries Seungri up in his arms, and little by little, walking to there. Step by step, Ji Yong f

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Chapter 8: I'm bawling... this is beautiful ಥ‿ಥ
Chapter 8: Ima crying mess 😭😭
My heart hurt
My throat hurt
My eyes hurt
Waeeee 😭😭😭😭
Chapter 8: I can't stop crying... My heart hurts T_T
I will never stop to read it.
Can I trans your fanfic and post on Wattpad? I need you agree, reply me, ok?
Chapter 8: This story will be always the MASTERPIECE of all angost stories ever.
Chapter 7: OH GOD! Im crying really hard right now. This is so sad. Oh my god :'(
Chapter 7: Oh god, this is so sad. I have never cried so much reading a story. I cried throughout the whole story. But this story is just too beautiful. You're a very talented and amazing writer. I'm so grateful at you for showing me such a beautiful story and such pure love.
Please continue writing more story and don't ever stop!!